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A TREATISE ON TRE ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY or THE POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, AND CONIC SECTIONS. WORKS BY JOHN CASEY, ESQ., LL.D., F.R.S., {FELLOW OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRTLAND. Third Raition, Revised and Enlarged, Price 3s, A TREATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, With numerous Exercises D ANI Questions for Examination. Second Edition, Price 3s. KEY T0 THE EXERCISES IN THE TREATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY. Sixth Edition, Revised and Enlarged, Price 3s. 64., Cloth, A SEQUEL 10 THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLID, Containing an Easy Introduction to Modern Geometry, MWith numerous Lxercises, ‘Twelfth Edition, Price 4s. 6a. THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLID, BOOKS I-VI, AND PROPOSITIONS I,-XXI. OF BOOK XI; Together with an Appendix on the Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, &c., Gopious Srotations & numerous Exercises. ‘Third Edition, Price 6s. A KEY T0 THE EXERCISES IN THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF CASEY'S “ ELEMENTS OF EUCLID.” Second Edition in the Presa (just ready). A TREATISE ON THE ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THE POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, & CONIC SECTIONS, Containing an Account of tts most recent Extensions, With numerous Uxercises, Second Edition in the Press, Price 7s, 6a, A TREATISE ON PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, including THE THEORY OF HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS, With numerous Lxervises, Second Edition in the Press, Price 5s. A TREATISE ON SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, and its APPLICATIONS to GEODESY and ASTRON omy, With numerous Exercises. LONDON: LONGMANS & Co. DUBLIN : HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co. (LTD.) vpepnry “ny DUBLIN UNIVERSITY Pressysenies. A TREATISE ON THE \NALYTICAL GEOMETRY) op THE POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, AND CONIC SECTIONS, cowrarntnc Aw Account of its most recent Cxtensions, WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES. BY JOHN CASEY, LL.D. F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland; Member of the Council of the Roya Irish Academy ; Member of the Mathematical Societies of London and France + Corresponding Member of the Royal Society of Scionces of Lidge; and Professor of the Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics tn the Catholic University of Ireland. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. DUBLIN: HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO. (Lrp.), GRAFTON-STREET. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO., PATERNOSTER-ROW 1893. busin PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY PONSONBY AND WELDRICKs PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. In the present Work I have endeavoured, without exceed- ing the usual size of an Elementary Treatise, to give a comprehensive account of the Analytical Geometry of the Conic Sections, including the most recent additions to the Science. For several years Analytical Geometry has been my special study, and some of the investigations in the more advanced portions of this Treatise were first published in Papers written by myself. These include: finding the Equation of a Circle touching Three Circles ; of a Conic touching Three Conics ; extending the equations of Circles inscribed and circumscribed to Triangles to Circles in- scribed and circumscribed to Polygons of any number of sides; the extension to Conics of the properties of Circles cutting orthogonally ; proving that the Tact-invariant of two conics is the product of Six Anharmonic Ratios; and some others. Of the Propositions in the other parts of the Treatise, the proofs given will be found to be not only simple and elementary, but in some instances original. In compiling my Work I have consulted the writings of various authors. Those to whom I am most indebted are: Satmon, Cuastzs, and Cienscn, from the last of whom I have taken the comparison of Point and Line and Line Co-ordinates (Chapter IT., Section ITI.) ; and Aronhold’s vi Preface. notation (Chapter VITI., Section ITI.). now published for the first time in an English Treatise on Conic Sections. For recent Geometry, the