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Tatiana Tordecilla Villalba

Mario andres soto ortiz

Who are the people in the listening?
The people who participate in the conversation are Paula and Megan - Deniz and
What method of communication is each about?
They talk about social networks like Facebook
What do people think about it?
They consider that Facebook is a waste of time

Discuss the following questions and write your responses

1-Do you agree with Paula and Megan about social networking? Why?
I do not agree with Paula and Megan, I think that social networks depend on the use
that each person gives. Some use it for entertainment and others for work. Own
2- Do you think Graham have similar lifestyles? Give reasons.
I think they are different, since Graham has different thoughts about the use of the
telephone, such as not being constantly using it.
3- Do you know anyone like Deniz?
Yes, I have colleagues who like to spend all the time consuming insubstantial
information through social networks

Write 2 o 3 sentences giving your opinion about these statements

-using mobile phones on public transport is impolite.
* More than discourteous, when you use the cell phone in public transport you lose
the human around you, sometimes.
* There are many good things that happen around us and we do not notice it because
they are always connected
* Using the phone helps you isolate yourself, sometimes it's good.

- Texting is making our spelling worse.

* When you let a phone finish words for you, you lose the need to write well.
* Sometimes we change the language for "fashion" the era of innovation is present,
but not for the language.
-Women make better bosses than men.
* Women are not better, they only have a greater capacity for analysis and
understanding of the environment for decision making
* Women may handle more calm in the different scenarios that arise.
-You should only have children if you are married.
* Having children is a decision of their own, a marriage should not limit, it is not an
* To enjoy a full life, according to your thoughts, you should not create limitations
based on stereotypes or social structures.

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