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Senior Project: Purpose, Process and Result

The purpose of my project was to make a family tree for somebody, because I find

genealogy very interesting and I have always wanted to make a family tree and understand the

process of what goes into finding information about family trees and genealogy. So what I did

was have my best friend be my subject for making a family tree and her grandmother be my

mentor. I wanted to make this family tree very intricate and quite large, where it goes back in

time farther than typical family trees.

My process throughout making this family tree was to look at and analyze the genealogy

charts that my friend already had to organize ach family member she had in separate groups by

their partners and last name. I then went into compiling each family group into their own family

tree and made each family member link back to my friend.

My final result when finishing my project was a huge family tree that went back to the

1600’s and around 400 plus members in the tree. With each person in the tree there is their

birthdate and death date, their partner, and children. During the process of making this family

tree, it was a big realization as to how hard making the tree is and how long it would take.

However I am very proud of what I made and I feel that it was really impressive for me to make

a family tree the size that I did.

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