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A Different Perspective

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time which is written by Mark Haddon is a book
full of adventure, curiosity, and shows different perspectives to look at many things. This book is
told through the eyes of a 15-year-old boy with Savant syndrome. His name is Christopher
Boone. Although he struggles with behavior disorders, he thinks in an interesting way! This book
tells the journey of this young boy as he faces his fears through a serious, hysterical, and a
gloomy manner. Reading this book is like eating your favorite brand of chips: once you take the
first bite, it is difficult to stop.

The book first opens up with the murder of the neighbor's dog, Wellington. Due to this, he is
determined to figure out the murder while writing a book about it. He does this investigating by
talking to several of the neighbors. However, his father found out and ordered him to stop, but
Christopher finds a way around the promise (so he isn’t actually breaking the promise). Later
on, Christopher finds a stack of letters in his dad’s room that were all addressed to him from his
mother! His father told Christopher that she died of a heart attack roughly two years ago. Once
Christopher reasoned to himself that he couldn’t trust his father, he decided he should move to
London to live with his mother. Although, he has never been anywhere on his own before, so
this was a huge risk he was taking. He originally thought that he wouldn’t be able to arrive there,
but he put his mind to it and defeated the impossible.

Even though there were many other messages throughout the book, the main one was about
struggling in order to become independent. This was a perfect book that related to my topic
about struggle! Some people have to work harder than others to reach their goals. For instance,
with Christopher’s disease, it was a huge obstacle around him from being able to succeed on
getting to the A level maths, going to London on his own, figuring out the murder of Wellington,
and just being independent in general. Fortunately, despite his situation, it is possible to reach
his goals which were shown as proof from the book. I love this book because it gives you hope
for that reason. It is always possible to reach a goal as long as you work towards it. After all, in
life, you have to struggle in order to succeed.

Overall, I thought this book was fascinating. It is definitely worth your time to read it. It has
characters that relate well to the real world. For example, the way the author portrayed
Christopher with Asperger’s syndrome was realistic. I think this book is valuable because it
teaches you to look at different perspectives of people before you judge them. I believe many
people struggle with looking into another person’s shoes which this book would strongly benefit

This novel is typically taught to a high school audience, but anyone older would be able to
enjoy it. I believe that if you enjoy reading books that are unique, you should read this. This
book was written in a unique way compared to other books because of the illustrations along
with the formatting. In my opinion, you can become a better person if you read this book
because it helps you view the world in different ways.

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