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What can our generation teach older people?

What is success? Some people believe success is doing what you love while others may believe
success means having a high position job and earning a lot of money.Of course there are a lot of other
opinions on this matter. I personally believe success is what , how, where , with who we want to be in
the future.I believe success means being happy with your own situation despite money or

I believe everyone thought of this at least once in their lifetime. I consider this generation has
a lot to teach , moreover it can make older people remember what they used to know, how they used to
think in their younger years, make them realize what their goal was and see if they really achieved it-
success-. Mentality changes , we are not the same people we were one year, two years ago, in the case
of older people 10-20 years ago.We change, our ideas change, our view of the world changes and other
people , the environment , the society change us.This is the reason why we forget where we started, we
forget what dreams we once had, what our ‘old success’ was. I think we can teach the older generation
about a new way of thinking, our technologies, our principles,our way of viewing “success”.

Am I saying that we can teach them about life?  This is totally wrong… start
over….processing….to much to study at biology……r..rrrrrrr…..--------CONNECTION LOST--.

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