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Please stop changing the share settings.

Someone changed the veiw permissions and I had 96 emails yesterday.

It's a dick move. Don't ruin it for people.
Spring Summer Fall Winter
1 1 Harvest God's Birthday 1 Gorgan's Birthday 1 Harvest Goddess' Birthday
2 2 2 2 Edmond's Birthday
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 Fishing Contest 5 Fishing Contest 5 Fishing Contest 5 Fishing Contest
6 6 6 6
7 Sam's Birthday 7 Gus' Birthday 7 Naomi's Birthday 7 Jeanne's Birthday
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
10 Flower Festival 10 10 10
11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13
14 Cyril's Birthday 14 Sofia's Birthday 14 Elise's Birthday 14 Doc's Birthday
15 15 15 Harvest Festival 15
16 Michelle's Birthday 16 Shirlock's Birthday 16 16
17 17 17 17
18 Sprites' Birthday 18 18 18
19 19 19 19
20 Cooking Contest 20 Dog Race 20 Cooking Contest 20 Dog Race
21 Dean and Michael's Birthday 21 Melanie's Birthday 21 Bastian's Birthday 21 Gareth's Birthday
22 22 22 22
23 23 23 23
24 Nova's Birthday 24 24 24
25 25 Fireworks Festival 25 25 Starry Night
26 26 26 26
27 27 27 27
28 Tabitha's Birthday 28 Sally's Birthday 28 Gabriel's Birthday 28 Carol's Birthday
29 29 29 29
30 30 30 Fall Festival 30 New Year Festival
Name Birthday Profession Favorite Loves Likes Dislikes
Bastian F 21 Chef Crops Fur *Sp = Spring
Blossom Sp 18 Pink Sprite - Flowers Marguerite Hot Peppers *Su = Summer
Calvin Sp 18 Red Sprite - Animals Milk Grilled Fish Crops * F = Fall
Carol W 28 Florist Pasta Flowers Lumber *W = Winter
Cyril Sp 14 Rich / Fisher Yellow Dahlia Grilled Fish Stone, Lumber, Fur
Dean Sp 21 Carol's Son Flowers Food Green Peppers
Dewy Sp 18 Blue Sprite - Water Perch Fish Cuisine
Doc W 14 Inventor Flowers Glass, Refined Ores Pumpkin
Edmond W 28 Wizard Agate Ore Gems, Seashell Refined Ores, Ores
Elise F 14 Bastian's Daughter Seasonings Crops Milk Spicy Things
Flint Sp 18 Orange Sprite - Mine Crystal Stone Gems
Gabriel F 28 Sofia's son Fish Cuisine Softwood Lumber Milk, Crops, Flowers, building Materials Grapefruit
Gareth W 21 Wizard; Edmond's Apprentice Flourite Gems, Seashell Cabbage Fish
Gorgan F 01 Underworld Ruler Sunny Red Tulip, Sunflower Mushrooms Juice, Refined Ores
Gus Sp 07 Blacksmith Ores Peppers
Harvest God Su 01 Peach Bread Dairy Products
Harvest Goddess W 01 Strawberry Jam Seashells Metal
Jeanne W 07 Doctor Seashells Vegetables Vegetables Ores
Melanie Su 21 Gus' Grandaughter Animal Fur Flowers Watermelon
Michael Sp 21 Sofia's Son Juice Fish Cuisine Bamboo Flowers
Michelle Sp 16 Doc Assistant Whitefish Carpaccio Seashell Gems Crops/Vegetables/Ore
Naomi F 07 Journalist Bread Flowers Pasta
Nova Sp 24 Gorgan's Daughter Oranges Seashell Fruit Bamboo Shoot, Mushrooms
Oliver Sp 18 Purple Sprite Berries, Gems Egg Cuisine
Rowan Sp 18 Yellow Sprite Cabbage Bamboo Shoots Lumber
Sally Su 28 Naomi's Daughter Sweets Flowers Bamboo, Eggs Carrots
Sam Sp 07 Merchant Gems Gems, Seashells, Softwood Lumber Flowers Egg Dishes
Shirlock Su 16 Bread Cuisine Fish Burgers Dairy, Ore, Wood
Sofia Su 14 Animal Merchant Foraged Items Fish Cuisine Crops Milk, Eggs, Fur
Soleil Gem Sprite Seashell Gem/Ore Animal Fur
Tabitha Sp 28 Witch; Edmond's Apprentice Grapefruit Boiled Egg, Fruits, Pretty Seashell Cabbage
Woody Sp 18 Green Sprite Apple Wood, Iron
Name FP Weather Clock Trigger Answer
Dean 100+ Any 8 AM - 7 PM Go to Beacon Town You really like flowers, don't you? (+50 FP) What do you like about flowers so much? (+10 FP) You're strange. (+10 FP)
300+ Any 6 AM - 7 PM Go to Mountain They're quite admirable. (+50 FP) They're really pretty. You're stepping on them.
500+ Any 10 AM - 7 PM Go to Carol's Flowers How about red roses? (+50 FP) How about tulips? (+10 FP)
800+ Any When Wakeup Dean ask you to Mountain (+50 FP)
Gabriel 100+ Any 6 AM - 7 PM Go to Mountains That was really cool. (+50 FP) It was funny to watch. (+10 FP) I feel bad for the bobcat. (+10 FP)
300+ Any 6 AM - 4 PM Go to Sofia's Livestock I'm cheering you on.
500+ Any 6 AM - 5 PM Go to Sofia's Livestock Your products are really nice. (+50 FP) I bet the girls don't leave you alone. (+10 FP)
800+ Any When Wakeup Gabriel ask you to Peak Mountain(+50 FP)
Cyril 100+ Any Any Go to Beacon Town Oh, don't flatter me. (+50 FP) I'm sure you can do it, too. (+10 FP) Let's start by not getting conned. (+10 FP)
300+ Any 6 AM - 7 PM Go to Mountains Yep, I totally understand.
500+ Any Any Go to Beach And…? And what? (+50 FP) Aww, tell me! What is it? (+10 FP) Oh, Okay. (+10 FP)
800+ Any When Wakeup Cyril ask you to Beach (+50 FP)
Gareth 100+ Any 6 AM - 7 PM Go to Mountains You're funny. (+50 FP) You're so diligent. (+10 FP) You're strange. (+10 FP)
300+ Any 5 PM - 9 PM Go to Gareth's Fortune Telling You seem lively. Would you leave if you lost? Please don't fight.
500+ Any 5 PM - 9 PM Go to Gareth's Fortune Telling Do you want to live with me? (+50 FP) Let's trying living together. (+10 FP)
800+ Any 10 AM - 4 PM Go to Lighthouse Overlook What are you talking about? - Oh, right.(+50 FP)What are you talking about? - And? (+10 FP) Huh? - Oh, right. (+50 FP) Huh? - And? (+10 FP)
Edmond 100+ Any Any Go to Beacon Town They're quite entertaining. (+50 FP) They're always causing trouble. (+10 FP) You seem happy about it. (+10 FP)
300+ Any 6 AM - 7 PM Go to Lighthouse Overlook Okay.
500+ Any 6 AM - 7 PM Go to Harvest Goddess Spring That sounds scary to me. (+50 FP) I don't think I can handle that. (+10 FP) Maybe if someone were with me… (+10 FP)
800+ Any 5 PM - 9 PM Go out from Mine (+50 FP)
Jeanne 100+ Sunny Any Go to Lighthouse Outlook I want to try your cooking one day.
300+ Sunny Evening Inside her house
500+ Sunny Night At the mountain
800+ Sunny Night At the mountain
Melanie 100+ Any 6 AM - 6 PM Go to Gus's Smithy You can apologize later.
300+ Day Inside the flowershop
500+ Sunny Night At the beach
800+ Spring Evening At the eastern beach
1000 Night Outside your house
Elise 100+ Sunny Any Go out form Home I look forward to it!
300+ Day At the beach on the pier
500+ Day Inside the restaurant
800+ Snowy Evening Outside your house
1000 Summer Night Town
Tabitha 100+ Any 5 PM - 9 PM Go to Tabitha's House It's probably just coincidence.
300+ Night In her house
500+ Night In her house
Nova 100+ Any 10 AM - 8 PM Go to Bastian's Restaurant But you should stay the way you are.
300+ Day Carol's house
500+ Day At the beach
800+ Night At the mountain
Harvest Goddess 100+ Any Day Go to Harvest Goddess' Spring He told me you liked strawberries. / I didn't know you liked strawberries. It's kind of surprising. / You seem more like a cherry person.
Shirlock 100+ Sunny 6 AM - 6 PM Go to Mountain Area But didn’t you WANT to meet her? (+50 FP) Did you want to go again? You seriously need to grow a spine.
300+ Any 8AM - ? Cave entrance to Gordon's lair Do you feel better now​​?​ +FP best I'm pretty good aren't I? I'm thinking of becoming a comedian. +FP
Gift (+5 FP)
Birthday Present (Dislike) (+5 FP)
Birthday Present (Love/Like) (+10 FP)
Profit Profit/day
Crop Name: Buy - Seeds Sell - Sam Sell - Carol Matures # Sold / Unlock Seeds Season Dirt Type Mutates From Mutates in (dirt) Mutates In (season) Fertilizer (Sam) (Sam)
Blue Rose 80 280 420 12 28.33333333 −−− W Any
Carnation 40 110 165 8 15.625 −−− Sp, F Any
Cosmos 30 70 105 6 12.5 −−− F Any
Great Blue Rose −−− 420 630 12 −−− W Any
Great Carnation −−− 170 225 8 Sp, F Any
Great Cosmos −−− 110 165 6 −−− F Any
Great Marguerite −−− 80 120 4 −−− Sp Any
Great Pink Carnation −−− 440 660 8 −−− Sp, F Any
Great Pink Dahlia −−− 230 345 8 −−− Su Any
Great Pink Pansy −−− 110 165 8 −−− W Any
Great Pink Rose −−− 420 630 12 −−− Sp Any
Great Purple Pansy −−− 210 315 8 −−− W Any
Great Red Rose −−− 420 630 12 −−− Su Any **W = Winter
Great Sunflower −−− 80 120 6 −−− Su Any
Great Sunny Red −−− 140 210 6 −−− F Any
Great Tulip −−− 110 165 6 −−− Sp Any
Great Viola −−− 270 405 8 −−− W Any
Great White Dahlia −−− 440 660 8 −−− Su Any
Great White Rose −−− 420 630 12 −−− F Any
Great White Tulip −−− 140 210 6 −−− Sp Any
Great Yellow Dahlia −−− 440 660 8 −−− Su Any **Su = Summer
Great Yellow Pansy −−− 210 315 8 −−− W Any
Great Yellow Tulip −−− 140 210 6 Sp Any
Marguerite 20 50 75 4 13.75 −−− Sp Any 30 7.5
Pink Carnation 110 290 435 8 40.625 30 Sp, F Any Carnations LM Sp, F Fert
Pink Dahlia 50 150 225 8 21.875 −−− Su Any 100 12.5
Pink Pansy 30 70 105 8 9.375 −−− W Any
Pink Rose 80 280 420 12 28.33333333 −−− Sp Any 200 16.7
Purple Pansy 60 140 210 8 18.75 W Any Pink Pansies Any W
Red Rose 80 280 420 12 28.33333333 −−− Su Any ** F = Fall
Sunflower 20 50 75 6 9.166666667 −−− Su Any 30 5
Sunny Red 40 90 135 6 15.83333333 30 F Any Cosmos D F Fert
Tulip 30 70 105 6 12.5 −−− Sp Any 40 6.7
Viola 80 180 270 8 23.75 W Any Purple Pansy Any W
White Dahlia 110 290 435 8 40.625 Su Any
White Rose 80 280 420 12 28.33333333 −−− F Any
White Tulip 40 90 135 6 15.83333333 Sp Any Tulip F Sp Fert
Yellow Dahlia 110 290 435 8 40.625 Su Any **Sp = Spring
Yellow Pansy 60 140 210 8 18.75 10 W Any Pink Pansies Any W
Yellow Tulip 40 90 135 6 15.83333333 Sp Any Tulip F Sp Fert
*S = Swampy **Sp = Spring
** F = Fall
*UM = Upper Mixed Mountain **Su = Summer

