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My name is Lorynn Thompson, I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on April 4th 2001. My

parents are Andre Thompson and Denny Magana, I also have a younger brother and two younger

sisters that mean the absolute world to me. For as long as I can remember I have lived a very

good life, it's definitely has had its ups and downs, but I've always adapted to new situations that

have occurred throughout my life. In my early childhood I spent a lot of time watching movies,

hanging out with my brother and reading creepy crawly books. I went to The Open Classroom

from 1st grade through 8th grade and that school had such a huge affect on my life, by the way I

would problem solve, interact with others, and adapt to new situations. Which its a good thing

that The Open Classroom taught me those skills because of all the life changing elements that

happened during my life. For example my parents getting a divorce and both of them getting

remarried. Which took a lot of adaptation to deal with something because I was blending two

new people in my life that I had to look at as parent figures. I also had to accept three new step

siblings and treat them as I would my brother. But I would say the biggest change for me is when

my dad had two more kids with another person, giving me my lovely sisters. I was just so used to

only having my little brother around, he was always my constant person for me, he was more

constant than both of my parents were, because he was always there when we go back and forth

from both of our parents houses. So being a sibling of mine carried a lot of weight with me

because of the view I have with my brother, so having two more siblings held a lot of weight

when it came to changing my personal life. But despite all the many changes I have experienced

I absolutely love how my life turned out, I have two more parent figures that are such a blessing
to me, by the way that they guide me, and teach me things that my birth parents couldn’t. But I

also have two sisters that mean so much to me and I couldn’t see living life without them, my

two sisters have had such a huge impact on me that I wouldn’t be the same person I am today if

my two sisters were too never be born. So that’s me in a nutshell I guess, I’ve gone through

many changes in the course of my life, however all of those bumps in the road have made me

become who I am.

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