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C0. Nye Dog WAG wey) MUC DICH CUA BUG! HQC (Seminar Objectives) 1 Understand the benefits of applying a behavior communication model (Hiéu loi {ch cua viéc dp dung kiéu hanh vi trong giao tiép) Understand your own behavioral design (Hiéu kiéu hanh vi cua ban thén) Recognize, understand and appreciate other's behavioral designs (Whén biét, hiéu va tran trong cae kiéu hah ctia nguoi khéc) ‘Adapt for enhanced communication, understanding and relationships (Biéu chinh dé ciing c6 vie giao tig, hiéu biét nhau va cdc méi quan he) “People read” all four factors: (nh@n biét mét nguoi qua bén yéu t6) Tone of voice (ging ndi) Body language (ci? chi co’ thé) Words (LOi néi) Pace (nhip 46) FOUR DIMENSIONS OF NORMAL BEHAVIOR (B6n chiéu kich cita hanh vi binh thug) Behavioral Profile (DISC) Dominance (“D” Factor) ~ How you handle problems and challenges. (Cach ban xtr ly van d@ va thach thitc) Influence (“I Factor) — how you handle people and influence others. (Cach ban tong tac va anh hudng ngudi khde) Steadiness ("S” Factor) ~ How you handle change and pace yourself. (Cach ban dap ting véi sy thay déi va dinh t6c d6 clia ban than) Compliance (“C” Factor) ~ How you handle rules and procedures set by others. (cdch ban tun theo luat 1@ va tl luc durge nguéi khac thiét 18) DISC measures Observables Behavior & Emotions The “how” of your life: How you walk, talk, shop, drive and play It is the language of people watching CAC DIEM LU'U Y VE HANH VI (KEY BEHAVIORAL POINTS) 1. DISCis the doorway to communication. The uniqueness of each person extends far beyond the DISC model, (DISC 1a cainh ctta més ra cho vige tr ruyén thing. Sy déc nhdt v6 nhj cita méi ngudi khéng chi néim trong khudn kid DISC.) 2. The purpose of a behavioral model is to create win/win relationships and is not intended in any way to manipulate, “pigeonhole” or label a person. (Muc dich ctta mé hinh vé hank vi dé tao nhimg méi quan hé cing chién thing (win-win) va né khong duege dig dé Ién lop, hay dén nhan mot ngredi ndo db.) Every person has the potential to be a winner. We all win in different ways. One behavioral style is NOT a better style than another. Your behavioral style is the combination of the highs and lows of all four factor (DISC) (M6i mét newai eu c6 tiém nang tré thank ngudi chién thang. Ching ta thang theo nhimg cach khée hau. Khéng cé phong ctich hinh vi nito tot hon phong eich hainh vi nao. Kiéu hinh vi ctia ban la phéi hop cha mhitng diém cao va thdp ctta 4 yéu té DISC.) 4, Every person has the ability and can adapt to any style. Adapting does require increased energy. How Jong a person can adapt is unique and different to each person. The DISC model identifies your natural tendencies and gives you the knowledge to CONSCIOUSLY adapt as required by the situation at hand, (M6i nguai déu c6 kha nang va diéu chinh thanh bat cit kidu nao. Sy diéu chinh doi hoi nhiéu nang heong. M6t nguedi od thé diéu chink bao léu cén tigy thudc vao sye déc nhdt va kha bigt ctta mdi ngudi. DISC xde dinh khuynh Inrdng tir nhién ctia ban va dem Iqi cho ban kién thite dé diéu chinh phong cach etia minh mot ctich cé y thite theo tinh huéng yéu cau) D CONDUCTOR Descriptors: mé ta Adventuresome (lié link) Authoritative (cé uy guyén) Competitive (tinh canh tranh) Daring (ido bao) Decisive (até khodt, quyét dodn) Direct (chi dao, hong dan) Innovative (sing i¢o) Pe stent (kién dink) Problem-solver (ngwai gidi quyét van dé) Results — oriented (Iurdng vé két qua cong v Risk-taker (chap nhan mao hiém) Self starter (chti déng béit dau) Emotion (cam xtc): Anger (ein dt) Fear (ndi sg): Being taken advantage of (bi Igi dung) Need (nhu cau): to direct (chi dgo) Looking for (tim kiém): Results (két qua) Their style: (phong cach) Voice (gigng néi): Strong, clear, confident, fast-paced manh, r6 rang, ty tin, nhanh) Volume (am Ing): loudest (lon nhdt) Body Languages: *Use direct eye contact {dung anh mat nhin tryc ign) *Points finger (chi ngén tay) *Leans toward you (ng ngudt vé phia truéc) Value to the team: * Bottom-line organizer (t6 chitc dem lai két qua) * Forward-looking (nhin vé phia truée) * Challenge-oriented (c6 khuynh hung thich thite) * initiates activity (chi dng dura ra cdc hoat dong) , Innovative (sing tao) Adjust your style: (didu chinh phong cach clia ban) Voice: strong, clear, loud, confident, direct | Pace (speech & actio (nhanh, cc ldc, v6i va) Fast, abrupt Body Language: (ng6n ngir co thé ) *Keep your distance (gir khoding cach) * Strong handshake (bat tay manh) * Direct eye contact (nhin thang vao mat) * Big gestures (nhiéu clr chi ln) * Lean forward (nhuén vé truéc} * Walk fast (bud nhanh) Tendency Under Stress: (khuynh hw6ng khi gp cing thang) * Impatient (mat kién nhdn) * Lacking tact, aggressive (thiéu khéo I60) * Argumentative, opinionated (tranh fuan, ngoan cd) | * Demanding (81 héi) Words that work: thich ding tir *Win (thang) *Lead the field (dn d&u) * Results (két qua) * Now (bay gid), New (moi) * Challenge (thach tht?c) Words that DON’T work: tir khng thich *Follow my directions (theo chi dan) *In my opion... (theo y kién clia t6i) * Frequent interruptions (thudng xuyén bl ngat loi) Ide * Environment: (méi trong ly tung) *Freedom from controls, supervision and details (ty’ do khoi sur kidm soat, gidm sét va chi tiét) * Evaluation based on results, not process or method (Iuong gid da trén két qua, khong dua vao tién trinh va phuong phdp) * An innovative and futuristic- oriented work environments (sing tao va méi trudng lam vide hudng vo twong lai) * A forum to express their ideas and viewpoints (c6 ché dé bay to y tudng va quan dim) Possible limitations: (nhirng *Overuse of position (lam du * Sets standards too high (dé han ché c6 thé c6) ing vi tri), ra tiéu chudin qué cao) * Lacks tact and diplomacy (thiéu khéo Iéo va tai ngoai giao) * Takes on too much, too soon, too fast (nhan nhiém vu qué nhiéu, qua nhanh va qué s6m)

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