# Sold /
Buy - Sell - Mature Regrow Dirt Mutates in Mutates In Profits - Profits - Daily Profits - Sam Daily Profits - Bastian Daily Profits - Daily Profits - Daily Profits - Daily Profits -
Crop Name: Season Sell - Bastian Unlock Mutates From Fertilizer
Seeds Sam s s Type (dirt) (season) Sam Bastian No Regrow No Regrow Sam Regrow Bastian Regrow Sam Bastian
Angel Lantern F 70 140 210 8 4 20 Any White Berry any F 70 140 18 26 35 53 17.5 26.25
Asparagus Su, F 30 70 105 12 3 −−− Grassy −−− 40 75 6 9 23 35 5.833333333 8.75
Asparagus 0 0
Baby Asparagus Sp, Su, F 30 60 90 8 3 10 Any Asparagus Mixed Sp Fertilizer 30 60 8 11 20 30 7.5 11.25
Baby Carrot Sp, F, W 30 60 90 3 −−− 10 Grassy Carrots Grassy Sp, W Fertilizer 30 60 20 30 0 0 20 30
Baby Spinach Sp, W 30 60 90 4 −−− 10 Any Spinach UM, D, S, F W Spinach Blend 30 60 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Barley Su, F 30 60 90 6 −−− 20 Any Wheat LM, D, S F Wheat Blend 30 60 10 15 0 0 10 15
Black Potato Su, F 120 250 375 8 −−− Swamp Purple Potato S Su, F Fertilizer 130 255 31 47 0 0 31.25 46.875
Blackcurrant Su, W 50 100 150 15 3 30 Grassy Blueberry F Su, W Berry Blend 50 100 7 10 33 50 6.666666667 10
Blueberry Su, F 30 70 105 15 3 −−− Mixed −−− 40 75 5 7 23 35 4.666666667 7
Blueberry 0 0
Broccoli Su, F, W 20 40 60 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 20 40 7 10 0 0 6.666666667 10
Broccoli 0 0
Broccolini Any 30 60 90 5 −−− 10 Grassy Broccoli F F Fertlizer 30 60 12 18 0 0 12 18
Brown Carrot Su, F 40 80 120 5 −−− 20 Swamp Carrots S Su 40 80 16 24 0 0 16 24
Cabbage Sp, F, W 20 40 60 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 20 40 5 15 0 0 10 15
Cannonball Su 110 260 390 10 −−− 20 Mixed Watermelon Mixed Su 150 280 26 39 0 0 26 39
Carrot Sp, F, W 20 40 60 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 20 40 10 15 0 0 10 15
Carrot 0 0
Celery Sp, F 20 70 105 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 50 85 8 18 0 0 11.66666667 17.5
Corn Su, F 20 40 60 6 2 −−− Any −−− 20 40 3 10 20 30 6.666666667 10
Corn 0 0 #DIV/0!
Cranberry Sp, W 50 110 165 12 3 10 Swamp Blueberry S Sp, W Berry Blend 60 115 9 14 37 55 9.166666667 13.75
Cream Pumpkin W 190 410 615 12 7 50 Mixed Squash Any W Fertilizer 220 425 34 51 59 88 34.16666667 51.25
Crimson Sp, W 160 420 630 12 −−− 50 Any Tomato M, F W Blend 260 470 35 53 0 0 35 52.5 *Extremely Rare
Devil Pepper Su, F 40 80 120 8 3 50 Any Habinero F, LM, D Su Pepper Blend 40 80 10 15 27 40 10 15
Dome Cabbage Sp 290 435 4 −−− −−− Dry Huge Cabbage F Sp, W Cabbage 290 435 73 109 0 0 72.5 108.75
Dragon Pepper Sp, W 40 80 120 8 3 50 Any Jalapeno Any Sp, W Fertilizer 40 80 10 15 27 40 10 15
Dryad Sp 380 870 1305 11 −−− Grassy Romanesco Farm Sp Fertilizer 490 925 79 119 0 0 79.09090909 118.6363636
Durum Wheat Sp, Su, F 20 40 60 4 −−− 10 Mixed Wheat UM, mixed Su Wheat Blend 20 40 10 15 0 0 10 15
Evergreen Su, F 190 410 615 10 −−− D Broccolini D Su, F 220 425 41 62 0 0 41 61.5
Fodder Corn Su, F 20 40 60 6 2 10 Any Corn F Su 20 40 7 10 20 30 6.666666667 10
Garula x5, 0 0
Giant Potato F 60 130 195 10 −−− 20 Any Potato F F Fertilizer 70 135 13 20 0 0 13 19.5
Giant Pumpkin F 390 900 1350 18 8 D Giant Squash D F Special Fertilizer 510 960 50 75 113 169 50 75
Giant Squash Su 530 1340 2010 24 7 20 Any Squash UM, LM Su Pumpkin Blend 810 1480 56 84 191 287 55.83333333 83.75
Gold Berry Sp AW 520 780 2 50 D Cranberry D Sp Fertilizer #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 260 390 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Golden Pepper Su 150 430 645 12 6 Swamp Magic pepper S Summer Fertilizer 280 495 36 54 72 108 35.83333333 53.75
Gooseberry Su, F 70 140 210 12 3 20 Any Cranberry Any Su, F 70 140 12 18 47 70 11.66666667 17.5
Great Angel Lantern F 210 315 8 4 −−− Any −−− 210 315 26 39 53 79 26.25 39.375
Great Asparagus Su, F 110 165 12 3 −−− Grassy −−− 110 165 9 14 37 55 9.166666667 13.75
Great Baby Asparagus Sp, Su, F 90 135 8 3 −−− Any −−− 90 135 11 17 30 45 11.25 16.875
Great Baby Carrot Sp, F, W 90 135 3 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 90 135 30 45 0 0 30 45
Great Baby Spinach Sp, W 90 135 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 90 135 23 34 0 0 22.5 33.75
Great Barley Su, F 90 135 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 90 135 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great Black Potato Su, F 380 570 8 −−− −−− Swamp −−− 380 570 48 71 0 0 47.5 71.25
Great Blackcurrant Su, W 150 225 15 3 −−− Grassy −−− 150 225 10 15 50 75 10 15
Great Blueberry Su, F 110 165 15 3 −−− Mixed −−− 110 165 7 11 37 55 7.333333333 11
Great Broccoli Su, F, W 60 90 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 60 90 10 15 0 0 10 15
Great Broccolini Any 90 135 5 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 90 135 18 27 0 0 18 27
Great Brown Carrot Su, F 120 180 5 −−− −−− Swamp −−− 120 180 24 36 0 0 24 36
Great Cabbage Sp, F, W 60 90 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 60 90 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great Cannonball Su 390 585 10 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 390 585 39 59 0 0 39 58.5
Great Carrot Sp, F, W 60 90 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 60 90 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great Celery Sp, F 110 165 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 110 165 18 28 0 0 18.33333333 27.5
Great Corn Su, F 60 90 6 2 −−− Any −−− 60 90 10 15 30 45 10 15
Great Cranberry Sp, W 170 255 12 3 −−− Swamp −−− 170 255 14 21 57 85 14.16666667 21.25
Great Cream Pumpkin W 620 930 12 7 −−− Mixed −−− 620 930 52 78 89 133 51.66666667 77.5
Great Crimson Sp, W 630 945 12 −−− −−− Any −−− 630 945 53 79 0 0 52.5 78.75
Great Devil Pepper Su, F 120 180 8 3 −−− Any −−− 120 180 15 23 40 60 15 22.5
Great Dome Cabbage Sp, W 890 1335 8 −−− −−− Grass −−− 890 1335 111 167 0 0 111.25 166.875
Great Doom Sp, W 260 590 885 8 −−− Grass Huge Cabbage F Sp, W Fertilizer 330 625 74 111 0 0 73.75 110.625
Great Dragon Pepper Sp, W 120 180 8 3 −−− Any −−− 120 180 15 23 40 60 15 22.5
Great Dryad Sp 1310 1965 11 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 1310 1965 119 179 0 0 119.0909091 178.6363636
Great Durum Wheat Sp, Su, F 60 90 4 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 60 90 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great Evergreen Su, F 620 930 10 −−− −−− D −−− 620 930 62 93 0 0 62 93
Great Fodder Corn Su, F 60 90 6 2 −−− Any −−− 60 90 10 15 30 45 10 15
Great Giant Potato F 200 300 10 −−− −−− Any −−− 200 300 20 30 0 0 20 30
Great Giant Pumpkin F 1350 2025 18 8 −−− D −−− 1350 2025 75 113 169 253 75 112.5
Great Giant Squash Su 2010 3015 24 7 −−− Any −−− 2010 3015 84 126 287 431 83.75 125.625
Great Gold Berry Sp 780 1170 20 2 −−− D −−− x 780 1170 39 59 390 585 39 58.5
Great Golden Pepper Su 650 975 12 6 −−− Swamp −−− 650 975 54 81 108 163 54.16666667 81.25
Great Gooseberry Su, F 210 315 12 3 −−− Any −−− 210 315 18 26 70 105 17.5 26.25
Great Green Cabbage Sp, Su 380 570 6 −−− −−− Swamp −−− 380 570 63 95 0 0 63.33333333 95
Great Green Pepper Sp, Su 60 90 8 3 −−− Any −−− 60 90 8 11 20 30 7.5 11.25
Great Habenero Su, F 60 90 6 2 −−− Mixed −−− 60 90 10 15 30 45 10 15
Great Hot Pepper Su, F 60 90 6 2 −−− Any −−− 60 90 10 15 30 45 10 15
Great Huge Cabbage Sp, F 390 585 8 −−− −−− Any −−− 390 585 49 73 0 0 48.75 73.125
Great Jalapeno Sp, F 60 90 6 2 −−− Grassy −−− 60 90 10 15 30 45 10 15
Great Kegling F 1230 1845 10 −−− −−− D −−− 1230 1845 123 185 0 0 123 184.5
Great Killer Tomato F 1940 2910 12 −−− −−− Dry −−− 1940 2910 162 243 0 0 161.6666667 242.5
Great Lilac Spinach F, W 260 390 6 −−− −−− Swamp −−− 260 390 43 65 0 0 43.33333333 65
Great Magic Pepper Sp, W 380 570 10 5 −−− Mixed −−− 380 570 38 57 76 114 38 57
Great Magical Berry Sp 650 975 12 8 −−− Swamp −−− 650 975 54 81 81 122 54.16666667 81.25
Great Mandrake F 450 675 7 −−− −−− D −−− 450 675 64 96 0 0 64.28571429 96.42857143
Great Mellow Yellow Su 390 585 8 −−− −−− D −−− 390 585 49 73 0 0 48.75 73.125
Great Mystic Herb Sp, Su 270 405 8 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 270 405 34 51 0 0 33.75 50.625
Great Onion Sp, Su 110 165 6 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 110 165 18 28 0 0 18.33333333 27.5
Great Orange Pepper Su 120 180 8 4 −−− Grassy −−− 120 180 15 23 30 45 15 22.5
Great Pearl Onion F, W 590 885 8 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 590 885 74 111 0 0 73.75 110.625
Great Phalanx F 1230 1845 16 6 −−− D −−− 1230 1845 77 115 205 308 76.875 115.3125
Great Pink Spinach W 450 675 7 −−− −−− Any −−− 450 675 64 96 0 0 64.28571429 96.42857143
Great Potato Su, F 60 90 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 60 90 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great Princess's Eye Su 860 1290 12 7 −−− Mixed −−− 860 1290 72 108 123 184 71.66666667 107.5
Great Pumpkin Sp, F 60 90 9 4 −−− Any −−− 60 90 7 10 15 23 6.666666667 10
Great Purple Asparagus Sp, W 270 405 12 4 −−− Mixed −−− 270 405 23 34 68 101 22.5 33.75
Great Purple Pepper Sp 380 570 10 5 −−− D −−− 380 570 38 57 76 114 38 57
Great Purple Potato Sp, W 90 135 5 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 90 135 18 27 0 0 18 27
Great Red Cabbage Sp, F, W 90 135 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 90 135 23 34 0 0 22.5 33.75
Great Red Onion Sp, Su 590 885 8 −−− −−− Any −−− 590 885 74 111 0 0 73.75 110.625
Great Red Pepper Su, F 90 135 8 5 −−− Any −−− 90 135 11 17 18 27 11.25 16.875
Great Red Zeppelin Sp, Su 890 1335 8 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 890 1335 111 167 0 0 111.25 166.875
Great Romanesco Sp, W 620 930 9 −−− −−− Any −−− 620 930 69 103 0 0 68.88888889 103.3333333
Great Royal Herb F, W 870 1305 8 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 870 1305 109 163 0 0 108.75 163.125
Great Rye F, W 180 270 4 −−− −−− D −−− 180 270 45 68 0 0 45 67.5
Great San Marazano Su, F 170 255 6 −−− −−− Dry −−− 170 255 28 43 0 0 28.33333333 42.5
Great Savoy Spinach Sp, W 120 180 5 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 120 180 24 36 0 0 24 36
Great Scallion Sp, Su 120 180 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 120 180 20 30 0 0 20 30
Great Snowman W 4490 6735 12 −−− −−− Swamp −−− 4490 6735 374 561 0 0 374.1666667 561.25
Great Spinach Sp, F, W 60 90 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 60 90 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great Squash Sp, Su 120 180 10 5 −−− Grassy −−− 120 180 12 18 24 36 12 18
Great Strawberry Sp, F 60 90 8 3 −−− Any −−− 60 90 8 11 20 30 7.5 11.25
Great Sunset Corn F 180 270 8 3 −−− D −−− 180 270 23 34 60 90 22.5 33.75
Great Sweet Corn Sp, Su 90 135 8 4 −−− Any −−− 90 135 11 17 23 34 11.25 16.875
Great Teardrop W 860 1290 8 −−− −−− Swamp −−− 860 1290 108 161 0 0 107.5 161.25
Great Titan Potato W 600 900 10 −−− −−− D −−− 600 900 60 90 0 0 60 90
Great Tomato Su, F 110 165 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 110 165 18 28 0 0 18.33333333 27.5
Great Watermelon Su, F 210 315 8 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 210 315 26 39 0 0 26.25 39.375
Great Wheat Sp, Su, F 60 90 4 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 60 90 15 23 0 0 15 22.5
Great White Berry F, W 90 135 8 3 −−− Any −−− 90 135 11 17 30 45 11.25 16.875
Great White Carrot W 450 675 7 −−− −−− Any −−− 450 675 64 96 0 0 64.28571429 96.42857143
Great White Celery F, W 120 180 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 120 180 20 30 0 0 20 30
Great White Pepper W 320 480 8 4 −−− Farm −−− 320 480 40 60 80 120 40 60
Great Yellow Corn F, W 120 180 8 3 −−− Grassy −−− 120 180 15 23 40 60 15 22.5
Great Zucchini Su 90 135 8 3 −−− Swamp −−− 90 135 11 17 30 45 11.25 16.875
Green Cabbage Sp, Su 120 250 375 6 −−− 20 Swamp Red Cabbage S Sp, SU 130 255 42 63 0 0 41.66666667 62.5
Green Pepper Sp, Su 20 40 60 8 3 −−− Any −−− 20 40 3 8 13 20 5 7.5
Green Pepper 0 0 #DIV/0!
Habenero Su, F 20 40 60 6 2 10 Mixed Hot Pepper LM, UP Pepper Blend 20 40 7 10 20 30 6.666666667 10
Hot Pepper Su, F 20 40 60 6 2 −−− Any −−− 20 40 7 10 20 30 6.666666667 10
Hot Pepper 0 0
Huge Cabbage Sp, F 110 260 390 8 −−− 20 Any Cabbage F, D Sp Cabbage Blend 150 280 33 49 0 0 32.5 48.75
Jalapeno Sp, F 20 40 60 6 2 20 Grassy Hot Pepper Grassy Sp Fertilizer 20 40 7 10 20 30 6.666666667 10
Kegling F 350 820 1230 10 −−− D Cannonball D F Fertilizer 470 880 82 123 0 0 82 123
Killer Tomato F 510 1290 1935 12 −−− Dry Crimson D F 780 1425 108 161 0 0 107.5 161.25
Lilac Spinach F, W 80 170 255 6 −−− 30 Swamp Savoy Spinach S F, W 90 175 28 43 0 0 28.33333333 42.5
Magic Pepper Sp, W 120 250 375 10 5 20 Mixed Orange Pepper Mixed Sp Fertilizer 130 255 25 38 50 75 25 37.5
Magical Berry Sp 200 430 645 12 8 Swamp Angel Lantern S Sp Fertilizer 230 445 36 54 54 81 35.83333333 53.75
Mandrake F 140 300 450 7 −−− D Brown Carrots D F Fertilizer 160 310 43 64 0 0 42.85714286 64.28571429
Mellow Yellow Su 110 260 390 8 −−− 10 D Watermelon D Su 150 280 33 49 0 0 32.5 48.75
Mystic Herb Sp, Su 80 180 270 8 −−− 20 Grassy Celery F Su Celery Blend 100 190 23 34 0 0 22.5 33.75
Onion Sp, Su 30 70 105 6 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 40 75 7 18 0 0 11.66666667 17.5
Orange Pepper Su 40 80 120 8 4 10 Grassy Green Pepper F Su None 40 80 10 15 20 30 10 15
Pearl Onion F, W 180 390 585 8 −−− Grassy Petite Onion F F, W 210 405 49 73 0 0 48.75 73.125 Pearl Onion 210.5 178.4 146.3 114.2 −−−
Petite Onion Sp 90 190 285 4 −−− 20 Dry Scallions D Sp 100 195 48 71 0 0 47.5 71.25
Phalanx F 350 820 1230 16 6 D Purple Asparagus D F Fertilizer 470 880 51 77 137 205 51.25 76.875
Pink Spinach W 140 300 450 7 −−− 30 Any Baby Spinach Any W Spinach Blend 160 310 43 64 0 0 42.85714286 64.28571429
Potato Su, F 20 40 60 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 20 40 10 15 0 0 10 15
Princess's Eye Su 260 570 855 12 7 50 Mixed Angel Lantern Mixed Su Fertilizer 310 595 48 71 81 122 47.5 71.25
Pumpkin Sp, F 20 40 60 9 4 −−− Any −−− 20 40 4 7 10 15 4.444444444 6.666666667
Pumpkin 0 0
Purple Asparagus Sp, W 80 180 270 12 4 20 Mixed Asparagus Mixed Sp Fertilizer 100 190 15 23 45 68 15 22.5
Purple Pepper Sp 120 250 375 10 5 50 D Red Pepper D Sp 130 255 25 38 50 75 25 37.5
Purple Potato Sp, W 30 60 90 5 −−− 10 Mixed Potato LM, UM Sp, W Potato Blend 30 60 12 18 0 0 12 18
Red Cabbage Sp, F, W 30 60 90 4 −−− 30 Any Cabbage F, UM Sp 30 60 8 23 0 0 15 22.5
Red Onion Sp, Su 180 390 585 8 −−− Any Scallion F, LM, S Su Onion Blend 210 405 49 73 0 0 48.75 73.125
Red Pepper Su, F 30 60 90 8 5 10 Any Green Pepper S Su, F Pepper Blend 30 60 8 11 12 18 7.5 11.25
Red Zeppelin has Sp, Su 260 590 885 8 −−− 20 Grassy San Marzano F Sp, Su Special Fertilizer 330 625 74 111 0 0 73.75 110.625
Romanesco Sp, W 190 410 615 9 −−− Any Broccolini Any Sp Fertilizer 220 425 46 68 0 0 45.55555556 68.33333333
Royal Herb F, W 260 580 870 8 −−− Mixed White Celery Mixed Sp, SU Fertilizer 320 610 73 109 0 0 72.5 108.75
Royal Herb F, W 8 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 0 0 0 0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0 0
Rye F, W 60 120 180 4 −−− 30 D Barley D F, W Wheat Blend 60 120 30 45 0 0 30 45
San Marazano Su, F 50 110 165 6 −−− 10 Dry Tomato D Su, F 60 115 18 28 0 0 18.33333333 27.5
Savoy Spinach Sp, W 40 80 120 5 −−− 20 Grassy Spinach F Sp 40 80 16 24 0 0 16 24
Scallion Sp, Su 40 80 120 6 −−− 10 Any Onion F, D, S Sp 40 80 13 20 0 0 13.33333333 20
Snowman W 830 2990 4485 12 −−− Swamp Mellow Yellow S W Fertilizer 2160 3655 249 374 0 0 249.1666667 373.75
Spinach Sp, F, W 20 40 60 4 −−− −−− Any −−− 20 40 10 15 0 0 10 15
Spinach 0 0
Squash Sp, Su 40 80 120 10 5 10 Grassy Pumkin F Sp Pumpkin Blend 40 80 8 12 16 24 8 12
Squash 0 0
Strawberry Sp, F 20 40 60 8 3 −−− Any −−− 20 40 3 8 13 20 5 7.5
Sunset Corn F 60 120 180 8 3 50 D Fodder Corn D F Fertilizer 60 120 15 23 40 60 15 22.5
Sweet Corn Sp, Su 30 60 90 8 4 20 Any Corn F, S Su 30 60 8 11 15 23 7.5 11.25
Teardrop W 260 570 855 8 −−− 30 Swamp Red Onion S W Fertilizer 310 595 71 107 0 0 71.25 106.875
Titan Potato W 190 400 600 10 −−− 30 D Black Potato D W Fertilizer 210 410 40 60 0 0 40 60
Tomato Su, F 30 70 105 6 −−− −−− Any −−− 40 75 7 18 0 0 11.66666667 17.5
Tomato 0 0 #DIV/0!
Watermelon Su, F 50 140 210 8 −−− −−− Mixed −−− 90 160 18 26 0 0 17.5 26.25
Watermelon 0 0
Wheat Sp, Su, F 20 40 60 4 −−− −−− Grassy −−− 20 40 5 15 0 0 10 15
Wheat 0 0 #DIV/0!
White Berry F, W 30 60 90 8 3 10 Any Strawberry F W Fertilizer 30 60 8 11 20 30 7.5 11.25
White Carrot W 140 300 450 7 −−− 30 Any Baby Carrots Any W Carrot Blend 160 310 43 64 0 0 42.85714286 64.28571429
White Celery F, W 40 80 120 6 −−− 10 Any Celery F, UM F, W Celery Blend 40 80 13 20 0 0 13.33333333 20
White Pepper W 100 210 315 8 4 Farm Magic Pepper Grassy W 110 215 26 39 53 79 26.25 39.375
Yellow Corn F, W 40 80 120 8 3 Grassy Sweet Corn F F 40 80 10 15 27 40 10 15
Zucchini Su 30 60 90 8 3 10 Swamp Pumpkin S Su Fertilizer 30 60 8 11 20 30 7.5 11.25
Recipe Ingredients Makes

