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“Good work, like good talk or any other form of worthwhile human relationship,

depends upon being able to assume an extended shared world.”

Art is one of the vital cogs in our lives. It constitutes one of the oldest form and most
important means of expression developed by man. It is a language, which is charged with
feelings and significance that has sprung up among men living together . For this, I am very
glad to experience the beauty of arts, to meet arts within my body and soul each day that we

The teaching of the humanities is intended to make us students realize the mere
possession of knowledge is useless unless put to useful ends . The humanities are the stories,
the ideas, and the words that help us make sense of our lives and our world . The humanities
introduce us to people we have never met, places we have never visited, and ideas that may
have never crossed our minds.

Being human is so complex that sometimes, someone forgets to be one. Art is a means
to portray one’s emotions and that it helps us understand one another . Indeed, arts is bridging
people to harmony.

By showing how others have lived and thought about life, the humanities help us
decide what is important in our own lives and what we can do to make them better . By
connecting us with other people, they point the way to answers about what is right or wrong,
or what is true to our heritage and our history.
In a state of confusion, the least that we can do is to study humanities or apply this to
our world. The humanities help us address the challenges we face together in our families,
our communities, and as a nation.
Moreover, we would become aware that knowledge alone is meaningless unless it is
accompanied by values, sentiments, priorities, insights, interrelationships and other
transcendent realities not subject to empirical proofs also form part of the person’s education .
In the humanities, we, must be exposed to these, thus, the development of the whole person,
which is the goal of the humanities.

“The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the

I would like to understand humanities as being beyond of what is . The humanities

teach empathy. It helps us understand others through languages, history and culture.

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