59 How To Use The Highter Mind and Develop Better Understanding PDF

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page 1 REAL UNDERSTANDING How to use our minds (higher mind) and develope better understanding (wisdom) Mechanist's see only one side, Mystic's see only the other side, funchionlist's see both sides a balanced view, and the next step is awarness and Knowing, the balanced-state of these is the Christed state of mind, Any lower state is a Christ awerness level. If we were to give colors to the above concepts. Mechanist would be red light mystic violet light, functional green light or magenta light(red and violet oppsite of green), Knowing black light and awarness white light Christed mind clear light. christed knowing ~———> 0 awarness clear ce: green —S9O—> nyatde* When you mix colors or put one color filter in frount of another you get black. If you reflect colors to one spot or shine colors from different filters they add to make white light. colors come from Black and white light mixing not from a prism. Take a camera put a red filter in front of the lense then take a picture on black and white film then repeat with out moving the camera but put a violet filter in frount of the lense develope the black and white films and place them in a slide projector ( you will need two projectors one slide in each ) focus both picture on the screen togather so that it look like one picture. it will still be black and white. Now put the filters back in frount of the projector lenses and the picture will be in full color now. Read THE AMATEUR SCIENTIST June 1979 Scientific American. On Edwin Land's method of getting color out of black and white by Jearl Walker. let us use this type of thinking on a few problems. Page 216 ETHER, GOD AND DEVIL,COSMIC SUPERIMPOSITION by WILHEM REICH The division of living orgonomes into male and female individuals remains mysterious even from the stand point of orgone physics. Awarness and knowing says it seems that all things are male and female sodium might be male and chlorine female , therefore they are very active when comming togeather but discharge to become table salt. Hydrogen and oxygen male and female explode to discharge to become water. If we call ybe better able to vi iv e may itive atoms male and negative atoms female Ww posi’ m | : ination later experimatiation ry examination Now lets see how this nolds up unde answer I 411 be needed. 5 vecrane Si we yen if you use tea leaves eave tot out of a which could be better than any known sci test it scientificly( run @ experiment ).~ sor you may have a experiment only you ean repeat » but let us assume that every one that tries the experiment allso can do it. nis still does not prove that you are right for your mind may have made it hapen for every on With this in mind let us now gO 0n- Ta cell devides it should after division have a little more positive charge on one side and a little more negative on the other side. Since we fina ittiara to beleive that both aeviae perfectly. After traveling through the enviroment one cell then wo! accumulate more of one charge while the other more of the opposite charge By the fact likes attract likes and opposites repell. This would make one cell more male and the other cell more female. After the cells have enoug energy they form ether winds which allow oppsite to suck togeather then male attracts female to discharge. Read THE ACIENT MYSTERIES BY PHILIP CALLAHAN order from Acres USA PO Box 9547, Raytown , Missoure 4133- Callahan uses the research on monopoles interperated from Dr. Freema Cope he showed that likes attracted likes and unkikes repell in the basic creation of matter. at ether partical level female attracts female and male attracts nal As larger particals come to geather(grow) wortex windsin the ether whieh make one think unlikes attract and likes repell. For example energy comes entific method. you still have to Stillyoy will not know for sure from the north pole and south pole of a proton and go to the equator wher this energy is sucked in but in the electron it moves from the equator tc the poles this is a vortex theory. In this case the winds from the equat of the electron will be. pulled toward the vacuume of the postive equator in the protron. The direction of the spin of a partical will also determine weather the particals will repell or atract such as two electrons pairing up. The heat and the cold of a sun and its planet will form sucking in and expanding out of ether winds which could add to part of the gravity force. The contracting ether of our ionisphers will pull highly charged fiat navaataie in orgone energy) up toward the ionisphere. While postive ion clouds then will be pulled towards the earth, Because of there low orgone charge(1 the is start to fall apart ier ge(like charge) cloud: al eRe at Vetta for = Now a functional thinker will try to unite these ideas so we can understandthe new iedas. The mechanistic thinker will make machines from them, Bhe mystic will try to under stand God better with these ideas. This is assuming that the Tunctional,mechanistic, and the mystic thinker has all the blockages removed so he can function in his field best. We should not try to change these people for there area of thinking is just as important. Another example If the atom is like a bubble and the universe is like @ large bubble with black and white holes and u sing the latest theory that there is an another univers inside of ours spining the other way. The machine mind will disect the univers and the atom. the mystic will add more than is real to any one by mind. The function thinker may say maybe there are 7 universes just as a atom has seven shells and since energ goes in the black hole and out the white hole(our centeral sun of the galexy) Then maybe The electrons in our atoms are white holes and the area that electrons can not be or the dark line in the spectrum of light are the black holes. The above would also include some awarness and knowing thought. Christ awarness , would say I see that the following is so, but still needs to be made physical so a funtionally aware person can make use of it in his physical world. A Christ awareness knows all things are allready in existance, and that there can be nothing less than God or zer o and nothing more than God or infinity And than since there canbe nothing more or less than God or infinity than even God could not creat any thing there fore every thing . always has been and alwayg willbe, Ina infinite universe of universes even if you beleived yourself into nonexistance some day after a long time the law of probability will put you togeather again or another more advanced being would recreate you, Since any distance from a point on a infinate line is a infinate distance from the begining. Then this has already happened a infinate number of times which will inwes oP qualify the following statements beleiving in them or not, Bee When hot gas mass the weight of the earth excapes from the sun the shell cools the high speed of the spin of the planet along with the contraction of this shell will make a hole in the poles ang ‘throw this mass out the top and bottom Pole new cooling will take place inside forming @ new shell. A planet can have up to ? hollow spheres inside to being a solid mass. just as a star can die into 7 layers.

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