Flour Wheat (3) 2

Great Flour Great Wheat (3) 2
Durum Wheat Flour Durum Wheat (3) 2
Great Durum Wheat Flour Great Durum Wheat (3) 2
Barley Flour Barley (3) 2
Great Barley Flour Great Barley (3) 2
Rye Flour Rye (3) 2
Great Rye Flour Great Rye (3) 2
Cornmeal Corn (2) 3
Great Cornmeal Great Corn (2) 3
Fodder Cornmeal Fodder Corn (2) 3
Great Fodder Cornmeal Great Fodder Corn (2) 3
Sweet Cornmeal Sweet Corn (2) 3
Great Sweet Cornmeal Great Sweet Corn (2) 3
Yellow Cornmeal Yellow Corn (2) 3
Great Yellow Cornmeal Great Yellow Corn (2) 3
Sunset Cornmeal Sunset Corn (2) 3
Great Sunset Cornmeal Great Sunset Corn (2) 3

Animal Feed Cornmeal (2) 3

Great Animal Feed Fodder Cornmeal (2) 3
Delicious Animal Feed Flour (2), Strawberry (3), milk (2)* 3

Regular Bait Cornmeal (4) 10

Good Bait Cornmeal (4), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Excellent Bait Goby (1), Fodder Cornmeal (4) 10
Delectable Fish Feed Fodder Cornmeal (4), Asparagus (3), Goby (1) 10
Fertilizer Fish Feed Fodder Cornmeal (4), Tomato (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Tropical Fish Feed Sunset Cornmeal (5), Watermelon (2), Pirahna (3)/Bluegill (3) 10
Ragnarok Fish Feed Yellow Cornmeal (5), Phalanx(2), Electric Eel (1) 20
Apple 3000 150 225 28 3 F
Grapefruit 2000 100 150 28 3 Sp
Great Apple 180 270 3 F
Great Grapefruit 120 180 3 Sp
Great Orange 360 540 3 W
Great Peach 240 360 3 Su
Orange 3000 300 450 28 3 W
Peach 3000 200 300 28 3 Su
Tree Name Buy - Sapling Sell Fruit - Sam Sell Fruit- Bastian Matures Regrows Season
Item Sell - Sam Sell - Bastian Sell - Carol Season Location
Pointsetta 50 75 F, W Mountains
Mushroom 30 45 F, W Mountains
Bamboo Shoot 30 45 Sp, Su Lighthouse / Mountain
Seashell 100 Dig at Beach
Pretty Seashell 500 Dig at Beach
Request Name Request Reward
Jeanne Tonic 1 Celery (1) Cabbage Seeds (10)
Tonic 2 Onion (2) Celery Seeds (10) Left-Click the name below of the designated Character you wanted to go.
Tonic 3 Tomato (2) Margeurite Seeds (10) Then Left-Click the link that Popped up.
Tonic 4 Wheat (4) Tulip Seeds (10)
Tonic 5 Hot Pepper (4) Fodder Corn Seeds (10)
Tonic 6 Carrot (4) Durum Wheat Seeds (10) Jeanne
Tonic 7 Spinach (4) Carnation Seeds (10) Sam
Tonic 8 Broccoli (4) Viola Seeds (10) Naomi
Tonic 9 Broccolini (4) Scallion Seeds (10) Sally
Tonic 10 Cranberry (4) San Marazano Seeds (10) Doc
Spring Tonic 1 Onion (4) White Tulip Seeds (10) Gareth
Spring Tonic 2 Scallion (2) Purple Asparagus Seeds (10) Gus
Summer Tonic 1 Tomato (4) Yellow Dahlia Seeds (10) Dean
Summer Tonic 2 San Marzano (2) Brown Carrot Seeds (10) Cyril
Fall Tonic 1 Pumpkin (4) Sunny Red Seeds (10) Carol
Fall Tonic 2 Zucchini (2) Giant Potato Seeds (10) Melanie
Winter Tonic 1 Broccoli (4) Purple Pansy Seeds (10) Bastian
Winter Tonic 2 Evergreen (2) Purple Potato Seeds (10) Gabriel
Sam Family 1 Crystal (1) 500G Michael
Family 2 Amethyst (1) 800G Sofia
Family 3 Pink Rose (1) 1,000G Elise
Family 4 Wool (4) 1,500G Nova
Family 5 Moonstone (2) 2,000G Edmond
Family 6 Silky Fur (4) 3,000G Tabitha
Family 7 Ruby (1) 7,000G Harvest God
Family 8 Goldberry (2) 10,000G Harvest Goddess
Spring Family 1 Topaz (1) 3,000G Gorgan
Spring Family 2 Squash (4) 3000G
Summer Family 1 Corn (4) 3000G
Summer Family 2 Baby Asparagus (2) 3000G
Fall Family 1 Cotton Candy Wool (3) 3,000G
Fall Family 2 Blueberry (4) 3000G
Winter Family 1 Piraya Piranha (1) 3,000G
Winter Family 2 Crimson (4) 3000G
Naomi Scoop 1 Eggs (2), Milk (2) 750G
Scoop 2 Cheese (2), Butter (2) 1,200G
Scoop 3 Mystic Herb (4) 1,500G Back from the list of Names.
Scoop 4 Donkey Fur (4) 2,250G
Scoop 5 Great Milk (2), Great Cheese (2) 3,000G
Scoop 6 Great Milk (2), Great Yogurt (2) 4,500G
Scoop 7
Scoop 8
Spring scoop 1
Spring scoop 2
Summer scoop 1
Summer scoop 2
Fall scoop 1
Fall scoop 2
Winter scoop 1
Winter scoop 2
Sally Harvest Sprites 1 Bread (1) Mushroom (5), Seashell (5)
Harvest Sprites 2 Strawberry Cake (1) Compost (5), Seashell (5)
Harvest Sprites 3 Sardine (4) Softwood (5) Back from the list of Names.
Harvest Sprites 4 White Dahlia (2) Iron Ore (5), Glass Material (3)
Harvest Sprites 5 Great Cheese (1) Pointsetta (5)
Harvest Sprites 6 Pretty Seashell (2) Softwood (5), Hardwood (2)
Harvest Sprites 7 Chocolate Milk (2) Onyx (5), Moonstone (1)
Harvest Sprites 8 Blueberry Chocolate Pie (1) Mithril ore (5), Adamantite Ore( 5)
Spring Harvest Sprites 1
Spring Harvest Sprites 2 Dome Cabbage (2) Marguerite (5)
Summer Harvest Sprites 1
Summer Harvest Sprites 2
Fall Harvest Sprites 1
Fall Harvest Sprites 2
Winter Harvest Sprites 1
Winter Harvest Sprites 2 Pumpkin Potage (1) Purple Pansy (5)
Doc Invention 1 Glass (2), Material Stone (2) Compost (10)
Invention 2 Iron (2), Material Stone (2) Material Stone (10)
Invention 3 Hardwood (2), Softwood (3) Softwood (10) Back from the list of Names.
Invention 4 Bronze (2), Softwood (5) Glass Material (10)
Invention 5 Silver (2), Hardwood (3) Mithril (3)
Invention 6 Mithril (2), Hardwood (5) Hardwood (10)
Invention 7 Gold (2), Moonstone (1) Pink Diamond (3)
Invention 8 Oricalcum (2), Adamantite (1) Adamantite (3)
Spring Invention 1
Spring Invention 2 Iron (1), Softwood Lumber (5) Adamantite Ore (1)
Summer Invention 1
Summer Invention 2 Bronze (1), Softwood Lumber (5) Orichalcum Ore (1)
Fall Invention 1
Fall Invention 2 Silver (1), Hardwood (5) Adamantite Ore (1)
Winter Invention 1
Winter Invention 2
Gareth Inquiry 1 Jade (1) Corn Seeds (10)
Inquiry 2 Flourite (1) Fodder Corn Seeds (10)
Inquiry 3 Agate (1) Regular Bait (20) Back from the list of Names.
Inquiry 4 Opal (1) Good Bait (20)
Inquiry 5 Crystal (1) Retention Agent (10), Herbicide (2)
Inquiry 6 Peridot (1) Growth Promoter (10), Herbicide (2)
Inquiry 7 Moonstone (1) Baby Asparagus Seeds (10)
Inquiry 8 Onyx (1) Tropical Feed (5)
Inquiry 9 Amethyst (1) Herbicide (2), Retention Agent EX (10)
Inquiry 10 Emerald (1) Growth Promoter EX (10), Herbicide (2)
Spring Inquiry 1 Pink Diamond (1) Fertilizer Fish Feed (5)
Spring Inquiry 2 Crystal (1) Growth Promoter (5)
Summer Inquiry 1 Ruby (1) Tropical Feed (5)
Summer Inquiry 2 Crystal (2) Melon Blend (5)
Fall Inquiry 1 Diamond (1) Delectable Fish Feed (10)
Request Name Request Reward
Fall Inquiry 2 Crystal (2) Melon Blend (5)
Winter Inquiry 1 Sapphire (1) Excellent Bait (5)
Winter Inquiry 2 Crystal (2) Retention Agent (5)
Gus Ore 1 Iron Ore (2) Tomato Seeds (15)
Ore 2 Iron Ore (2) Green Pepper Seeds (15)
Ore 3 Bronze Ore (2) Carrot Seeds (15) Back from the list of Names.
Ore 4 Silver Ore (2) Hot Pepper Seeds (15)
Ore 5 Gold Ore (2) Broccoli Seeds (15)
Ore 6 Gold Ore (2) Blueberry Seeds (15)
Ore 7 Mithril Ore (2) Gooseberry Seeds (15)
Ore 8 Orichalcum Ore (2) Black Currant Seeds (15)
Spring Ore 1 Iron Ore (2) Red Cabbage (15)
Spring Ore 2 Gold Ore (2) Asparagus Blend (15)
Summer Ore 1 Iron Ore (2) Broccolini Seeds (15)
Summer Ore 2 Mithril Ore (2) Wheat Seeds (15)
Fall Ore 1 Iron Ore (2) Whiteberry Seeds (15)
Fall Ore 2 Orichalcum Ore (2) Potato (15)
Winter Ore 1 Iron Ore (2) Squash Seeds (15)
Winter Ore 2 Adamantite Ore (2) Blueberry Seeds (15)
Dean Fertilizer 1 Compost (5) Growth Promoter (10)
Fertilizer 2 Compost (10) Cabbage Blend (10), Tomato Blend (10), Fertilizer Recipe 1
Fertilizer 3 Fertilizer (10) Cabbage Super Blend (5), Tomato Super Blend (5) Back from the list of Names.
Fertilizer 4 Compost (15), Hot Pepper (2) Pepper Blend (10), Berry Blend (10), Fertilizer Recipe 2
Fertilizer 5 Fertilizer (30) Pepper Super Blend (5), Berry Super Blend (5)
Fertilizer 6 Compost (6), Watermelon (2) Asparagus Blend (10), Melon Blend (10), Fertilizer Recipe 3
Fertilizer 7 Compost (8), Wool (2) Aparagus Super Blend (5), Melon Super Blend (5)
Fertilizer 8 Compost (8), Seashell (2) Growth Promoter (10), Retention Agent (10), Fertilizer Recipe 4
Fertilizer 9 Compost (8), Alligator Gar (2) Growth Promoter Super (5), Retention Agent Super (5)
Fertilizer 10 Compost (8), Kegling (2) Perfect Blend (5), Melon Blend (10), Fertilizer Recipe 5
Spring Fertilizer 1
Spring Fertilizer 2
Summer Fertilizer 1
Summer Fertilizer 2
Fall Fertilizer 1
Fall Fertilizer 2
Winter Fertilizer 1
Winter Fertilizer 2
Cyril Country Life 1 Cornmeal (4) Yellow Perch (2), Regular Bait Recipe, 1000G
Country Life 2 Regular Bait (10) Rainbow Trout (3), 1600G
Country Life 3 Regular Bait (10) Fodder Corn Seeds (10), Good Bait Recipe, 2000G Back from the list of Names.
Country Life 4 Good Bait (10) San Marazano Seeds (10), 3000G
Country Life 5 Olive Flounder (2) Goby (3), Excellent Bait Recipe, 4000G
Country Life 6 Excellent Bait (2) Bullhead (3), 6000G
Country Life 7 Excellent Bait (4) Orange Pepper Seeds (10), Delectable Fish Feed Recipe, 6000G
Country Life 8 Delectable Fish Feed (4) Cranberry Seeds (10), Fertilizer Fish Feed Recipe, 14000G
Country Life 9 Fertilizer Fish Feed (4) Sea Bream (2), Tropical Feed Recipe, 14000G
Country Life 10 Tropical Fish Feed (4) Righteye Flounder (2), Ragnarok Feed Recipe, 20000G
Spring Life 1 Good Bait (1) Sea Bream (2), Fertilizer Fish Feed (3), 6000G
Spring Life 2 Delectable Fish Feed (3) Mosquitofish (10), Good Bait (5), 6000G
Summer Life 1 Goby (2) Redbelly Tilapia (2), Delectable Fish Feed (3), 6000G
Summer Country Life 2 Delectable Fish Feed (3) Black Bass (10), Good Bait (5), 6000G
Fall Life 1 Bullhead (2) Rainbow Trout (2),Fertilizer Fish Feed (3), 6000G
Fall Life 2 Delectable Fish Feed (3) Piranha (4), Good Bait (5), 6000G
Winter Life 1 Excellent Bait (2) Cod (2), Delectable Fish Feed (3)
Winter Life 2 Delectable Fish Feed (3) Spotted Gar (5), Good Bait (5), 6000G
Carol Flowers 1 Tulip (4) Great Marguerite (4)
Flowers 2 Marguerite (4) Great White Tulip (4)
Flowers 3 Pink Dahlia (4) Great Marguerite (4) Back from the list of Names.
Flowers 4 Sunflower (4) Great Yellow Dahlia (4)
Flowers 5 Cosmos (4) Great Sunflower (4)
Flowers 6 Carnation (4) Great Sunny Red (4)
Flowers 7 Pink Pansy (4) Great Pink Carnation (4)
Flowers 8 Viola (4) Great Yellow Pansy (4)
Spring Flowers 1 Tulip (4) White Tulip Seeds (10), Tulip (4)
Spring Flowers 2 White Tulip (2) Great Pink Rose (4),White Tulip (4)
Summer Flowers 1 Pink Dahlia (4) Pink Dahlia (4), White Dahlia Seeds (10)
Summer Flowers 2 Yellow Dahlia (2) Great Red Rose (4), Yellow Dahlia (4)
Fall Flowers 1 Carnation (4) Carnation (4), Sunny Red Seeds (10)
Fall Flowers 2 Sunny Red (2) Great White Rose (4), Sunny Red (4)
Winter Flowers 1 Blue Rose (4) Viola Seeds (10), Blue Rose (4)
Winter Flowers 2 Blue Rose (4) Viola Seeds (10), Blue Rose (4)
