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Children need a harmonious environment to grow.

Parents SHOULD be a role model for

their children in order to farm a better future society. Therefore respecting your life partner is
highly ethical and must be encouraged. Nonetheless. BBC and other far left organization
had been pitching for dysfunctional society in the garb of equality. Ergo trusting 'em will be
dangerous. The fact of the matter is that this NEWS is coming from BBC which is quite
hypocritical. If you teach them a set of values and she tells them something different the
kids will be confused and disoriented. If the father and mother don’t respect each other’s
opinions and beliefs, children cannot respect either one of them, or worse, they will take
side. What is the solution? The problem with left is that they think that the WORLD should be
their way. Otherwise your world is unethical and .full of injustice.
The same BBC were hiding the rape of minor girls in Rotherham by Muslim rapist to please
their Islamic master of labour party. We are NOT arguing the ethics of BBC.BBC is bereft of
ethics. We are arguing how to eradicate the absurdness of our society. The article is
axiomatically wrong. Husband aren’t god for wife but wife are co-pursuer of
Dharma.(SaHdharmacharinii).If you consider husband as god and flawless then you’re
stepping back from your responsibility as SahDharmacharini.
Nonetheless, I don't think that taking the name of your husband is against our tradition or
unethical. To the best of my knowledge, Sita used to address Rama by name every so
often.(Aranya Kanda Sarga 9)

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