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Joao – Hello! Today we are going to talk about google glass.

What it is,
some characteristics and some useful things you can do with it.
Filipe- Google glass is a brand of smart glasses with an optical head-
mounted display designed in the shape of a pair of glasses.
Jaime – It was developed by Google X with the mission of producing a
brand of glasses where you can do everything you can do with your
Ivan –google glass displays indormation in a smartphone-like, hands-free format.
Joao – Now about features… You have a touchpad located on the side of
google glasses allowing users to control the device by swiping through a
timeline-like interface displayed on the screen
Filipe – As you can see here google glass has the ability to create an
interface where you can search through internet, you can go to YouTube,
Netflix, Instagram or you can also see you email for example.
Jaime – Also these glasses are also able to take 5 megapixels photos and
record 720p HD video. And of course they can be used as your corrective
Ivan - this device can be very usefull for distant communication. for example,
Rafael J. Grossmann performed a live surgery while being remotely helped by one
of his colleagues in the other side of the country

Joao- Also several groups began developing Google glasses bases

technologies to help children with autism learn about emotion and facial
Filipe – In 2014, at the Voice America Television correspondent Carolyn
Adams began a web project called “Television and Google Glasses” which
explored the technology´s potential uses in journalism.
Jaime – In 2014 a visually impaired dancer, Benjamin Johnson used Google
Glass to overcome his chronic vision condition and one year later he
performed live on the reality television program America´s got talent.
Ivan- Lastly lastly, concerns have been raised by various sources regarding the
intrusion of privacy, and the ethics of using the device in public and recording
people without their permission. also, there have been found some ways in which
the device can be hijacked ,posing a major security and privacy threat, along with
making for a very powerful cyberweapon. Just for curiosity if any of you wants to
buy these glasses you should know that its retail price is around 1 thousand US

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