Melanie Latest Look 1 Wool (2) 750G
Latest Look 2 Wool (4) 1200G
Latest Look 3 Donkey Fur (2) 1500G Back from the list of Names.
Latest Look 4 Donkey Fur (4) 2250G
Latest Look 5 Wool (2), Donkey Fur (2) 3000G
Latest Look 6 Great Wool (2), Great Donkey Fur (2) 4500G
Latest Look 7 Cotton Candy Wool (2) 10500G
Latest Look 8 Silky Fur (2) 10500G
Latest Look 9 Cotton Candy Wool (3), Silky Fur (3) 10500G
Latest Look 10 Supreme Wool (1), Supreme Donkey Fur (1) 10500G
Spring Look 1 Great Wool (2), Cotton Candy Wool (2) 4500G
Spring Look 2 Great Wool (2) 4500G
Summer Look 1 Donkey Fur (2), Silky Fur (2) 4500G
Summer Look 2 Great Donkey Fur (2) 4500G
Fall Look 1 Cotton Candy Wool (1), Silky Fur (3) 4500G
Fall Look 2 Great Wool (2) 4500G
Winter Look 1 Cotton Candy Wool (3), Silky Fur (1) 4500G
Winter Look 2 Great Donkey Fur (2) 4500G
Bastian Farm to Table 1 Perch (2) Baguette Recipe, Great Flour (4)
Farm to Table 2 Yellow Perch (2) Rainbow Trout En Croute Recipe, Great Flour (4)
Farm to Table 3 Tomato (4), Onion (2) Potato Salad Recipe, Great Durum Flour (4) Back from the list of Names.
Farm to Table 4 Broccoli (4), Spinach (2) Margherita Pizza Recipe, Great Durum Flour (4)
Farm to Table 5 Peach (2), Apple (2), Orange (2) Vichyssoise Recipe, Great Barley Flour (4)
Farm to Table 6 Orange Pepper (2), Asparagus (2), Celery (2) Trout Cream Pasta Recipe, Great Barley Flour (4)
Farm to Table 7 Watermelon (2), Tomato (2) Bagna Cauda Recipe, Great Rye Flour (4)
Farm to Table 8 Tilapia (2), Tomato (2), Asparagus (2) Tuna Carpaccio Recipe, Great Rye Flour (4)
Spring Farm To Table 1
Request Name Request Reward
Spring Farm To Table 2 Great Strawberry (2), Great Yoghurt (1) Great Whitefish En Croute (1)
Summer Farm To Table 1
Summer Farm To Table 2
Fall Farm To Table 1
Fall Farm To Table 2
Winter Farm To Table 1
Winter Farm To Table 2
Gabriel Animal Feed 1 Corn (5) Great Milk (2), Great Cheese (2)
Animal Feed 2 Animal Feed (10) Great Milk (2), Great Cheese (2)
Animal Feed 3 Great Animal Feed (5) Great Egg (2), Great Yoghurt (2) Back from the list of Names.
Animal Feed 4 Cornmeal (4) Great Egg (2), Great Mayonnaise (2)
Animal Feed 5 Fodder Cornmeal (4) Great Wool (2)
Animal Feed 6 Yellow Perch (2) Great Donkey Fur (2)
Animal Feed 7 Fodder Cornmeal (10) Great Chocolate Milk (2)
Animal Feed 8 Fodder Cornmeal (15) Great Cotton Candy Wool (2), Great Silky Fur (2)
Animal Feed 9 Delicious Animal Feed (10) Ultimate Candy Egg (4)
Animal Feed 10 Alligator Gar (1) Ultimate Milk (2), Ultimate Chocolate Milk (2)
Spring Animal Feed 1
Spring Animal Feed 2
Summer Animal Feed 1 Fodder Cornmeal (5) Great Egg (2)
Summer Animal Feed 2
Fall Animal Feed 1
Fall Animal Feed 2
Winter Animal Feed 1
Winter Animal Feed 2
Michael Manly Moves 1 Potato Salad (1) Softwood Lumber (10)
Manly Moves 2 Fried Egg (1) Softwood Lumber (20)
Manly Moves 3 Meuniere (1) Glass Material (10) Back from the list of Names.
Manly Moves 4 Milk (1) Iron Ore (5), Seashell (2)
Manly Moves 5 Sweet Corn (1) Bronze Ore (5), Seashell (2)
Manly Moves 6 Pumpkin Potage (1) Hardwood (10), Seashell (4)
Manly Moves 7 Green Salad (1) Silver Ore (5), Seashell (4)
Manly Moves 8 Bagna Cauda (1) Gold Ore (5), Pretty Seashell (1)
Spring Manly Moves 1
Spring Manly Moves 2
Summer Manly Moves 1
Summer Manly Moves 2
Fall Manly Moves 1
Fall Manly Moves 2
Winter Manly Moves 1
Winter Manly Moves 2
Sofia Special Feed 1 Animal Feed (10) Cornmeal (5) 250G
Special Feed 2 Animal Feed (20) Cornmeal (10), 400G
Special Feed 3 Animal Feed (40) Fodder Cornmeal (5), 500G Back from the list of Names.
Special Feed 4 Great Animal Feed (10) Fodder Cornmeal (10), 750G
Special Feed 5 Great Animal Feed (20) Sweet Cornmeal (5), 1000G
Special Feed 6 Animal Feed (20), Great Animal Feed (40) Sweet Cornmeal (10), 1500G
Special Feed 7 Delicious Animal Feed (10) Sunset Cornmeal (10), 3500G
Special Feed 8 Delicious Animal Feed (10), Great Animal Feed (20) Yellow Cornmeal (10), 5000G
Spring Special Feed 1
Spring Special Feed 2
Summer Special Feed 1
Summer Special Feed 2
Fall Special Feed 1 Animal Feed (20) Cornmeal (10), 1500G
Fall Special Feed 2
Winter Special Feed 1 Animal Feed (20) Fodder Cornmeal (10), 1500G
Winter Special Feed 2
Elise Cuisine 1 Strawberry (3) Peach Pie Recipe, Flour (4)
Cuisine 2 Milk (2) No-Bake Cheesecake Recipe, Flour (4)
Cuisine 3 Corn (3) Strawberry Mille-Feuille Recipe, Cornmeal (4) Back from the list of Names.
Cuisine 4 Egg (2) Napolitan Recipe, Cornmeal (4)
Cuisine 5 Carrot (3) Pumpkin Potage Recipe, Durum Wheat Flour (4)
Cuisine 6 Great Milk (2) Green Smoothie Recipe, Durum Wheat Flour (4)
Cuisine 7 Apple (3) Fish Burger Recipe, Barley Flour (4)
Cuisine 8 Great Egg (2) Fish and Chips Recipe, Barley Flour (4)
Cuisine 9 Purple Asparagus (3) Mixed Berry Cake Recipe, Rye Flour (4)
Cuisine 10 Ultimate Milk (2) Watermelon Punch Recipe, Rye Flour (4)
Spring Cuisine 1 Strawberry (4) Blueberry Pie (1)
Spring Cuisine 2 Great Egg (2) Great Mayonnaise (3)
Summer Cuisine 1 Tomato (4) Fish Burger (1)
Summer Cuisine 2
Fall Cuisine 1
Fall Cuisine 2 Great Egg (2) Great Mayonnaise (3)
Winter Cuisine 1 Pumpkin (4) Rainbow Trout En Croute (1)
Winter Cuisine 2 Great Milk (2) Great Yogurt (3)
Nova Grateful 1 Bread (1) Iron Ore (5), Bamboo Shoot (5)
Grateful 2 Perch (1) Bronze Ore (5), Bamboo Shoot (5)
Grateful 3 Egg (1) Silver Ore (5), Bamboo Shoot (5) Back from the list of Names.
Grateful 4 Meuniere (1) Crystal Ore (5), Seasheel (5)
Grateful 5 Pizza Toast (1) Crystal Ore (5), Seasheel (5)
Grateful 6 Tomato Juice (1) Amethyst Ore (2), Mushroom (5)
Grateful 7 Gratin (1) Mithril Ore (5), Mushroom (5)
Grateful 8 Whitefish En Croute (1) Ruby Ore (2), Mushroom (5)
Grateful 9 Trout Acqua Pazza (1) Adamantite Ore (5), Pretty Seashell (5)
Grateful 10 Blueberry Pie (1) Soul Gem Ore (2), Pretty Seashell (5)
Spring Grateful 1 Strawberry Mille-Feuille (1) Silver Ore (10), Bamboo Shoot (2)
Spring Grateful 2 Strawberry (1) Agate Ore (2), Bamboo Shoot (2)
Summer Grateful 1 Vichyssoise (1) Mithril Ore (5), Seashell (2)
Summer Grateful 2 Potato (1) Ruby Ore (2), Seashell (2)
Fall Grateful 1
Fall Grateful 2 Blueberry (1) Moonstone Ore (2), Mushroom (2)
Winter Grateful 1 Margherita Pizza (1) Orichalcum Ore (5), Poinsettia (2)
Winter Grateful 2 Cod (1) Sapphire Ore (2), Poinsettia (2)
Edmond Toils 1 Cabbage (2) Cabbage Seeds (10), Cabbage Blend (10)
Toils 2 Celery (2) Celery Seeds (10), Celery Blend (10)
Toils 3 Green Pepper (2) Tomato Seeds (10), Tomato Blend (10) Back from the list of Names.
Toils 4 Corn (2) Green Pepper Seeds (10), Pepper Blend (10)
Toils 5 Carrot (2) Potato Seeds (10), Potato Blend (10)
Request Name Request Reward
Toils 6 Pumpkin (2) Spinach Seeds (10), Spinach Seeds (10)
Toils 7 Cabbage Blend (4) White Celery Seeds (10) Celery Blend (10)
Toils 8 Orange Pepper (4) Asparagus Seeds (10), Asparagus Blend (10)
Toils 9 Scallion Seeds (10) Blueberry Seeds (10), Berry Blend (10)
Toils 10 San Marazano Seeds (10) Purple Asparagus Seeds (10), Asparagus Blend (10)
Spring Toils 1
Spring Toils 2
Summer Toils 1 Brown Carrot (2) Purple Potato Seeds (10), Potato Blend (10)
Summer Toils 2 Cannonball Seeds (5) Habanero Seeds (10), Pepper Blend (10)
Fall Toils 1 Giant Potato (2) Crimson Seeds (10), Tomato Blend (10)
Fall Toils 2 Habanero Seeds (5) Huge Cabbage Seeds (10), Cabbage Blend (10)
Winter Toils 1
Winter Toils 2 Cranberry Seeds (5) Baby Spinach Seeds (10), Spinach Blend (10)
Tabitha Antics 1 Glass Material (1) Yellow Tulip Seeds (5), White Tulip Seeds (5)
Antics 2 Glass Material (2) Yellow Dahlia Seeds (5), White Dahlia Seeds (5)
Antics 3 Glass Materials (5) Great Animal Feed (20) Back from the list of Names.
Antics 4 Agate Ore (2) Great Animal Feed (30)
Antics 5 Crystal Ore (2) Fertilizer (10), Celery Blend (10)
Antics 6 Crystal Ore (4) Fertilizer (10), Pepper Blend (10)
Antics 7 Opal Ore (2) Purple Pansy Seeds (20)
Antics 8 Moonstore Ore (2) Delcious Animal Feed (20)
Antics 9 Sapphire Ore (1) Growth Promoter Ex (10)
Antics 10 Diamond Ore (1) Miracle Potion (2)
Spring Antics 1 Agate (2) Delicious Animal Feed (10)
Spring Antics 2 Pink Diamond (1) Retention Agent Super (10)
Summer Antics 1 Jade (2) Delicious Animal Feed (10)
Summer Antics 2 Peridot (1) Growth Promoter Super (10)
Fall Antics 1 Moonstone (2) Delicious Animal Feed (10)
Fall Antics 2 Ruby (1) Retention Agent Super (10)
Winter Antics 1 Fluorite (2) Delicious Animal Feed (10)
Winter Antics 2 Sapphire (1) Growth Promoter Super (10)
Harvest God Gifts 1 Watermelon (4) Olive Flounder (2), Blessed Flour (1), Blissful Bread Recipe
Gifts 2 Durum Wheat (4) Cranberry (5), Blessed Flour (1)
Gifts 3 Baby Asparagus (4) San Marazano (5), Blessed Flour (1) Back from the list of Names.
Gifts 4 Magic Pepper (4) Cod (3), Blessed Flour (1)
Gifts 5 Goldberry (4) Cranberry (5) Blessed Flour (1)
Gifts 6
Gifts 7
Gifts 8
Gifts 9
Gifts 10
Spring Gifts 1
Spring Gifts 2
Summer Gifts 1
Summer Gifts 2
Fall Gifts 1
Fall Gifts 2
Winter Gifts 1
Winter Gifts 2
Harvest Goddess Whimsy 1 Whitefish En Croute (1) White Rose (10), Blessed Flour (1), Blissful Bread Recipe
Whimsy 2 Mixed Berry Cake (1) Pink Rose Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1)
Whimsy 3 Tomato Juice (1) White Tulip Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1) Back from the list of Names.
Whimsy 4 Fish and Chips (1) Sunny Red Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1)
Whimsy 5 Cranberry Chocolate Pie (1) Viola Seeds (10) Blessed Flour (1)
Whimsy 6
Whimsy 7
Whimsy 8
Whimsy 9
Whimsy 10
Spring Whimsy 1
Spring Whimsy 2
Summer Whimsy 1
Summer Whimsy 2
Fall Whimsy 1
Fall Whimsy 2
Winter Whimsy 1
Winter Whimsy 2
Gorgan Wish 1 Great White Rose (4), Great Blue Rose (4) Watermelon Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1), Blissful Bread Recipe
Wish 2 Great Pink Rose (4), Great Red Rose (4) Durum Wheat Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1)
Wish 3 White Tulip (4), Yellow Tulip (4) Baby Asparagus Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1) Back from the list of Names.
Wish 4 Sunny Red (4), Pink Carnation (4) Magic Pepper Seeds (10), Blessed Flour (1)
Wish 5 Great Viola (4) Cranberry Seeds (10) Blessed Flour (1)
Wish 6
Wish 7
Wish 8
Wish 9
Wish 10
Spring Wish 1
Spring Wish 2
Summer Wish 1
Summer Wish 2
Fall Wish 1
Fall Wish 2
Winter Wish 1
Winter Wish 2
Request Name Request Reward
Request Name Request Reward
Request Name Request Reward

