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Tugas Speaking Untuk Kelas XI IPA1_2_3

Ketentuan Tugas Akhir Speaking kelas XI:

1. Format tugas dalam bentuk video (3gp,Mpeg,dll)
2. Durasi minimal 5 menit per kelompok
3. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas 4 siswa (kelompok ditentukan secara bebas)
4. Dress code diserahkan sepenuhnya pada kelompok
5. Maisng-masing anggota memiliki kesempatan yang sama dalam berdialoq
6. Tugas terakhir dikumpulkan tanggal 6 Juni 2011 (melebihi batas tsb dianggap tidak
mengumpulkan tugas)

Topik berikut bisa anda pilih (satu expression untuk satu kelompok)
1.Expressing Embarrassment (contoh expression:Have your ever been embarrassed in front
of your friends or have they ever been in an embarrassing situation? In order to show that
kind of feeling, we can use certain expressions of embarrassment. Here are some of them.
• What an embarrassing situation!
• I’m so embarrassed!
• It’s so embarrassing!
• I’m so ashamed.
• It makes me feel so ashamed.
• I was so embarrassed.

2. Expressing Sadness
Study the dialogue below.
Anto : Why do you look so sad, Andre?
Andre : My girlfriend has broken me up just now. I am so distressed now.
Anto : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Are there any problems between you and her?
Andre : No, there aren’t.
Anto : So, why did she break you up?
Andre : I don’t know. She didn’t tell me the reason. Her decision made me so upset.
Anto : Well, may be she is not the best for you. You are still young. You still have many
Andre : Yes, you’re right. Anyway, thanks for your advice.
Anto : Don’t mention it. That’s what a friend for.

3. Expression Anger
Study the following dialogue.
Student : I am sorry Sir, I don’t finish my home work yet.
Teacher : Oh no! You are stubborn students
Student : Don’t worry sir! I will not repeat again in the next time.
Teacher : OK, sit down

The bold typed expression in the dialogue above is used to express anger.
There is some saying expression to show anger:
Read the expressions aloud. Pay attention
Expression of Anger Possible responses
- I’m very annoyed
- Oh no
- Oh dear!
- What a nuisance!
- I must say! object to
- Oh, that’s great (sarcastic)
- Oh no, what next?
- I can’t stand
- This is extremely irritating
- I’m very unhappy - Sorry, don’t be angry again
- Be calm
- don’t worry
- I am too
- oh, sorry about it
- I am really sorry
- Don’t punish me

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