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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let’s pray and thanks to our Almighty God who has been giving us some mercies
and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place with good condition and happy

The honorable judges, Mr. Susanto Halim, O.S., M.S. and Miss Masniati Murni, M.Hum., all
of participants and all of audiences.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I’d like to say welcome to Our Competition (tema kompetisi)

Thanks for giving me chance to stand here as Master of Ceremony

Before we start our competition, I’d like to tell you the rules for this competition

Our Competitions today are Speech and News Casting

Each or participants are given 7 minutes to perform the best

If the time shows 5 minutes, the (alat) will be (diapai alatnya) one time

If the time shows 6 minutes, the (alat) will be (diapai alatnya) twice

If the time shows 7 minutes, the (alat) will be (diapai alatnya) more than twice

So you must use your time well

Now ladies and gentlemen, without wasting our times, let’s start this competition

The first participant for (speech/news casting) is (nama) from (kelas)

For (nama), time and place is yours

The next participants for (speech/news casting) is (nama) from (kelas)

For (nama), time and place is yours

The last participants for (speech/news casting) is (nama) from (kelas)

For (nama), time and place is yours

This is the last performance from our participants, now let’s hear the assesment from our
judges for the participants

Thanks for the judges, now we enter to the last session.

I’d like to announce the winner for Speech and News Casting

This is the last for this competition

I realize that I cannot avoid the mistake, so I do apologize to you all and Idon’t forget to say
thank you for your nice attention

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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