Tool Materials Price
Hoe Get from Jeanne Start the Game
Watering Can Get from Jeanne Start the Game
Hammer Get from Gus Repair Bridge (connect to Gus' Smithy), Gus' Smithy, Mine
Axe Get from Naomi Give Sally Bamboo Shoot and Give Naomi Cabbage
Fishing Rod Get from Cyril Repair Cyril House and give him food
Expert Hoe Bronze (4), Silver(2), Sunflower (10) 3,000
Expert Watering Can Bronze (4), Silver(2), Sunflower (10) 3,000
Expert Hammer Bronze (4), Silver(2), Cosmos (10) 3,000
Expert Axe Bronze (4), Silver(2), Cosmos (10) 3,000
Master Fishing Rod Softwood (10), Iron (10), Orichalcum (5) 10,000
Master Hoe Silver (6), Mithril (2), White Rose (4) 20,000
Master Watering Can Silver (6), Mithril (2), White Rose (4) 20,000
Master Hammer Silver (6), Mithril (2), Blue Rose (4) 20,000
Master Axe Silver (6), Mithril (2), Blue Rose (4) 20,000
Sacred Hoe Gold (8), Orichalcum (2), Adamantite (2) 50,000
Sacred Watering Can Gold (8), Orichalcum (10), Adamantite (5) 50,000
Sacred Hammer Gold (8), Orichalcum (2), Adamantite (5) 50,000
Sacred Axe Gold (8), Orichalcum (2), Adamantite (5) 50,000
Glorious Fishing Rod Hardwood (10), Soulgem (3), Adamantite (5) 50,000
Sell - Sam Sell - Bastian Farm Mountain Beach Lighthouse Dock Small Ponds Time of Day Season Bait Shadow Size
Mosquito Fish 200 x x x x x All All *D = Day
Perch 100 150 x x All All *E = Evening
Piranha 600 900 x x All All
Piraya Piranha 1600 2400 x x All All Fertilizer Bait, Tropical Bait
Yellow Perch 200 300 x x All All *N = Night
Goby 600 900 x x All Su, F Fertilizer Bait Small
Banjar Arowana 11300 x D, E F Good, Excellent Small
Green Arowana 4700 x x D, E F Excellent Small
Super Red Arowana 18500 x D, E F Ragnarok Feed
Arowana 2000 x x D, E F, W Delectable
Arapaima 12700 x D, E Sp, Su Tropical Feed
Bluegill 600 900 x D, E, N Sp, Su, F
Golden Arowana 14500 x x D,E F Excellent Tiny
Sardine 300 450 x x Dw, D All
Striped Beakfish 2000 3000 x Dw, D F Excellent
Sea Bream 2000 3000 x x Dw, D Sp
Black Bass 1000 x Dw, D Sp, F
Barbatus 2000 x x Dw, D Sp, Su, F
Rainbow Trout 900 1350 x x x x Dw, D Su, F *Dw = Dawn
Cod 1300 1950 Dw, D Su, W
Tuna 6000 9000 x x Dw, D W Tropical Feed, excellant bait
Redbelly Tilapia 1000 1500 x Dw, D, E Sp, Su
Tilapia 400 600 Dw, D, E Sp, Su
Alligator Gar 11300 x Dw, D, E Su Tropical Feed, Ragnarok Feed
Spotted Gar 4000 x Dw, D, E Su, F Tropical Fish, Fertilizer Fish
Olive Flounder 2500 3750 x Dw, E F, W Good bait
Righteye Flounder 2500 3750 x Dw, E Sp, W Bait
Crucian Carp 500 x x Dw, E, N All
White Crucian Carp 1300 Dw, E, N All
Goldfish 4200 x x Dw, E, N Sp, F Fertilizer feed
Calico Goldfish 7600 x x x Dw, E, N Su, W Excellent, Fertilizer feed
Bullhead 1700 2250 x x x E, N F, W
Akame 8500 x Night F, W Ragnarok Feed
Electric Eel 18000 x Night Su Tropical Feed
Forge Cost Sell Price Sell Price -
/ Forge Cost - Ore Mine Level
- Gold - Ore Forged
Glass Glass Material (3) 50 5 150 All
Material Stone Stone (3) 50 1 60 All
Bronze Bronze (3) 100 10 150 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 36 - 40, 46 - 50, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 71 - 75, 76 - 80
Gold Gold (3) 100 50 600 6 - 10, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 46 - 50, 61 - 65, 66 - 70, 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Iron Iron (3) 100 5 150 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 41 - 45, 46 - 50, 61 - 65, 66 - 70
Silver Silver (3) 100 20 400 6 - 10, 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 36 - 40, 46 - 50, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 71 - 75, 76 - 80
Mithril Mithril (3) 200 60 700 31 - 35, 36 - 40, 46 - 50, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Orichalcum Orichalcum (3) 200 70 700 36 - 40, 46 - 50, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Adamantite Adamantite (3) 300 100 900 61 - 65, 66 - 70, 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Agate Agate (1) 300 50 900 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 11 - 15, 21 - 25, 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 61 - 65, 66 - 70
Jade Jade (1) 300 50 900 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 61 - 65, 66 - 70
Crystal Crystal (1) 400 50 1500 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 11 - 15, 61 - 65, 66 - 70
Flourite Flourite (1) 400 50 1250 All
Moonstone Moonstone (1) 400 70 1800 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 36 - 40, 41 - 45, 81 - 85, 86 - 90
Opal Opal (1) 400 50 1250 6 - 10, 11 - 15, 61 - 65, 66 - 70
Peridot Peridot (1) 400 70 1500 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 36 - 40, 41 - 45, 81 - 85, 86 - 90
Amethyst Amethyst (1) 500 70 2000 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 36 - 40, 41 - 45, 81 - 85, 86 - 90
Emerald Emerald (1) 500 100 2600 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 41 - 45, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 81 - 85, 86 - 90, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Onyx Onyx (1) 500 70 2000 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 36 - 40, 41 - 45, 81 - 85, 86 - 90
Ruby Ruby (1) 500 100 2400 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 41 - 45, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 81 - 85, 86 - 90, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Topaz Topaz (1) 500 70 2000 11 - 15, 16 - 20, 21 - 25, 36 - 40, 41 - 45, 81 - 85, 86 - 90
Diamond Diamond (1) 700 200 3000 36 - 40, 41 - 45, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 61 - 65, 66 - 70, 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 81 - 85, 86 - 90, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Pink Diamond Pink Diamond (1) 700 200 4000 61 - 65, 66 - 70, 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 81 - 85, 86 - 90, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Sapphire Sapphire (1) 700 100 3000 26 - 30, 31 - 35, 41 - 45, 51 - 55, 56 - 60, 81 - 85, 86 - 90, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Soul Gem Soul Gem (1) 800 300 5000 71 - 75, 76 - 80, 81 - 85, 86 - 90, 91 - 95, 96 - 100
Recipe Ingredients Makes Buy - Carol