writings of Brocarp, Neusere, Lemowe, M‘Cay, and Tucker. The exercises are very numerous. Those placed after the Propositions are for the most part of an clementary character, and are intended as applications of the proposi- tions to which they are appended. The exercises at the ends of the chapters are more difficult. Some have been selected from the Examination Papers set at the Uni- versities, from Roberts’ examples on Analytic Geometry, and Wolstenholme’s Mathematical Problems. Some are original; and for a very large number I am indebted to my Mathematical friends Professors Neusere, R. Curtis, s.J., Crorton, and the Messrs. J. and F. Purser. The work was read in manuscript by my lamented and esteemed friend, the late Rev. Professor TowNsEND, F.R.S.5 by Dr. Harr, Vico-Provost of Trinity College, Dublin; and Professor B. Wiiu1amson, F.r.s. Their valuable suggestions have been incorporated. In conclusion, I have to return my best thanks to the last-named gentleman for his kindness in reading the proof sheets, and to the Committee of the “Dusiin University Press Surrs” for defraying the expense of publication. JOHN CASEY. 86, Sourn Ormcursr Roap, Dunum, October 5, 1885. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. Tux present edition isentirely the work of my father-in-law, the late Dr. Caszy, r.r.s. At the time of his death, in 1891, he had seen nearly 400 pages of it through the press, and left me the responsibility of bringing out the remainder. In the preparation of this edition Dr. Caszy had the valuable assistance of Professor Nevsxre of the Univer- sity of Lidge, who sent him numorous important theorems, notes, and suggestions, almost all of which he adopted. Knowing that Professor Nrusrrc was Dr. Casny’s inti- mate friend and constant correspondent, and that he had assisted him in correcting all the proof-shoots of what had been printed prior to his death, I naturally turned to him for advice and aid before proceeding with the printing of the remaining portion. He most willingly promised me his valuable assistance. Having revised the proofs, I submitted them to him, and he had the kindness to correct, them and approve of them, before they were printed off. For all his generous help and advice I beg to re- turn Professor Nzusrre my grateful acknowledgments and very sincere thanks. I have also to thank the Roy. Roserr Curris, s.., ¥.n.v.1, for many useful sug- gestions, and for the trouble he took in revising the proofs. viii Preface. My best thanks are also due to the Board of Trinity College, Dublin, for the generous manner in which, on the death of Dr. Casry, they undertook to defray all the expense of publication. The first edition contained 380 pages, the present ex- tends to 564 pages. All parts have been very carefully revised; the proofs are very rigid, though simple and concise. The principal additions will be found in the theory of “Mean Centre,” of “ Anharmonic Ratios,” of “Homographic Division and Involution,” of ‘“ Recent Geometry,” and in the Chapter on “The Invariant Theory of Conics.” This last theory is expounded with more developments than in perhaps any other Olassic work on the subject. The Exercises have also been considerably increased, many of those added being original. In conclusion I trust that this new edition, enriched by the results of the latest progress of Analytical Geometry, will receive from the public the same favourable reception accorded to the first. P. A. E. DOWLING, B.A., R.ULL, Professor of Mathematics, University College, Dublin. 4, Uxorran-rerrace, Lezson Panx, Duniy, January 1st, 1893. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Szcrroy I.—Tue Pore. Rusn oF St6ns, os Geometric sum or resultant, . Projections, Szorion [1.—Carrestan Co-orprnates. Definitions, =. 6 6 ee Distance between two points, . Condition that three points should be collinear, roa of triangle or polygon in torms of tho co-ordinates of vertices, PAGE 2 10 Co-ordinates of a point dividing in a given ratio the join of two given points, . : : Co-ordinates of harmonio and isotomie conjugates, Theory of the mean centre, Szorron IIT. Polar co-ordinates, . : Biradial and biangular co-ordinates, ‘Transformation of co-ordinates, Sucrron TV.—Comprex Varranyes. Dofinition of, and mode of representation, Sum or difference of two complex variables, Product and quotient of ditto, Examples on complex variables, Miscellaneous Exercises, . 