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THOR may have lost his arm as part of Marvel’s WAR OF THE REALMS, but has given himself

an even
more powerful upgrade. Forget a replacement arm made out of magical Uru, gold, or any other
enchanted metal... nothing can make Thor more powerful than the arm of an Asgardian Destroyer.

This isn’t just a bold new fashion choice for Thor, but a choice made out of necessity—and with
purpose. Thor lost his arm in a berserker rage, battling endless hordes of Frost Giants on their
homeworld of Jotunheim. While he was able to hold his own against waves of the polar enemies, the
coming finale will need all hands on deck. The God of Thunder is going to use his destroying arm to
lead the fight against Malekith and his Dark Elves, kicking them all the way back to Svartalfheim.

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