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Gerardo Hernandez Vanzzini 

22 of May, 2019 ( Wednesday ) 

Graduation Project Judge Members 

Garinger High School 
1100 Eastway Drive 
Charlotte, NC 28205 

Dear Judges,

My name is Gerardo Hernandez Vanzzini, I would like to tell you a little bit about me, I have
lived in Charlotte my whole life but I have traveled to another country and I have seen the huge
differences between the importance to people regarding further education and career
opportunities. Therefore this has led to my desire to want to make an improvement and
educate my community about this. For this, my project talks about the opportunities that the
military has to offer and why should teenagers join the military right after high school.

There is a big gap in the lack of information about the military in general, the military is the
right choice for those teenagers who are looking for an opportunity to advance their skills,
experience, travel and receive education as well as benefits. Throughout my research, I have
explored many different points of view regarding this controversial topic. Small changes can
really lead to big things, in this case, with the education of teenagers in our community about
each branch of the military and how this can benefit and provide a variety of career options if
college is not an option or for other purposes.

Like mentioned before, small changes can lead to big things and to me, I feel like everyone is
capable of helping each other by taking advantage of this opportunity. I did some research and
found that the misinformation and myths about the military really do affect the decision of our
teens nationally about joining the military so I have decided to help our local community
schools by educating the students about the military and what it has to offer.

Since I started this project I have learned many things, some of them are not necessarily in
textbooks or documents but it comes after making and taking action. This type of opportunity
can’t be left in vain, many can benefit from this and I wish to help others achieve their dreams.

Thank you so much for your time and for allowing me to share my wish of helping others and
providing opportunities to those in our community one step at a time.


Gerardo Hernandez Vanzzini 

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