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Aiden H 

Aiden H 
Emma Boone  
Liz Cartwright  
14 May, 2019 
People have been the dominant species for thousands of years, this means that we need to help 
other species survive, but all we have been able to do is help destroy them! Humans greatly affect the 
habitats of animals in Colorado, in several ways such as deforestation, pollution, & the way that 
humans drive other species out of their habitats where they have a smaller chance of survival! What 
people do everyday contributes to this loss of habitat & animals! Do you drive a car or use electricity? 
If you do then you are adding to this problem unless you have a solution to continue these everyday 
activities & sustain animal habitat in Colorado at the same time! Most people think that their everyday 
activities are more important than nature or animals! Are these daily routines really more important 
Nature has supported us forever since the 
dawn of humans! Nature is what kept us alive, 
provided food, water, & just the basic needs of 
life! ​If we don’t always start with nature, we 
certainly come to her in an hour of need! Even 
now, without nature there is no way for humans 
to live! Is driving your car to work more 
important than the entire humans race! That is a 
no! If we did not have nature, then we would not 
exist on the planet! Animals are a part of nature & 
they rely on nature more than we do, but since we 
aren’t as reliant of nature beyond the basic needs 
of life, we think that we are able to just go destroy all the other lands & therefore species of the world! 
The humans race is tremendously selfish species! Just think, the human race is okay with destroying 
the rest of the planet just so that they are able to have a luxurious life! 
Aiden H 
Humans have done stuff that destroys other species & nature for many years! Pollution is a big 
piece of this damage that we are only seeing just now in the last few decades! Stuff like coal burning 
electric plants & car exhaust have been going on for a long time, but we never realized this was bad 
until not too long ago! People have also directly destroyed the habitat of other species, by deforestation 
& cutting down trees for woods & leveling forests just to make another housing development! New 
York was once a lush forest of rolling hills & many amazing animals, but then people developed into a 
more selfish species & completely leveled all of that & started building buildings all over that once 
beautiful landscape! Now look what we have turned that lush forest into! One of the largest cities in 
the world with towering apartments & hotels of steel towering over the horizon & forcing animal 
species out of their habitats & into an environment where they are much less likely to live! In 
Colorado, the colorado river is starting to be destroyed because of river pollution & there are animals 
that live there & rely on the river for their survival! The colorado river otter is the most dependent on 
this river environment! A really common animal that is affected by deforestation & pollution is the 
Black Bear in Colorado!

We have been building homes & developments on their habitats & taking down all of the vegetation & 
berries that the bears feed off of! This is why the bears in Colorado are so well known for traveling 
right into town to feed on what is in the trash! Coming into towns put them at the risk of getting hit 
by high speed cars on the road & this is becoming a big problem! Animals who are just doing what 
they have to do to adapt & survive with their always adapting habitat, being at more risk in towns than 
in the forest! People are annoyed with this problem, but do not realize that they are the true source of 
the problem! Just look at what we have done to a portion of the earth, but there is still a glimpse of 
hope if we act fast! 
Aiden H 
There are a few ways that we are able to fix the damage that we have done to the earth! There 
are ways to continue or daily routines while saving the planet! Hydrogen powered cars are the best 
possibility for us to save our planet! Having a hydrogen fuel cell that works off of water & provides 
electrical energy out of water that then powers the car! Water wheels are another way to make 
electricity for houses & towns that has no bad stuff that is released into the air! The force of water 
running down a river spins a wheel that then spins a turbine that then creates electrical energy! These 
are the best ways to make electricity, by not 
polluting our planet! Water is our most plentiful, 
but also most precious element of survival on the 
planet, that is why after the water makes electrical 
energy in the hydrogen fuel cell steam is released 
into the air, & that steam makes up the clouds that 
then rain that steam back down to earth as rain!  
After we have started to realize the effects 
that we are having on our habitat & have started 
implying solutions we have been able to save some 
populations of animals such as the river otter who 
has now been starting to thrive again! The 
Coloradoan states, “​The Daily Camera reports​ that 
otters are listed as a threatened species in Colorado. State Parks & Wildlife area wildlife manager Larry 
Rogstad said the otters seem to have made a historic rebound and have been seen in multiple places 
around the county.” (Coloradoan) After the water runs past the water wheel the water keeps going & 
is filtered into drinking water! All the water that is used to power our society is returned to the 
environment & into nature & there is no bad exhaust that goes into the air! These are some of the best 
ways to save animals & their habitats in Colorado! 
Many people think that their daily routines are more important than nature or other species! 
Are they really though? If you drive a car or use electricity then you are adding to the problem that is 
going on right here on earth, just because of what we 
did! What you are doing everyday contributes to the 
loss of natural habitats & animals in Colorado! 
Humans greatly affect the habitats of animals, in 
several ways such as deforestation, pollution, & the 
way that humans drive other species out of their 
habitats where they have a smaller chance of survival! 
People have been the dominant species for thousands 
of years, & that means that we need to help other 
Aiden H 
species survive, but all we have been able to do is help destroy them!  
Aiden H 
Works Cited

Coloradoan. “River otter spotted in Colorado.” ​Coloradoan​, 23, January, 2017,
Smithsonian Institution​. “​A Basic Overview of Fuel Cell Technology​.” American History, 
Smithsonian Institution​, 2017, h
​ ttps:// 
Albuquerque Journal​. “​River otters make a splash at ABQ BioPark Aq​.” , ​Albuquerque Journal​, 3, 
July, 2018, h
​ ttps:// 
Defenders of Wildlife. “Basic Facts about Black Bears.”,Defenders of Wildlife,

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