12 13 14, 15 17 18 19-22 24 25 25 26 27 x Contents. CHAPTER II. THE RIGHT LINE. Szorron I.—Canrestan Co-onprnares. PAGE ‘To represent a right line by an equation, ee BO, BT Standard form of equation, 32 Lino parallel to one of the axes, 38 Equation of line defined, « 33 Comparison of different forms of equation, to. ss 86 To find the angle between two line, 9. 9... 86, 87 Power of point with respect to line or curve, 37 Length of perpendicular from a given point on a given lino, 37 Equation of line through the intersection of two given lines, 39 Equation of line passing through two given points, 40 Co-ordinates of point of intersection of two given lines, 42 Equation of line through a given point and making a given angle with a given line, ee 44 Equation of line dividing the angle between two given lines into parts whose sines have a given ratio, 46 Condition that three lines should be concurrent, : 48 y1 that general equation of the second degree should be the product of the equations of two lines, 61 If the general equation of the second degree represents two lines, to find the co-ordinates of their point of intersection, 82 ‘Equation of bisectors of angles made by a given line-pair, . «68, 54 Theory of anharmonic ratio, © 0. 0. kee 85, 5B Harmonie system of points, harmonic conjugates, 56 Anharmonie ratio of four rays of a pencil, 87 » 3s 9 lines whose equations are given, 59 ‘Harmonie pencil, 59 Contents. Sxortoy I1.—Sysrems or Taree Co-orpinaTes. Trilinoar or Normal co-ordinates defined, Isogonal conjugates ; symmedian point and lines, Brocard angle and Brocard points, . . Baryeentric or areal co-ordinates defined, xi PAGE Relation between the normal and barycentric co-ordinates at a point, . Isotomic conjugates, ‘Trilinear equation of the join of two given points, 4» poles and polars: Cotes’ Theorem, Complete quadrilateral or quadrangle, Standard, » i” Relation (identical) between the equation of four lines, no three of which are concurrent, Harmonie properties of complete quadrilateral, Perspective; triangles in, axis and centye of, Length of perpendicular from a given point on a given line, Angle between two given lines, Limeatinfnity, =... , ee Cyclic points— Isotropic lines, 73, Conditions for parallelism and perpendicularity when general equa- tion in trilinear co-ordinates represents two lines, Condition that Za + mB + ny =0 may be antiparallel toy = 0, Distance between two points, . oe : Area of triangle the co-ordinates of whose vertices are given, +» x formed by three given lines, Complementary and anti-complementary points and figures, Supplementary points, . . Triangles in multiple perspective, Isobarye group of points, . Comparison of point and line co-ordinates, equation of a point, . ‘The absolute co-ordinates of a line, . Equation of the cyclic points, . Miscellaneous Exercises, 80, 61 63 64 64 65 66 68 69 70 86 88 90 xii Contents. CHAPTER II. THE CIRCLE. Szcrron I.—Carresran Co-onpivares. PAGE To find the equation of a circle, : 96 Geometrical representation of power of point with respoet to circle, . 98 Equation of circle whose diameter is the intercept which a given circle makes on a given line, 100 Equation of tangent to a circle, : 101 hq pair‘of tangents from given point to circle, 103 Equations of chords of contact of common tangents to two circles, . 108 Pole and polar with respect to a circle, 105 Inverse points with respect to a circle, 105 Angle of intersection of two circles or curves, 107 Mutual power of two circles, 107 Circle cutting threo given oircles at given angles, 108 ” ” ” orthogonally, 109 y» touching three given circles, wo. woe 109 » through three given points, 2. 0. 0. ee 110, iL Frobenius’s Theorem, M1 Condition that four eizcles should cut a fifth orthogonally or be tan- gentialtoit, . . . . 112 Coaxal system circles, . ud Radical axis and limiting points of eoaxal systom, U5 Radical centre, uy Centre of similitude, 18 Circle of similitude, 9 Secrron II.—A Sysrem or Tanoenrran Crrozes. Equations of circles in pairs touching three circles, . 120 TTo investigate the condition that any number of circles should have one common tangential circle, . 122 ‘Tangent to nine-points circle at point of contact, with incivele, . 126 Contents. Sxorron I[I.