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Unit 24 - Sound


Sound editing in my short film
I used a few techniques within my short film in order to create different effects
within the piece. An example would be the adjusting of volumes within the non
diegetic soundtrack. At times i felt that the music that i had found was too loud
for the scene and therefore the volume needed to be lowered in order for the
audience to listen to both the audio and soundtrack together without it
damaging the audience's ears and being too loud. I feel that this slightly
improved the piece as the soundtracks add to the piece and creates more
tension than dead silence. I made it quieter due to the audience feeling that it
was too loud and they couldn't hear the dialogue alongside it.
I also added an exponential fade at the end of one of the soundtracks in order for the sound to transition
smoother in to the next soundtrack. The audience felt that the music stopped too abruptly so i had to add the
fade in order for the track to seem like it had slowed down and faded out smoothly in order for the next track to
come in smoother and have more effect. This would make the scene effective.
My original sound was not suitable as it was fuzzy and wasnt of a good standard therefore my audience didnt
approve in which i took out the audio and replace it with a voiceover which help to explain the plot and made it
clear to the audience what was going on in the scene. I felt it was effective as it shows different actions and then
the results as well as adding to the plot and creating a clear image for the audience.

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