Fertilizer Compost (4) 10 50

Berry Blend Compost (4), Strawberry (3), Sardine (2) 10 200
Berry Super Blend Compost (6), Great Strawberry (3), Sardine (2) 10
Tomato Blend Compost (4), Tomato (3), Bluegill (2) 10 300
Tomato Super Blend Compost (6), Great Tomato (3), Bluegill (2) 10
Corn Blend Compost (4), Corn (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10 100
Corn Super Blend Compost (6), Great Corn (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Cabbage Blend Compost (4), Cabbage (3), Bluegill (2) 10 200
Cabbage Super Blend Compost (6), Cabbage (3), Bluegill (2) 10
Celery Blend Compost (4), Celery (3), Sardine (2) 10 300
Celery Super Blend Compost (6), Great Celery (3), Sardine (2) 10
Onion Blend Compost (4), Onion (3), Sardine (2) 10 300
Onion Super Blend Compost (6), Great Onion (3), Sardine (2) 10
Pepper Blend Compost (4), Hot Pepper (3), Sardine (2) 10 100
Pepper Super Blend Compost (6), Great Hot Pepper (3), Sardine (2) 10
Wheat Blend Compost (4), Wheat (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10 100
Wheat Super Blend Compost (6), Great Wheat (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Melon Blend Compost (4), Watermelon (3), Bluegill (2) 10 1000
Melon Super Blend Compost (6), Great Watermelon (3), Bluegill (2) 10
Asparagus Blend Compost (4), Asparagus (3), Bluegill (2) 10 500
Asparagus Super Blend Compost (6), Great Asparagus (3), Bluegill (2) 10
Potato Blend Compost (4), Potato (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10 400
Potato Super Blend Compost (6), Great Potato (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Carrot Blend Compost (4), Carrot (3), Sardine (2) 10 300
Carrot Super Blend Compost (6), Great Carrot (3), Sardine (2) 10
Pumpkin Blend Compost (4), Pumpkin (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10 500
Pumpkin Super Blend Compost (6), Great Pumpkin (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Spinach Blend Compost (4), Spinach (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10 200
Spinach Super Blend Compost (6), Great Spinach (3), Mosquitofish (2) 10
Broccoli Blend Compost (4), Broccoli (3), Sardine (2) 10 300
Broccoli Super Blend Compost (6), Great Broccoli (3), Sardine (2) 10
Perfect Blend
Ultimate Blend
Rentention Agent Compost (4), Egg (5), Seashell (2) 10 500
Rentention Agent Super Compost (6), Great Egg (5), Seashell (2) 10
Rentention Agent EX Compost (6), Ultimate Egg (5), Seashell (2) 10
Rentention Agent SP Compost (8), Supreme Egg (5), Seashell (2) 10
Rentention Agent Omega Compost (10), Miracle Egg (5), Seashell (2) 10
Growth Promoter Compost (4), Yogurt (3), Seashell (2) 10 1000
Growth Promoter Super Compost (6), Great Yogurt (3), Seashell (2) 10
Growth Promoter EX Compost (6), Ultimate Yogurt (3), Seashell (2) 10
Growth Promoter Sp Compost (8), Supreme Yogurt (3), Seashell (2) 10
Growth Promoter Omega Compost (10), Legendary Yogurt (3), Seashell (2) 10
Recipe Ingredients Makes Buy - Carol

Herbicide Compost (4), Salt (4) 10 100

Animal Name Purchase Price - Sofia Incubate / Pregnant Time Mature Time Collection Period Product Name Sell - Sam Sell - Bastian Animal Product
Cow 7,000 5 15 Daily Egg 50 75
Sheep 10,000 7 14 3 Days Great Egg 60 90
Pintou Donkey 20,000 6 30 3 Days Ultimate Egg 70 105 Chicken
Chicken 2,000 5 8 Daily Supreme Egg 80 120
Brown Cow 20,000 5 15 Daily Miracle Egg 100 150
Cotton Sheep 30,000 5 12 3 Days Milk 150 225
Silky Donkey 60,000 5 30 3 Days Great Milk 180 270
Brown Chicken 6,000 5 8 Daily Ultimate Milk 200 300 Cow
Supreme Milk 230 345
Miracle Milk 300 450
Wool 250
Great Wool 300
Ultimate Wool 330 Sheep
Supreme Wool 380
Miracle Wool 500
Donkey Fur 120
Great Donkey Fur 140
Ultimate Donkey Fur 160 Pintou Donkey
Supreme Donkey Fur 180
Miracle Donkey Fur 240
Candy Egg 150 225
Great Candy Egg 180 270
Ultimate Candy Egg 200 300 Brown Chicken
Supreme Candy Egg 230 345
Miracle Candy Egg 300 450
Chocolate Milk 450 675
Great Chocolate Milk 540 810
Ultimate Chocolate Milk 590 885 Brown Cow
Supreme Chocolate Milk 680 1020
Miracle Chocolate Milk 900 1350
Cotton Candy Wool 750
Great Cotton Candy Wool 900
Ultimate Cotton Candy Wool 980 Cotton Sheep
Supreme Cotton Candy Wool 1130
Miracle Cotton Candy Wool 1500
Silky Fur 120
Great Silky Fur 140
Ultimate Silky Fur 160 Silky Donkey
Supreme Silky Fur 180
Miracle Silky Fur 240
Name: Location: Cost - Materials Cost - Gold Reward

Sam's Shop Town Softwood Lumber (5) 100 Flower Tablet

Carol's Flowers Town Softwood Lumber (5) 200
Bastian's Restaurant Town Softwood Lumber (10), Stone (5), Perch (2) 1,000
Tabitha's House Town Softwood Lumber (10), Stone (20) 300
Gareth's House Town Softwood Lumber (10), Stone (20) 300
Cyril's House Town Softwood Lumber (15), Stone (5), Tulip (3) 1,500 Fishing Rod
Doc's Architechs Mountain Material Stone (10), Iron (3), Glass (2) 1,000
Gus' Smithy Mountain Softwood (20) 500
Sofia's Animals Mountain Softwood (5), Material Stone (10) 300
Mine Mountain Softwood (5) 500
Hot Springs Mountain Hardwood (5) 500
Lighthouse Pier Lighthouse Hardwood (30), Softwood (10), Donkey Fur (5) 5,000
Nova's Shop Beach Hardwood (10), Softwood (30) 3,000
South Right Bridge Mountain Softwood (5), Stone (2) 600
North Right Bridge Mountain Softwood (5) 600
North Mid Bridge Mountain Softwood (5), Material Stone (10) 1,000
Harvest Goddess Bridge Mountain Softwood (5), Material Stone (10) 1,000
South East Bridge Farm Hardwood (10), Silver (3) 1,000
Harvest Sprite Bridge - Below Farm Hardwood (10), Silver (3) 1,000
Harvest Sprite Big Bridge - Above Farm Hardwood (20), Adamantite (3), Cotton Candy Wool (2) 50,000
South East Big Bridge Farm Hardwood (20), Adamantite (3), Cotton Candy Wool (2) 50,000
Bridge - Pier Swamp Material Stone (30), Iron (5), Mithril (2) 5,000
Wooden Bridge Swamp Hardwood (20), Gold (2) 1,000
Wooden Bridge Upper Swamp Hardwood (2), Adamantite (3), Silky Fur (2) 50,000
Windmill Farm Softwood (20), Iron (2) 1,000
Barn Farm Softwood (30), Material Stone (10) 1,500
Coop Farm Softwood (20), Material Stone (7) 1,500
Fertilizer Bin Farm Softwood (20) 500
appl Points Required Prize Dish Points

