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A WORLD EMPIRE timar-holding sipahis joined, displaced men who had lost out to personnel from the Istanbul government,"® burning and plundering their way across the plat- eau.’ They captured the beylerbeyi of Anatolia, decapitated him, roasted his corpse on a spit, and mi his men. Bursa castle sent a frantic cry for help. The grand vezir set out from Istanbul and Prince Ahmed marched hurriedly from Amasya. In the inconclusive battle both Shah Kuli on one side and the grand vezir on the other were killed. Knowing that his brother Selim was just incommon, The-cehelious cavalry beret ol Oe ‘Sultan's oldest son, and Ahmed had himself a cavally coUscis’ UO — the platea When Ahmed and his army of the disaffected reached Uskiidar, across the Bosphorus from Istanbul, Prince Selim had been defeated by Bayezid’s army and returned to Kefe to bide his time. But his time was now. His janissary allies assassinated the new grand vezir, barricaded Istanbul against Ahmed, and forced Sultan Bayerid to bring back Selim. Realizing they were beaten, Ahmed and his ay towards Azerbaijan and Iran. They Were known to be in contact with Shah Ismail’ The haptess ROTRUC, always in the wrong place at the wrong time, arrived in Istanbul by boat, paid wit gold in the hopes of buying janissary homage to Bayezid, and handed o' neutrality." His largesse availed him little. Prince Selim entered the city, deposed the bedridden Bayezid, and took the throne. Hehad Korkud strangled: Abmed met the same fate in the spring.” Caldiran Sultan Selim now set his face against Shah Ismail. Not for nothing is Selim known as Yavuz, often.translated “Selim the Grim” in English, but maybe better Selim the Resolute, or Selim the Stern. The route to war was paved with public thetoric. In a celebrated correspondence, the “holy people, religious scholars, and jurisprudents” in Selim’s employ coolly countered the impudent witticisms of Shah Ismail’s poets. They did_not_mask their disdain for the Krzilbas, who Their “sinful practices flouted“ oe adiion of our Prophet’ with thetr “sinful practices. lorbi a = he brutality against Sunnis in Tsmail's Tran, or for Shah 1 ent from the Prophet Muhammad.” A fetva from the Ismail’. ye Multi of Ista ved true Muslims to light the “unbelievers and heretics” to the death,” One_order_for Kazilbay executions mentions a register ol “forty sand” victims, old ‘and young, ‘aged seven To seventy.” Perhaps” it was hyperbolic. 89 A WORLD VIEW, 1494-1591 istril S, id respects As the troops mustered Selim offered sacrifices, distributed alms, paid resp at the graves of his father and grandfather, and prayed at the sina os Ayyub the Companion, The army set out in April i514, taking the route wut st of Lake Van, in August 1514. Shah Ismail the boy messiah m ose Aan Queust GL, he hands of red into Sultan Selim and the Ottoman “army. The victors marched unhindered i ‘Tabriz. Friday prayers in Shah Ismail’s capital were ited i of the Ottoman ‘Sultan and the ightly Guided caliphs A ip his After Galdiran Selim gave no hint of relaxing his attitude and did not tip hand concerning his next move, e whether in pursuit of Ismail or of th Portuguese, who had taken Kamran ith Island in the Red Sea. Heasorked Kurdish chieftains and other well-dig posed locals to gain the surrender yarbelir, Mardin an Osul. Independent Dulkadir bec: ancak under (he command of the son afr sit became a sancak Ve the command of the son of its for z tess mer sultan," Malatya, on the upper Euphral In the spring of 1516, Safavid—Mai — Selim @ mluk machinations gave Seli rationale for another major Ottoman campaign.*4 capitulate Syria and Egypt - be i of Crossing the Taurus, Selim accepted the submission of the Ramazanid house Cilicia. This sultan too and his heirs became governors of new their former kingdom, Selim met the mai Aleppo, on 24 August 1 i_Dabik, ne" The eect he Ottoman field cannon won another eryshingvitoW” we Mamluk sultan died ofa ROTATE e gone over to the Ottomans, w: yho hat Mamluk governor o.who aim ‘as made the Ottoman governor, The Ottoman a” continued south. In Damascu: : wad it " S the first Friday Prayers of Ramadan were recited Selim’s name, Selim entered Jerusalem, ceremonial om provinces created fr and lly viewed the “Pact of Umar: confirmed Cheistan peg TUE CT PiNtcges atthe Church of the Hol Sepulchre.* Selim’s commanders were divided on my battle, at the pyramids of & 3 la gate. Selim spent the summer Six years after the Edict of Worms: jon, Peace wit Pality under Ottoman protection. PB A WORLD EMPIRE Hungary and Iraq 25 years old, put down a When Selim did three years later his son Seyman, 25 years old ut down 8 any since he hed none” toh former Mania rebellion not of oy oad Kalenderoglu. The_revolts were shor and of a Kalba 2 ee se eee jikely to have been and the executions swift, Sileyman took Rhodes, likely s he ; stantly harassed I Text target — ¢ operating from the island cons is signe i - Soba and Cao and Teetened PRO commerci ary” The Ottoman army + jiately against Hungar - ith a victory at th rned immediately agail . bility with a : he he “a and decimated the Hungarian nobility elgrade in 1521 Mohics in 1526. lest sac di ring the full conqu tations, Sileyman’s vietories did an ieee governor of the ary , ma Contr s Kaige Lajos whom the sltan bad hope ee ” i. ig it of Hungary: ded in the battle. The Hungarian n0bi ne oe new province, diet noe Srapolya WUT COMCTMTENTT sion : the diet elected the Transylvanian