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5/12 My goal today is to brainstorm what I think that one of the biggest flaws in
needs to be improved upon in my my agenda cover is symmetry. It is
not very symmetrical and the corners
design. I will use these things and edit
are spaced oddly, and the layers in
my agenda cover. the corners are unevenly spaced.
Another flaw that i have is that the
title looks a bit cramped, so I will
make it smaller.
5/13 The goal today is to make my design I achieved my goal of making the
more symmetrical. My sketch's corners design more balanced. I matched the
corners to make them more
are quite off-balanced, and it's not very
symmetrical and evenly spaced out. I
visually pleasing. also changed some of the spacing
between the gradient layers in the
corners to make them even more the
same. Lastly, I made the 19-20 just a
bit smaller as I feel it fits better this
5/14 My goal today is to receive feedback on The feedback I received was that my
my sketch so far. I will use this design was too plain and simple. To
feedback to improve my sketch. try and improve this, I added the
house words to the design.
5/15 After consideration, I did not really like I have decided to add a pattern to
the extra words on my agenda cover. my agenda cover. I chose a diamond
My goal today is to make my agenda pattern because I like how it looks
cover less simple in a different way. and I feel like it would fit well with the
rest of the design. The reason I am
adding a pattern is to make the
design look more complex, while
keeping the words minimal.
5/16 I want to edit the cover so that the When looking at the design so far, all
design is not the focus of the agenda I see is the pattern. The goal of my
cover. cover is for the 19-20 to be the
focus, not the pattern. Due to this, I
lowered the opacity of my pattern
and edited it slightly so that it fits
better with the design. The pattern is
now a lot less visible, but still clear. In
my opinion, this puts more emphasis
onto the centre of the cover, the text.
This is the final design.
5/17 Put the finished design in to the Today, I put my design into the
template template that I already had from
criterion B. I added the details into
the detail box.


5/18 Upload to google & weebly. The last step of everything is to

upload. I put my template and
agenda cover design into the shared
google drive folders. Next, I added
everything to my weebly and
updated all my work.

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