Beginner 3729 - 4525 Golden Pepper Seeds (6) Boiled Egg 2000
Intermediate 8082 - 11000~ Dryad Seeds (6) legendary mayo 4000
Advanced 19228+ Giant Pumpkin Seeds (6) Supreme Meuniere 9449
Green salad 24000
fish burger 24000
Great Strawberry Mille-Fleur 36000
Great Creamy Pizza Toast 43200
Cranberry Chocolate Pie 48000
Supreme Peach Pie 48000
Legendary Blueberry Choc. Pie 96000
Great Menieure (B) 14500~
Whitefish En Croute 32000
Mixed Berry Cake 32000
Gr. Whitefish En Croute 38400
Ingredients Energy
Apple Jam Apple 1 Sugar 1 500
Great Apple Jam Great Apple 1 Sugar 1 750
Bagna Cauda 6000
Great Bagna Cauda 9000
Baguette Flour 3 Butter 5 Salt 1 4000
Great Baguette Great Flour 3 Butter 5 Salt 1 6000
Black Bread Rye Flour 3 Salt 1 3000
Great Black Bread Great Rye Flour 3 Salt 1 4500
Blissful Bread Blessed Flour 2 20000 *Gives you one extra heart/stamina when eaten
Blueberry Chocolate Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Chocolate Milk 4 12000
Great Blueberry Chocolate Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Great Chocolate Milk 4 14400
Ultimate Blueberry Chocolate Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Ultimate Chocolate Milk 4 15600
Supreme Blueberry Chocolate Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Supreme Chocolate Milk 4 18000
Legendary Blueberry Chocolate Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Legendary Chocolate Milk 4 20000
Blueberry Juice Blueberry 10 Cranberry 10 Blackcurrant 10 4000
Great Blueberry Juice Great Blueberry 10 Great Cranberry 10 Great Blackcurrant 10 6000
Blueberry Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Butter 2 8000
Great Blueberry Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Great Butter 2 9600
Ultimate Blueberry Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Ultimate Butter 2 10400
Supreme Blueberry Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Supreme Butter 2 12000
Legendary Blueberry Pie Blueberry 10 Flour 3 Legendary Butter 2 16000
Boiled Candy Egg Candy Egg 1 750
Great Boiled Candy Egg Great Candy Egg 1 900
Ultimate Boiled Candy Egg Ultimate Candy Egg 1 975
Supreme Boiled Candy Egg Supreme Candy Egg 1 1125
Legendary Boiled Candy Egg Legendary Candy Egg 1 1500
Boiled Egg Egg 1 500
Great Boiled Egg Great Egg 1 600
Supreme Boiled Egg Ultimate Egg 1 650
Ultimate Boiled Egg Supreme Egg 1 750
Legendary Boiled Egg Legendary Egg 1 1000
Bread Flour 3 Salt 1 3000
Great Bread Great Flour 3 Salt 1 4500
Butter Milk 2 Salt 1 500
Great Butter Great Milk 2 Salt 1 600
Ultimate Butter Ultimate Milk 2 Salt 1 650
Supreme Butter Supreme Milk 2 Salt 1 750
Legendary Butter Legendary Milk 2 Salt 1 1000
Cheese Milk 3 Salt 2 1000
Great Cheese Great Milk 3 Salt 2 1200
Ultimate Cheese Ultimate Milk 3 Salt 2 1300
Supreme Cheese Supreme Milk 3 Salt 2 1500
Legendary Cheese Legendary Milk 3 Salt 2 2000
Chocolate Butter Chocolate Milk 2 Salt 1 750
Great Chocolate Butter Great Chocolate Milk 2 Salt 1 900
Ultimate Chocolate Butter Ultimate Chocolate Milk 2 Salt 1 975
Supreme Chocolate Butter Supreme Chocolate Milk 2 Salt 1 1125
Legendary Chocolate Butter Legendary Chocolate Milk 2 Salt 1 1500
Chocolate Yogurt Chocolate Milk 3 1500
Great Chocolate Yogurt Great Chocolate Milk 3 1800
Ultimate Chocolate Yogurt Ultimate Chocolate Milk 3 1950
Supreme Chocolate Yogurt Supreme Chocolate Milk 3 2250
Legendary Chocolate Yogurt Legendary Chocolate Milk 3 3000
Cranberry Chocolate Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Chocolate Milk 4 12000
Great Cranberry Chocolate Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Great Chocolate Milk 4 14400
Ultimate Cranberry Chocolate Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Ultimate Chocolate Milk 4 15600
Supreme Cranberry Chocolate Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Supreme Chocolate Milk 4 18000
Legendary Cranberry Chocolate Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Legendary Chocolate Milk 4 20000
Cranberry Juice Cranberry 10 Gooseberry 10 Strawberry 4 4000
Great Cranberry Juice Great Cranberry 10 Great Gooseberry 10 Great Strawberry 4 6000
Cranberry Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Butter 2 8000
Great Cranberry Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Great Butter 2 9600
Ultimate Cranberry Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Ultimate Butter 2 10400
Supreme Cranberry Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Supreme Butter 2 12000
Legendary Cranberry Pie Cranberry 10 Flour 3 Legendary Butter 2 16000
Cream Cheese Chocolate Milk 3 Salt 2 1500
Great Cream Cheese Great Chocolate Milk 3 Salt 2 1800
Ultimate Cream Cheese Ultimate Chocolate Milk 3 Salt 2 1950
Supreme Cream Cheese Supreme Chocolate Milk 3 Salt 2 2250
Legendary Cream Cheese Legendary Chocolate Milk 3 Salt 2 3000
Cream Gratin Cream Cheese 5 Onion 4 Durum Wheat Flour 3 9000
Great Cream Gratin Great Cream Cheese 5 Onion 4 Durum Wheat Flour 3 10800
Ultimate Cream Gratin Ultimate Cream Cheese 5 Onion 4 Durum Wheat Flour 3 11700
Supreme Cream Gratin Supreme Cream Cheese 5 Onion 4 Durum Wheat Flour 3 13500
Legendary Cream Gratin Legendary Cream Cheese 5 Onion 4 Durum Wheat Flour 3 18000
Cream Pizza Toast Bread 4 Cream Cheese 2 Tomato 3 9000
Great Cream Pizza Toast Bread 5 Great Cream Cheese 2 Tomato 3 10800
Ultimate Cream Pizza Toast Bread 6 Ultimate Cream Cheese 2 Tomato 3 11700
Supreme Cream Pizza Toast Bread 7 Supreme Cream Cheese 2 Tomato 3 13500
Legendary Cream Pizza Toast Bread 4 Legendary Cream Cheese 2 Tomato 3 18000
Creamy Fish Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 4500 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Great Creamy Fish Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Great Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 5400 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Ultimate Creamy Fish Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Ultimate Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 5850 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Supreme Creamy Fish Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Supreme Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 6750 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Legendary Creamy Fish Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Legendary Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 9000 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Creamy Margherita Pizza Cream Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 9000
Great Creamy Margherita Pizza Great Cream Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 10800
Ultimate Creamy Margherita Pizza Ultimate Cream Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 11700
Ingredients Energy
Supreme Creamy Margherita Pizza Supreme Cream Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 13500
Legendary Creamy Margherita Pizza Legendary Cream Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 18000
Fish and Chips Cod 2 Potato 5 Salt 4 8000
Great Fish and Chips Cod 2 Great Potato 5 Salt 4 12000
Fish Burger Cod 2 Tomato 10 Flour 4 6000 *Can also use Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish, Righteye Flounder, Olive Flounder
Great Fish Burger Cod 2 Great Tomato 10 Great Flour 4 9000 *Can also use Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish, Righteye Flounder, Olive Flounder
Fluffy Cheesecake Cream Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 9000
Great Fluffy Cheesecake Great Cream Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 10800
Ultimate Fluffy Cheesecake Ultimate Cream Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 11700
Supreme Fluffy Cheesecake Supreme Cream Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 13500
Legendary Fluffy Cheesecake Legendary Cream Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 18000
Fried Candy Egg Candy Egg 1 3000
Great Fried Candy Egg Great Candy Egg 1 3600
Ultimate Fried Candy Egg Ultimate Candy Egg 1 3900
Supreme Fried Candy Egg Supreme Candy Egg 1 4500
Legendary Fried Candy Egg Legendary Candy Egg 1 6000
Fried Egg Egg 1 2000
Great Fried Egg Great Egg 1 2400
Ultimate Fried Egg Ultimate Egg 1 2600
Supreme Fried Egg Supreme Egg 1 3000
Legendary Fried Egg Legendary Egg 1 4000
Gratin Cheese 5 Milk 2 Durum Wheat Flour 3 6000
Great Gratin Great Cheese 5 Great Milk 2 Durum Wheat Flour 3 7200
Ultimate Gratin Ultimate Cheese 5 Ultimate Milk 2 Durum Wheat Flour 3 7800
Supreme Gratin Supreme Cheese 5 Supreme Milk 2 Durum Wheat Flour 3 9000
Legendary Gratin Legendary Cheese 5 Legendary Milk 2 Durum Wheat Flour 3 12000
Green Salad Asparagus 3 Broccoli 4 Mayonnaise 1 6000
Great Green Salad Great Asparagus 3 Great Broccoli 4 Mayonnaise 1 9000
Green Smootie Spinach 7 Celery 4 Apple 4 4000
Great Green Smootie Great Spinach 7 Great Celery 4 Apple 4 6000
Grilled Arowana Arowana 1 Salt 1 6000
Grilled Bluegill Bluegill 1 Salt 1 4000
Grilled Bullhead Bullhead 1 Salt 1 4000
Grilled Perch Perch 1 Salt 1 4000
Grilled Piranha Piranha 1 Salt 1 4000
Grilled Piraya Piranha Piraya Piranha 1 Salt 1 6000
Grilled Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout 1 Salt 1 4000
Grilled Redbelly Tilapia Redbelly Tilapia 1 Salt 1 6000
Grilled Tilapia Tilapia 1 Salt 1 4000
Grilled Yellow Perch Yellow Perch 1 Salt 1 4000
Large Creamy Meuniere Arapaima 1 Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 12000
Great Large Creamy Meuniere Arapaima 1 Great Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 14400
Ultimate Large Creamy Meuniere Arapaima 1 Ultimate Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 15600
Supreme Large Creamy Meuniere Arapaima 1 Supreme Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 18000
Legendary Large Creamy Meuniere Arapaima 1 Legendary Chocolate Butter 1 Salt 1 20000
Large Meuniere Arapaima 1 Butter 1 Salt 1 8000
Great Large Meuniere Arapaima 1 Great Butter 1 Salt 1 9600
Ultimate Large Meuniere Arapaima 1 Ultimate Butter 1 Salt 1 10400
Supreme Large Meuniere Arapaima 1 Supreme Butter 1 Salt 1 12000
Legendary Large Meuniere Arapaima 1 Legendary Butter 1 Salt 1 16000
Margherita Pizza Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 6000
Great Margherita Pizza Great Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 7200
Ultimate Margherita Pizza Ultimate Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 7800
Supreme Margherita Pizza Supreme Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 9000
Legendary Margherita Pizza Legendary Cheese 3 Tomato 3 Flour 7 12000
Marmalade Orange 1 Sugar 1 500
Great Marmalade Great Orange 1 Sugar 1 750
Mayonnaise Egg 2 Salt 2 500
Great Mayonnaise Great Egg 2 Salt 2 600
Supreme Mayonnaise Ultimate Egg 2 Salt 2 650
Ultimate Mayonnaise Supreme Egg 2 Salt 2 750
Legendary Mayonnaise Legendary Egg 2 Salt 2 1000
Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Butter 1 Salt 1 3000 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Great Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Great Butter 1 Salt 1 3600 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Ultimate Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Ultimate Butter 1 Salt 1 3900 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Supreme Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Supreme Butter 1 Salt 1 4500 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Legendary Meuniere Rainbow Trout 1 Legendary Butter 1 Salt 1 6000 *Can also use Cod, Perch, Yellow Perch, Bullhead
Mixed Berry Cake Blueberry 10 Cranberry 10 Sugar 5 8000
Great Mixed Berry Cake Great Blueberry 10 Great Cranberry 10 Sugar 5 12000 *Unlocked After Elise Quest #9
Mixed Juice Apple 3 Orange 3 Strawberry 4 4000
Great Mixed Juice Great Apple 3 Great Orange 3 Great Strawberry 4 6000
Napolitan Tomato 10 Green Pepper 4 Durum Wheat Flour 5 6000
Great Napolitan Great Tomato 10 Great Green Pepper 4 Great Durum Flour 5 9000
No-Bake Cheesecake Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 6000
Great No-Bake Cheesecake Great Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 7200
Ultimate No-Bake Cheesecake Ultimate Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 7800
Supreme No-Bake Cheesecake Supreme Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 9000
Legendary No-Bake Cheesecake Legendary Cheese 6 Flour 2 Sugar 10 12000
Peach Chocolate Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Chocolate Milk 4 12000
Great Peach Chocolate Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Great Chocolate Milk 4 14400
Ultimate Peach Chocolate Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Ultimate Chocolate Milk 4 15600
Supreme Peach Chocolate Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Supreme Chocolate Milk 4 18000
Legendary Peach Chocolate Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Legendary Chocolate Milk 4 20000
Peach Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Butter 2 8000
Great Peach Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Great Butter 2 9600
Ultimate Peach Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Ultimate Butter 2 10400
Supreme Peach Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Supreme Butter 2 12000
Legendary Peach Pie Peach 3 Flour 3 Legendary Butter 2 16000
Ingredients Energy
Pizza Toast Bread 4 Cheese 2 Tomato 3 6000
Great Pizza Toast Bread 4 Great Cheese 2 Tomato 3 7200
Ultimate Pizza Toast Bread 4 Ultimate Cheese 2 Tomato 3 7800
Supreme Pizza Toast Bread 4 Supreme Cheese 2 Tomato 3 9000
Legendary Pizza Toast Bread 4 Legendary Cheese 2 Tomato 3 12000
Potato Salad Potato 3 Carrot 2 Boiled Egg 2 6000
Great Potato Salad Great Potato 3 Great Carrot 2 Boiled Egg 2 9000
Pumpkin Potage 4000
Great Pumpkin Potage 6000
Rainbow Trout En Croute Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Cheese 3 8000
Great Rainbow Trout En Croute Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Great Cheese 3 9600
Ultimate Rainbow Trout En Croute Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Ultimate Cheese 3 10400
Supreme Rainbow Trout En Croute Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Supreme Cheese 3 12000
Legendary Rainbow Trout En Croute Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Legendary Cheese 3 16000
Rainbow Trout Pastry Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Cream Cheese 3 12000
Great Rainbow Trout Pastry Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Great Cream Cheese 3 14400
Ultimate Rainbow Trout Pastry Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Ultimate Cream Cheese 3 15600
Supreme Rainbow Trout Pastry Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Supreme Cream Cheese 3 18000
Legendary Rainbow Trout Pastry Rainbow Trout 2 Flour 4 Legendary Cream Cheese 3 20000
Strawberry Cake Strawberry 5 Flour 4 Sugar 5 6000
Great Strawberry Cake Great Strawberry 5 Flour 4 Sugar 5 9000
Strawberry Jam Strawberry 1 Sugar 1 500
Great Strawberry Jam Great Strawberry 1 Sugar 1 750
Strawberry Mille-Feuille Strawberry 6 Flour 10 Sugar 10 6000
Great Strawberry Mille-Feuille Great Strawberry 6 Flour 10 Sugar 10 9000
Sweet Mayonnaise Candy Egg 2 Salt 2 750
Great Sweet Mayonnaise Great Candy Egg 2 Salt 2 900
Ultimate Sweet Mayonnaise Ultimate Candy Egg 2 Salt 2 975
Supreme Sweet Mayonnaise Supreme Candy Egg 2 Salt 2 1125
Legendary Sweet Mayonnaise Legendary Candy Egg 2 Salt 2 1500
Tilapia A''Acqua Pazza Tilapia/Red-Belly Tilapia 3 Tomato 10 Asparagus 3 8000
Great Tilapia A''Acqua Pazza Tilapia/Red-Belly Tilapia 3 Great Tomato 10 Great Asparagus 3 12000
Tomato Gazpacho Tomato 10 Onion 4 Salt 3 6000
Great Tomato Gazpacho Great Tomato 10 Great Onion 4 Salt 3 9000
Tomato Juice Tomato 10 Salt 2 Hot Pepper 1 4000
Great Tomato Juice Great Tomato 10 Salt 2 Great Hot Pepper 1 6000
Trout Acqua Pazza Rainbow Trout 3 Tomato 10 Orange Pepper 4 8000
Great Trout Acqua Pazza Rainbow Trout 3 Great Tomato 10 Great Orange Pepper 4 12000
Trout Cream Pasta 8000
Great Trout Cream Pasta 12000
Tuna Carpaccio 8000
Great Tuna Carpaccio 12000
Vichyssoise Potato 10 Butter 3 Salt 3 6000
Great Vichyssoise Great Potato 10 Butter 3 Salt 3 9000
Watermelon Cake Watermelon 2 Flour 4 Sugar 5 6000
Great Watermelon Cake Great Watermelon 2 Flour 4 Sugar 5 9000
Watermelon Gazpacho Watermelon 2 Tomato 10 Salt 3 6000
Great Watermelon Gazpacho Great Watermelon 2 Great Tomato 10 Salt 3 9000
Watermelon Punch Watermelon 2 Orange 3 Peach 3 8000
Great Watermelon Punch Great Watermelon 2 Orange 3 peach 3 12000
Whitefish Carpaccio Cod 2 Orange Pepper 4 Asparagus 3 8000 *Can also use Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish, Righteye Flounder, Olive Flounder
Great Whitefish Carpaccio Cod 2 Great Orange Pepper 4 Great Asparagus 3 12000 *Can also use Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish, Righteye Flounder, Olive Flounder
Whitefish Cheese Pastry Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Cream Cheese 3 12000 *Can also use Red-Belly Tilapia, Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish
Great Whitefish Cheese Pastry Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Great Cream Cheese 3 14400
Ultimate Whitefish Cheese Pastry Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Ultimate Cream Cheese 3 15600
Supreme Whitefish Cheese Pastry Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Supreme Cream Cheese 3 18000
Legendary Whitefish Cheese Pastry Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Legendary Cream Cheese 3 20000
Whitefish En Croute Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Cheese 3 8000 *Can also use Red-Belly Tilapia, Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish
Great Whitefish En Croute Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Great Cheese 3 9600 *Can also use Red-Belly Tilapia, Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish
Ultimate Whitefish En Croute Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Ultimate Cheese 3 10400 *Can also use Red-Belly Tilapia, Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish
Supreme Whitefish En Croute Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Supreme Cheese 3 12000 *Can also use Red-Belly Tilapia, Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish
Legendary Whitefish En Croute Tilapia 2 Flour 4 Legendary Cheese 3 16000 *Can also use Red-Belly Tilapia, Sea Bream, Striped Beakfish
Yogurt Milk 3 1000
Great Yogurt Great Milk 3 1200
Supreme Yogurt Ultimate Milk 3 1300
Ultimate Yogurt Supreme Milk 3 1500
Legendary Yogurt Legendary Milk 3 2000
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
Ingredients Energy
How to Get
First Stone Tablet Get out your Home and pull Rowan (Grass) and get First Stone Tablet
Second Stone Tablet Repair Sam's House and Sam gives you Second Stone Tablet
Third Stone Tablet Go to Doc's Architech's and give Fragmented Stone Tablet to Doc for research
Go to Doc's Architech's ask Doc to repair Third Stone Tablet give Stone Tablet Fragment and Doc order you bring Iron Ore (3), Glass Material (5)
After collect Iron Ore (3), Glass Material (5) talk to Doc and he gives you Third Stone Tablet
Fragmented Stone Tablet Go to Mountain talk to Nova and she dropped Fragmented Stone Tablet
Stone Tablet Fragment Go to Mountain go to front Harvest Goddess Spring and start fishing and first fish is Stone Tablet Fragment
Fourth Stone Tablet Go to Harvest Goddess Spring to Meet Edmond, Gareth, Tabitha
Go to Beacon Town and Sam, Melanie, Sally, Michael talking about Blue Bird
Next day Blossom will wake you up and ask you to see Blue Bird at Night (6PM) on Beach
Talk to Gabriel and ask Delicious Animal Feed Recipes
After make Delicious Animal Feed talk to Gabriel and he ask you to see Blue Bird together
Go to Beach when Sunny at Night (6PM) and Blue Bird will give you Woody (Apple) and he order you to make Strawberry Jam
Go to Bastian's Restaurant for Strawberry Jam Recipes from Elise
Go to Harvest Goddess Spring and bring Strawberry Jam with you and Harvest Goddess (Blue Bird) gives you Fourth Stone Tablet
Fifth Stone Tablet Go meet Harvest God and he gives you Fifth Stone Tablet
Stone Tablet Replica Go to Doc's Architech's and ask Doc to make Stone Tablet Replica and he order you to bring Jade (2), Stone (10), and flowers* after done * if Spring he ask you Pink Rose
Go to Doc's Architech's and Doc ask you to deliver flowers to Carol * if Summer he ask you Sunflower
Go to Carol's Flowers and talk to Carol * if Fall he ask you Cosmos
Go to Doc's Architech's and report to Doc and he gives you Stone Tablet Replica * if Winter he ask you Blue Rose
Cyanocrystal Go to Harvest Goddess Spring and see Edmond, Harvest Goddess, Harvest God, Nova, Rowan, Calvin talk about meet Gorgan at Underworld
Go to Lighthouse Overlook and repair broken bridge (Above) you need Material Stone (10), Stone (30), Mithril (2), and 5000G. after done
Go to Underworld and talk to Gorgan ask for Cyanocrystal but he didn't gives you Cyanocrystal
Harvest Sprite Oliver Go to Harvest Goddess Spring with Pink Dahlia, Yellow Perch, Great wool after done
After done collect Pink Dahlia, Yellow Perch, Great wool Harvest Goddess start to awaken Oliver
Credit After done all requirments above Go to Lighthouse Overlook and go to Lighthouse to watch Credit
a Location Open Hours Closed Days

