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Lorynn Thompson


Physics and Technology

Mrs. Whitbeck Zacharis

Pass the Water Lab Inertia

With this lab I was walking into it with the thought that inertia is the tendency to resist

changes in motion and that change in motion is the result of an unbalanced force. So I

knew that the water was going to resist the motion from me walking with it in the pan.

The purpose of the lab was to see what the water would do in the pan when you ran or

walked with it. So you could see the inertia with the water in the pan.

My hypothesis was that the water was going to move in the direction that I was going in

and that the water would spill out of the pan.

The independent variable was the motion meaning when I was running and walking with

the pan and the dependent variable was the water in the pan that went through inertia


The materials that were used in this lab was a pie tin pan, and water.

My methods for this lab was to first run in circles to see which direction the water moved

in, then walked in a circle so I would have an easier time seeing how the water moved

and finally I ran in a straight line watching the water move from side to side.
My conclusion with this lab is when ran and walked in a circle the water moved in the

same direction as i moved but it also spilled. When I ran and walked in a straight line

the water moved side to side. What I could have done better with this lab is walked/ran I

could have had more control over my body making it where the water wouldn’t come out

of the pan as much. But I guess on the bright side at least I was correct about my

hypothesis. This experiment can be tied to the real world when your body moves fast to

the side when a car turns really fast.

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