—Tritinzar Co-orprnates. Cireumconic of triangle of reference, Coates’ Theorem, : Circumeircle of triangle of reference, of polygon of any number of aides, Tangents to circumconic at angular points, Chord of, and tangent to, circumeircle, Incircle of triangle of reference, : Sir Andrew Hart's method of finding equation of ineiele, Join of two points on incircle, Tangent at any point on incircle, : Conditions that gonoral equation should represent a circle, Equation of circle through three given points, »» of pedal cirele of a given point, Simson’s line, . Sserron IV.—Taneenriat Eavatrons. ‘Tangential equation of circumeircle of triangle, » ” ” polygon, » y» __ incirele of triangle, ” » y» _-nesided polygon, . » ” circle whose contre and radius are given, Nine-points cirole, equation of, Paseal’s Theorem, foe Miscellaneous Exercises on the circle, CHAPTER IV. xiii PAGE 126 127 127, 128 129 129 130 181, 132 132 133 . 134 136-187 136 136 136 138 139 140 141 41 143 144 145 141 THE GENERAL EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. Canrestan Co-orpinares. Contracted form of the equation, Change of origin, : Intersection of line and conic, discussion of equation, Co-ordinates of contre of conic, : Distinction betweon hyperbola, parabola, and ellipse, Reduction of equation to centre as origin, 161 162 158 . 164 154, 165 165 xiv Contents. Line of centres, . Locus of middle points of system of parallel chords, diameters, . Conjugate diameters of central conies, . Axes; reduction of general equation to normal form, so: Invariants of, and equation giving squares of semiaxes of conic repre- sented by, the general equation, Equation of new axes when referred to old, Reduction of general equation to parabola, ‘Tangent to, and tangential equation of, general conic, Ratio in which join of two given points is cut by conic, Harmonic properties of polars, PAGE 155 155 157 158 159 159 160 161 162 162 Polar of a given point; tangent, : 1. 168 Condition that join of two points may be cut ina given anharmonic ratio by the conic, on : 168 Equation of pair of tangents from an extomal point, 168 Orthoptic cirele of conic, . 164 Classification of conics, : 165 Asymptotes defined and their eatin found, 16 » angle between, : 166 y» hyperbola referred to as axes, : : 167 Newton’sTheorem, . . 167-160 Locus of contre of conic through four points, 71 Exercises on general equation, 170 CHAPTER V. THE PARABOLA. ‘The parabola ; its axis, directrix, focus, vertex, an 173 Latus Rectum, toe - 160, 174 Intrinsic angle of point on curve, . . . 16, 177 Equation of tangent to parabola, =... . 176, 189 Subtangent bisected at vertex, 177 Pedal of, with respect to focus, . 177 Locus of middle points of systom of parallel chords, . 179 Diameter through intersection of two tangents bisects chord of contact, 180 Equation of, referred to any diameter and tangent at its extremity, Isoptic curve of parabola, Normal defined and equation found, == 5 Ss. A8, 190 182 184 Contents. xv PAGE Subnormal constant in parabolag =. ee ee. 8 Toachimsthal’s circle for, Be 185 Circle of curvature, radius and eontze of, s+ +. 185, 186 » equation of, =. ee. 8 Locus of contre of curvature, evolute, =...) 1ST Polar equation of, the focus being pole, . + 189 Length of line drawn from a given point in a given dizection to meet the parabola, 2. + 191 Relation between the perpendiculars from the angular points of a circumtriangle on any tangent, nn - «198 Exercises on the parabola, =. ee 198 CHAPTER VIL THE ELLIPSE. Focus; direvtrix; eccentricity, — « fee 201 Standard form of equation ; contro ; Intus-rectum, » =.) 208 Method of generating ellipse. Pohlke, Boscovich, Hamilton, . . 205 Eccentric angle; co-ordinates of a point on curve in terms of, . 206 The auxiliary circle, =. see 208 BBlipse, the orthogonal projection of acirelo, . =. =. |, 206 Locus of middle points of a system of parallel chords, =. =. . 208 Equation of tangent, =. + 208, 237 Conjugato diameters; formule of Chasles; theorem of Apollonius, 209, 210 Given any two coming diameters, to find the axis; construction of Mannheim, Lo. 210 Equation of, referred to a pair of conjugate diameters, |). at Supplemental chords, . . oe . . . . . 218 Schooten’s method of describing ellipse, . . . . . » 213 Equation ofnormal,. =. 0. : 214, 237 Nomals through a given point; Apollonian hyperbola, . 216, 217 Evolute of ellipse, Po ee 216 Radius of curvature at any point of, 216 Equation of the four normals from given point, 9. =. 0... 217 Toachimsthal’s circle for, . 218 Laguerre’s Theorom, 219 220 Purser’s Parabola, - . . . . . .

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