lor am SPST TST, a 7 — her 0 ~ Ta faction meet P = ut brat from lavonian nobles, but —PDOUE, backed by the Croatian diet, opted for Ferdina wy Ferdinand. yal to the Sa slgmircant issue NOW, [UStoe foyal to the Papacy, @ sig) S widoy was ith t xpected entry of th i Ww e split among the Hungarian nobility and the unexp' fr he split am Buda with the stalled Szapolyal in oon apital. irs, Siileyman ins erdinand’s cap} Habsburgs into Ottoman affairs, i Fe rectly against Vienna, ada crown of Saint Stephen and moved directly agai led, as di of 1529 fai . ttoman siege Beset with disease and other difficulties, the O campa 532, whi V V Szapolyai died in jenna. When Szaj d ign in 1532, which never reached Vien! Second campaign in 1532, P to reunite a, hoping heir, Ferdinand besieged a a a concede the h a 1 ving only i asec him off 540 leavin Tor Habsburg rule. Sileyman chased ungary under Habs occupied central Hun- in2? The Ottoman army’ ube ben Partition of the Carpathian basin. Te Dan the forts of t = sniok ary. wil Jain_and Buda and yal Hungary,” 2 strip 0 i res controlle tains, and paid rd, The Habsburg: ratra Mountains, “Sztergom and wee a tne the mines of the Tatr ‘and in the west and north, in y autonomous princi an annual tribute to Istanbul. Trans |vania eS Te ual tribu : : Sovernment of Selim II in 1568: va ie xy 0 Yet world empire er nal dea wen oho Ortonay intention G wad Ve 1 Ibrahim Pasha eon ES ee Ottoman intervention. Grand Joining them late in ‘ Sea sean Tabriz in the spring of 1534- ihe Ottoman army ne ine Siileyman and the main body of 1534. Mehmed II the a th tom aba i‘ tt the walls of Constant the tomb of Abu Ayyub a in 1524 leaving only @ 10° 9 92% A WORLD VIEW, 1494-1591 s600N asoon te MOUNTAINS Nee | yw | 4 feacuy® aeoon 5 tum SI Donia Ree Map 3.1 Partitioned Hi Wy lungary. Drawn by awn by Jason Van Horn and Caitlin Strikwerda. and Caitlin Strikwerda. « . eremonially discovered Hanafi § and restored chool of Islami the tomb of Abu Hanifa, founder of the Abd al-K, ic law. H Kader al-G: » He endowed a Y ia eae ilani, and made Personal Mausoleum for the Sufi saite Ye Tent tt Karbala ad at Baghdad, Imam ae ines of the iat Nai ein Hussel! Sitleyman ascended | anticipation that ONT ST ma_catly conquest the Kizilbas, ote Occupie Tate Thee the Abbasid capital ° and ca hey had put an end to te hey had defen the great Arab cities old of Rhodes ed the Knights of Saint Joh” oman territory. The crown of Saint Stephe? TY encompassed all seven lim | dynasty, Stileyman herald® - Some Jewish rabbis saw had begun with the Iberi#? tulative fervor and picked "P Summation of age, DISORIENTATION Disorientation It it was not merely Ottoman military glory that fed the apocalyptic fever, it was a ne 5 os : ew World map that Selim’s and Sileyman’s conquests helped create. Alll across dynastic empires matched the Ottomans - the bbsburg. Of these only the Ming ack of Kilwa in 1505 a formidable the Afro-Eurasian land mass new Ming, the Mughal, the Safavid, and the Hal predated the year 1500. With the Portuguese s: new naval power entered the competition for Indian Ocean commerce. Just two days prior to Silleyman’s departure for the campaign that would become his victory at Mohacs, in April 1526, Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi at Panipat and conquered Hindustan, Hard pressed by Babur and by the Portuguese, Bahadur Khan of Gujarat asked for Ottoman aidf/in October of the same year in which Selim’s armies took Cairo, Martin Luther published his Ninety-five Theses in Wittenberg, The main sponsor of anti-Protestant activity in Central Europe, the Habsburg dynasty, now ruled not only homelands in Austria and (because of Mohécs) an empire with large Slavic territories on the Ottoman frontier in cas and the Pacific)Silley- Europe, but also Spain and an empire in the ‘Ameri man’s alliance with Francis I, the King of France, who was surrounded by the Habsburgs, became the occasion for the first direct contact between the Otto- Mans and a sovereign of Northwestern EuropelAlll of these radical changes took place in full view of a single generation, the same generation that witnessed discovery of the New Worl Writers in the Ottoman fands coped wi Rot in triumphalist pacans to the power of God but in ery of the Americas in a work of tation and loss.(Lake the discussion of the discov the 15308, Book of the Seas (Kitab-1 Baliye))Ih= author was the admiral and former corsets Pri Res, Born in Gallipolis Home of the ONCan naval arsenal, even is uncle was reeruited Dy Bayetid " He vin mapped the Nile Delta for Grand ation to Sultan ith the shock of these sudden upheavals vocations of disorien- re came into Ottoman service Was Present at the fall of Alexandria, and th vit Ibrahim Pasha, He also drew two world maps for present Selim, only small pieces of which survive ‘The first, done in color on a gazelle skin and annotated in Ottoman Turkish, shows spain, the Bay of Biscay, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean, and the eastern coast of North America. The rest is lost. Piri Reis consulted some thirty other maps and charts in creating it, ina and “a map of the western including Portuguese maps of India and C Tegions drawn by Columbus,” which happened to fall into his hands in a raid second map, done on came vwing only the coas umerica, and Greenland J skin in the 1530s, survives {line of northern South in (han even smaller fragment sho ‘erica, the Caribbean, eastern North 93

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