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Cole Snyder

English 10

Split Dodge ​Dedicated to Pat Spencer

The ball comes whistling by

Run it out as fast as you can,

Picking the brand new white, grippy ball

Giving it a spin or two, before the whistle

Thinking to yourself right or left,

Hearing the whistle like its in slow motion

Look at the defender straight in the eyes,

As if you were going to pounce

Dragging your feet as you run,

Making the defender nervous

Hit him with a stutter step

To see if he will bite,

Going left of the crease

Suddenly rolling back to your right

Forcing the defender trip

On the backside of the net

Looking at the next defender

Coming at you like a bull

Fake the pass to your right attackman

Make the defender look behind him
In front of the goal
Just the goalie to beat

Faked low
Go high

For the easy dunk

To get the team up by one.

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