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Maddie Hansen

Block G

Mr. Rhem

March 3, 2019

I Believe that People Should Not Judge

I believe that people should not judge someone without knowing them personally.

Everyone is different and has their unique background story. We sometimes do not know alot

about someone, but jump to conclusions. Someone could say something that is not very nice

because they have had a really miserable day, but actually be super sweet. But because of this

one interference, you assume that this person is just rude and you never want to see them

again. It is a humanly thing to do. We also can not judge someone that we have seen only once

because you can not tell what a person is really like over one quick conversation.

My family got a foster child, named Caelyn, about 10 months ago. She is still with us.

Caelyn can be very weird, annoying, and childish for a 12 year old. She made me realize that

you can not judge someone that you do not know the background of. I came to the realization

that everything she has gone through in her past has made her act the way she does now.

Because of this, I can not really judge because it is not her fault and I feel bad for her. She is

not the only one that has gone through something bad and acts different because of it though.

That is why you should not be quick to judge, someone could be an amazing person, but just

of had some rough patches in their life.

I try my best not to judge quick, but it still happens every once and awhile. I have

learned that everyone is different and that we need to accept that. I definitely would not want

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