Bastian's Restaurant Town 10AM - 8PM Sunday

Carol's Flowers Town 10AM - 8PM Sunday
Sam's Store Town 6AM - 8PM Sunday
Gus' Smithy Mountain 6AM - 6PM Sunday
Sofia's Livestock Mountain 6AM - 4PM Sunday
Gareth's Fortune Telling Town 5PM - 9PM; Tues, Thurs, Sat M, W, F, Sunday
Tabitha's Fortune Telling Town 5PM - 9PM; Mon, Wed, Fri T, Th, S, Sun
Edmond's Fortune Telling Mountain 5PM - 9PM
Doc's Architech's Mountain 10AM - 3AM Sunday
Nova's Shop by the Sea Beach 8AM- 4PM; Summer Spring, Fall, Winter

Sam's Location: Farm Mon, Wed

Town Tues, Thurs
Mountain Wed, Sat
Points Required Prize Fish Points

Beginner 400-431 Peridot Ore Perch 20

Intermediate 570 - 587 Onyx Ore Yellow Perch 20
Advanced 887-1038 Emerald Ore Mosquitofish 12
Cod 80

Sardine 24
Red-Bellied Tilapia 60
Tilapia 30
Rainbow Trout 60
Striped Beakfish 110
Tuna 300
Barbatus 102
Sea Bream 110

Black Bass 60
Bluegill 40
Arowana 90
Green Arowana 250
Spotted Gar 210
Name Flower
Bastian Yellow pansies
Carol Pink Pansies
Cyril White Dahlia
Dean Carnation
Doc Blue Rose
Edmond Yellow Dahlia
Elise Yellow Tulip
Gabriel Cosmos
Gareth Viola
Gorgan Marguerite
Gus Purple pansy
Harvest God Blue Rose
Harvest Goddess Tulip
Jeanne Pink Carnation
Melanie White Rose
Michael Sunflower
Naomi Pink Roses
Nova Red Rose
Sally White Tulip
Sam Pink Pansies
Sofia Yellow Tulip
Tabitha Sunny Red
Rowan Yellow Tulip
Blossom Pink Dahlia, Pink Pansy, Pink Carnation, Pink Rose
Dewy Blue Rose
Woody Sunflower
Flint Sunny Red
Calvin Red Rose, Poinsettia, Carnation, Sunny Red
Oliver Viola, Purple Pansy
Requirements: 5 music notes, huge house
Sleep after upgrading house
Have a dream of a bird

Next day, go to beach after 8pm, get the feather

Propose; Cut scene to see Harvest goddess
Go see Melanie; enter gus' house (she's not on map)

Collect: Oricalcum ore (3), great cotton candy wool (2), great silky fur (2)

Week later, go into gus'

Week later, Wedding

Name Cost Material 1 Material 2 Material 3
4 Donkey Fur 2 Great Wool
(*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great, 2 (*can be substituted for higher quality - 2 Ultimate, 1 4 White Dahlia
Men's Summer Outfit 20,000 G Ultimate, 2 Supreme, or 1 Miracle) Supreme, or 1 Miracle) (*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great)
4 Cotton Candy Wool 2 Great Donkey Fur
(*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great, 2 (*can be substituted for higher quality - 2 Ultimate, 1 4 Pink Carnation
Men's Fall Outfit 20,000 G Ultimate, 2 Supreme, or 1 Miracle) Supreme, or 1 Miracle) (*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great)
4 Silky Fur 2 Great Cotton Candy Wool
(*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great, 2 (*can be substituted for higher quality - 2 Ultimate, 1 4 Purple Pansy
Men's Winter Outfit 20,000 G Ultimate, 2 Supreme, or 1 Miracle) Supreme, or 1 Miracle) (*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great)
4 Cotton Candy Wool 2 Great Wool
(*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great, 2 (*can be substituted for higher quality - 2 Ultimate, 1 4 Red Rose
Women's Summer Outfit 20,000 G Ultimate, 2 Supreme, or 1 Miracle) Supreme, or 1 Miracle) (*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great)
4 Donkey Fur 2 Great Cotton Candy Wool
(*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great, 2 (*can be substituted for higher quality - 2 Ultimate, 1 4 White Rose
Women's Fall Outfit 20,000 G Ultimate, 2 Supreme, or 1 Miracle) Supreme, or 1 Miracle) (*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great)
4 Silky Fur 2 Great Donkey Fur
(*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great, 2 (*can be substituted for higher quality - 2 Ultimate, 1 4 Blue Rose
Women's Winter Outfit 20,000 G Ultimate, 2 Supreme, or 1 Miracle) Supreme, or 1 Miracle) (*can be substituted for higher quality - 3 Great)
Cost - Gold Cost - Materials Unlock Quest #
Large House 85,000 Hardwood (40), Mithril (5), Glass (10)
Giant House 180,000 Hardwood (50), Great Cotton Candy Wool (5), Adamantite (3)
Level 2 Barn 120,000 Hardwood (30), Mithril (3), Adamantite (2)
Crib 100,000 Hardwood (20), Gold (3), Adamantite (1)
2,500 Hardwood (5), Wool (5), Silver (1)
Wood Fence 300 Softwood (3), Iron (1) Doc # 1
Stone Wall 300 Material Stone (2), Stone (3) Doc # 2
Hedge 300 Pointsetta (1), Hardwood (2) Doc # 3
Candy Canes 1,000 Softwood (3), Agate (1), Candy Egg (4) Doc # 5
Holiday Ornament 1,000 Softwood (3), Gold (1), Goldberry (1) Doc # 5
Mechanical Fence 300 Iron (2), Glass (1), Silver (1) Doc # 6
Harvest Sprite Flowerbed 100,000 Bronze (10), Yellow Tulip (10), White Tulip (10) Doc # 7
20th Anniversary Statue 200,000 Gold (20), Hardwood (10) Doc # 8

Decorations Expansion Pack

Steampunk Fence 500 Bronze (2), Orichalcum (1), Phalanx (2)
Stone Lanterns 1000 Material Stone (5), Moonstone (1), Goldfish (1)
Construction Cones 300 Softwood (2), Bronze (1)
Frog Prince Figurine 1000 Material Stone (5), Jade (1), Princess's Eye (2)
Barrels 300 Hardwood (2), Bronze (1)
Road Sign 500 Iron (2), Mithril (1)
Doc Statue 100,000 Gold (30), Iron (80)
Harvest Goddess Statue 300,000 Mithril (10), Flourite (5), Sapphire (5)

Doc's Special Episodes (Room Customizations) (Expansion Pack)

Retro Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Flowery Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Sci-Fi Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Fluffy Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Magical Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Eastern-Style Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Steampunk Insta-Room 1000 Softwood (2), Stone (4)* (*or 2 Material Stone)
Name Food
Cyril Mushrooms, Pasta
Dean Potatoes, Bread Cuisine
Edmond Blueberries, Egg Cuisine
Elise Tomatoes, Dairy Products
Gabriel Watermelon, Fish Cuisine
Gareth Hot Peppers, Jam
Gorgan bread cuisine, milk products
Harvest God
Harvest Goddess Strawberry jam
Jeanne Asparagus, Vegetable Cuisine
Melanie Celery, Bread Cuisine
Nova Strawberries, Fish Cuisine
Tabitha Pumpkin, Sweets

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