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Presentation in 3 min.

Hi, my name is Trang. Today, I’m going to be taking about the Advantages of eating less
sugar. Sugar is one of the most popular ingredients which people consume every day. Sugars
have a sweet taste and provide energy for people. But, why people should eat less sugar? This is
because it will help people to avoid obesity, cancer and protect their immune system.

One teaspoon of sugar can contain 16 calories (The Canadian Sugar Institute, n.d.). A
team led by Malik in 2013 argues that people who drinks sugary beverages such as soda will
gain weight easier than people who do not. The greater amount of sugar in food, the greater
number of calories that sugar provides for people’s bodies.

According to the American Institute: Every cell in people’s body needs sugar from “the
bloodstream” to work. This means cancer cells also use sugar to develop. As reported by an
article in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, many academics think that high-sugar
foods will probably make people develop pancreatic cancer “by increasing insulin demand and
decreasing insulin sensitivity”. Eating sweetened food excessively can change the functions of
body parts and provide fuel for cancer cells.

In 2015, Jones wrote that “an intake of around 35 grams of sugar (about the amount of
sugar that you can find in one can of soft drink or a caramel bar) is enough to cause a 50%
reduction in the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria”. Mothers who have a weak
immunity can have unhealthy children (Myles, Fontecilla, Janelsins, Vithayathil, Segre, & Datta,
2013). Sugars not only make people get sick easily but also affect the immunity of children when
they were born.

There were disagreements between the citizens that people should reduce the amount of
sugar in their diets. Pietrangelo & Cherney said in 2018 “Blood sugar is essential to proper brain,
heart, and digestive function. It even helps keep your skin and vision healthy”. However, people
who have low-sugar meals can avoid obesity, prevent cancer, and have less chances to suffer
from illnesses. So, why don’t we cut down sugar from today?

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