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“Then in 71x came The Escy on Cri by the wrentybreeyearold genius, ‘Alexander Pope: Avoid exe By 1714 St Dau’s was finshed itis a suange iony thatthe building of the cihedetl and City churches coincided with Restoration comedy - Pope was Suentyaie, Hogarth seventeen, Handel venty-ve, and his patron, the Elector of Hanover, was George I of England. Peery as = aN ary may be said to have begun in 1714 with the death of fn Stan, and azcon of the Hanover, Coors 1 ‘of Pope, Swift, Defoe, and Fielding, in painting of Hogarth, in fande, in sculpture of Rysbrack, Scheemakers, and in architeruce of Burlington and the Palladians, in politics of 10 placed and kept the Hanovetians on the throne, ‘nd materialism, when any form of ‘enthusiasay ‘ins suspect, and imagination subordinated to good sense. Pope was the poet Of this cult of reason, ofthe curbing of emotion by the conscious mind - “Tis ‘more to guide than spur d steed” — so that in his work we sh no eagle Highs of imaginat the same thing as greats Lk exquisite a porcelain he mo of his poems. In is ands se ‘developed by Dryden became the sinewy medium of his ee Rlougit bur acer so well expressed and st che fhe spitted his opponents, as in The Dunciad, most anslation of Homer ough far removed by which he meant the laws fof Nacure, which we break at out peri, and, restraining enthusiasm and our own fclings, we ‘admire what we kiow to be correct. Criticism, in short, should b not subjective. Pope has some sour things to say about Vanbrog! im Palace, and in his Morel Essays makes sport of 11 The Eighteenth Century 1714-1789 195 all Brobdingnag before Vlnd ofthe gant Canons, Lord Chandos’s new house, which “ your d Lo, what huge heaps of ‘goany above round 30%, searcely accept cadied in Rome, head dition of the great master . ed both by the City churches of Wren and by those of seven ing above the pediment, a Gothic Wren’ and consinued Scand being teendhveentary Rome, though thes device dwarfing a classical fagade, of the body of jumphandy ‘St Martininsthe, ple and great ed. The Fe iding at King’s College, ‘Cambridge, was in an appropriately restrained academic syle, b stonghold of Oxford he earned to Wren and Roman Baroqic inthe splendid Gylindaeal and domed Radcife Camera Mean 28 he bad pub lished his Book of Architecture, which was to influence building throughout the century, not only in England but also in America. shot ‘Monel Esse, Epil TV, of Burlington, whom Be adj infuene of Ween. Two buildings by James Gibbs: ‘Yoo, oo, proce! make filling a your care, ine Filds, London, 12%-6 (Right) The Radelife Cama, Oxted, 739-4. ret new wonder, andthe ola epi to themilve exo, “Views was before I I ! Catholic Jacobit I I I Like poetry, architecture should follow the ancient rules, as established by the old Roman Vitruvius, codifed by the sixteenth-century Italian Palladio, and brsctied by che English Ingo Jos. Away ten wih Vanbrgh, Hawksmon, and even Wren, and back tothe classical simpliciey of Jones. Coien Campbell, another Scottish architect and Gibbs's rival, had said the same thing in his Vitruvius Britowcas of 1715, and under the bannet of the old tciumvitae che new Palladian triumvirate of Campbell, Burlington, and Kent entered the lists, Campbell was fst, with Wanstead House and its six-columned Pal- ladian portico, and Houghton Hall for Sir Robert Walpole, the stone hall of| which derived ffom Jones's Queen's House and was adorned with classical busts by Rysbrack, Bete known is Mereworth, a square house with hexasyle pPortcocs attached to each side and un uated by a dome: a variation of Palladio’s Villa Rotonda near Vicenza. More successful and origi Butingto’sexsce onthe sme thane at Chiswick Vil, where thee ar ‘two potticoes, the main one approached by elaborate Talian fights of ad the dram ofthe dome ardculaed with che cena hexagonal hal 195 ‘Kes and Lord Baington. Bu ” elped by William Kent, a ‘While bn his Grand Tour at York, a copy ofa Vi to the patronage and two continued for the Whigs liked 10 same time characterstice “Town planning » arden, for which Inigo Jones was designed houses pov towns and was cr ueen Square and, remembering the glories Je died in 1754, shorty after the towns in Europe. Many of these Palladian houses were adomed for the “Academy established under the directorship of Kneller in 17t contained cass

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