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What is Big Data?

is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it
becomes difficult to process using traditional
data processing
applications.---storage , search, analyrics , performance

its allowing correlations to be found to "spot business trends, determine

quality of research, prevent diseases,
link legal citations, combat crime, and determine real-time roadway traffic

Big data is difficult to work with using most relational database management
systems and desktop statistics and visualization
requiring instead "massively parallel software running on tens, hundreds, or
even thousands of servers".

What does Hadoop solve?

Hadoop is the core platform for structuring Big Data, and solves the problem
of making it useful for analytics purposes ,
and formatted (or structured) in a way that makes it suitable for data
mining and subsequent analysi
Hadoop is a free, Java-based programming framework that supports the
processing of large data sets in a distributed computing environment.

hadoop is a tool for quering the structure and unstructure data ,

it store the data in distributed file system , masssive data , HQuery is
haddop query
Examples :

sensor networks, social networks, Internet documents, Internet search

indexing, call detail records ,research,medical records,
pictures, video

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