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Lauren Sparks

English 2- Webster

Sports have had a large impact in today's political climate. Controversies surrounding sports in
relationship to politics have turned into major headlines and news stories. Write an expository
essay explaining the effects that sports have had on politics, as well as predicting the lasting
effects they may have. What is the next generation going to see?

1st Amendment on a Knee

Rep. Beto O’Rourke once said, "I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully

stand up, or take a knee, for your rights, anytime, anywhere, or any place,". In today’s political

climate, there is a multitude of controversies surrounding football players kneeling during the

presentation of our national anthem, before a football game. Politics are crossing the chasm with

sports, most notably around whether or not kneeling during the anthem is a moral imperative or

morally disruptive.

The two most influential opposing arguments being brought up are that kneeling

dishonors our nation’s veterans and the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment gives you the right

to believe in that one way or the other. The other argument would be, when can you make your

point? When can you make the world a better place? And what better platform than the NFL?

And is there a better way for any African American person to exert their 1st Amendment rights?

It all started on August 26th, 2016 when former San Francisco 49er’s quarterback, Colin

Kaepernick, took a knee during the national anthem before a preseason game against the Green

Bay Packers. After the game, Kaepernick spoke out saying, “I am not looking for approval. I

have to stand up for people that are oppressed.” He kneeled to draw attention to the unjustified

killings of young, African American people by law enforcement and believed that the
Constitution failed him, as well as a multitude of other people, and that he was expressing his 1st

Amendment right. Inevitably, this stirred up a large conversation and led to many other NFL

players doing the same exact thing. Needless to say, Kaepernick not only started a conversation,

he started a movement. He lead by example and wasn’t afraid to show the people of this nation

what he truly believed.

Although Kaepernick was applauded and praised by many, he also gained the disapproval

and disappointment of others, including our President Trump. Speaking to a crowd of his

supporters, Trump spoke out saying, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when

somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a b***h off the field right now, out. He’s

fired. He’s fired!’ ”. Trump believed that kneeling during the anthem is a disrespect to our

nation’s flag and should not be tolerated. He also believes that respecting the flag is more

important than exercise your right to freedom of speech and expression. As for Kaepernick, he

has since lost his job due to the league-wide backlash of him publicly displaying his political

views and opinions.

The issue of kneeling during the national anthem ties to an even broader of an issue that

isn’t going away anytime soon---racism and oppression. The conversation isn’t stopping anytime

soon and the actions taken by players in the NFL shed light onto the everlasting issue. These

actions have created a lasting effect on standing up against issues in America and showed the

citizens of our nation what expressing right of the 1st Amendment right truly looks like. Trump,

among others, has expressed the importance of having respect for the flag and the veterans of

this country. People will always butt heads on these issues and the controversy behind different

takes and stances will continually be apparent in the media.

In conclusion, actions taken during sporting events have had a large impact on the current

political climate of the United States. There are many different takes and stances on the actions

displayed by many NFL players, that tends to create controversy. The next generation will most

likely deal with the issues that carry over from the current one. The conversation is only

beginning, so buckle up, it’s going to be a long, bumpy, and ever changing ride.

“Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything”. -Colin Kaepernick, via

Nike ad campaign.

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