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Lorynn Thompson

College Essay

Describe how you have changed, or plan to change, the world.

I wouldn’t necessarily say I have done anything that ground breaking yet where I’m

qualified to get the title on “how I have changed the world”. But I will say I have made some

noble efforts by volunteering in my community from hospitals, to old folks homes, etc. and even

volunteering across the world in Nepal where I had the opportunity to help make new additions

to this orphanage so it would be a safer environment for the kids. This experience really changed

how I viewed the world and how we interact with one another. For example I’m never going to

have the type of connection with the older women at the elderly home, where I was playing

bingo and painting their nails for them. Or how the kids in Nepal were so appreciative to be

hanging out with my team, and how they were so grateful to be getting what we in America

consider broken toys and raincoats, just simple things that we take for granted here in in the U.S..

It’s these types of interactions and experiences that have made me feel that I haven’t necessarily

made a huge change in the world but at least I’ve made a change in myself. I have realized that

human connection could change the world and it all starts with one person to make a difference,

because you have to recognize the change in yourself before you can change others, let alone the

world. However in the future, how I plan to change the world is by always standing up for what

is right and encourage others to do the same. Because ever since I was a young child I would

always stand up for the ones who were considered the “underdog”, because I knew if someone
were to treat me the way that they were being treated, I would want someone to help me through

that tunnel. I want to continue to help out others whether that’s my next door neighbor or

someone that is 3000 miles away from me. But I don’t plan on doing these tasks alone I am

going to continue to motivate other people to get out there in the world and lend a helping hand.

That is how I plan to change the world

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