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Step 1 – Post Boost – Campaign 1 - Video views

Add 3 posts to the fan page, 2 will include our links (EN Article 1 + Image) and 1 will be a video.
Inside the video post, add the Blog Post url and ad copy.

Boost the Video Post. Targeting will be: [Ad Acc Geo], $10 budget - one day duration, objective
will be Video Views, 18-65+, all genders

Step 2 – duplicate adset from step 1 - Video Views

Once the above has spent more than $5, duplicate the adset and change the ad from existing
post to a new ad. Recreate the ad inside ad manager with $10 daily budget and on-going adset.

[Total warmup spend so far: $5]

Step 3 – Duplicate adset from step 2 - Video Views

Once the above has spent more than $1, turn off the adset from step 1.

Duplicate the adset from step 2, and now add in [Campaign GEO]

[Total warmup spend so far: $6]

Campaign 2 & 3 - Account Geo (VV) & (MSG)

Step 4 – Duplicate adset from Step 3 into a new campaign - VV

Duplicate the adset from step 3 into a new campaign. Change objective into video views.
Remove [Ad Acc GEO].

[Total warmup spend so far: $7-8]

Step 5 – Duplicate adset from Step 4 into a new campaign - MSG

Once the above has spent more than $1, turn off the adset from step 2.

Duplicate the adset from step 4 into a new campaign but select messenger ads this time.

Use a safe image and use a Blog related copy (but not BH)

(Add CTA button to ad: Send Message)

[Total warmup spend so far: $15-20]

Campaign 4 - Account Geo - (CONV)

Step 6 – Duplicate adset from Step 5 into a new campaign - CONV

Once the above has spent more than $1, turn off the adset from step 3

Duplicate the adset from step 5, into a new campaign, and make the objective into conversions

Set the conversion event to website Purchase.

[Total warmup spend so far: $30-40]

Step 7 – Duplicate adset from step 6 - CONV

Once the above has spent more than $1, turn off the adset from 4.

Duplicate adset from step 6 and now add in [TARGETING] : Age: 40-65+, Female, Interests: None,
All Devices, Facebook Feeds, WiFi only : on

Increase daily budget from $10/day to $30/day

[Total warmup spend so far: $50-60]

Reference Guide:

Step 1 Ad copy: Don’t get Fitness Tips from these guys. Get Tips from the experts:

Get 2 from articles from

Blog post:

Ad Acc GEO: United States

Campaign GEO: Brazil

Safe image: image from the Blog

Blog related copy: {add a Headline & text that is congruent with the Blog)

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