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Computer Forensics, Crime and Justice

Assignment 1
Semester April 2019
Assignment guidelines:
 This is a pair assignment.
 You should submit a Soft copy through UNIEC AND Hard copy to your lecturer ONE (1)
week before presentation session, 27th May 2019.
 Present in class on the given date (minimum 20 minutes). Number of your slides should not
exceed 20 slides.
 Kindly make sure your cover page includes all required details such as your name, matric-
number, course code, course title, section number, semester/year, submission date, and
your lecturer’s name.
 Plagiarism in all forms is forbidden. Students who submit plagiarized assignment and/or copy
from each other will be penalized.
 The assignment presentation will be held on 10th June 2019.

Cybercrime is a fast-growing area of crime. More and more criminals are exploiting the speed,
convenience and anonymity of the Internet to commit a diverse range of criminal activities that no
border, both physical and virtual, cause serious harm and pose very real threats to victim
worldwide. Todays, there are many movies about hackers and cybersecurity in the market such as
Anonymous, Black hat, Untraceable, The Net and son on.

Choose any TWO (2) movie about cybercrime and prepare slides presentation to present your
review about the movie. The review must include the following:
 What do kind of cybercrime that you learn from the movie?
 What is the motive of the crime?
 What types of vulnerabilities exploit by the cybercriminal?
 What types of cybercriminal involve, script kiddies, disgruntled employee? Is the cybercriminal
having IT or security knowledge or not? If yes, what is it?
 What kind of cybercrime techniques/method involve?
 Are there any victims? Who are they? What is the impact to the victim?
 What kind of damage or loss of asset involve?
 Who is get involve handling the cybercrime? FBI, special team, body? What they do?
 What kind of security strategies applied to dealing with the cybercrime? Is it work?
 What do you learn from this movie? Explain any THREE (3) of them.

You are required to include at least TWO (2) scene that shown cybercrime in the movie. State your
references based on APA citation style.

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