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A guardian is a being who has been created by a celestial who are the governers of

each universe with the equivalent amount of power you'd expect. An example of a
celestial most people of heard of is Eradem, although Kalista is also one. They
both govern the New Haven universe and prevent a mass surge of universe destroying
evil or similar. Eradem is well known for interfereing with events in order to
bring about the best possible outcomes and help people; although he's not always
around to do so, which by contrast Kalista seems to do little to none of. Guardians
are usually created because of a necessity or need by the celestials although it is
unclear to many why this is actually done. Guardians are secretive to avoid people
knowing of themselves; which makes it very easy to tell which guardians are fake.

Guardians are made to delegate jobs away from the celestials who need other tasks
and in general, want to be able to help the universe; particularly in the
celestial's absence. Although, celestials never lose the power that they gave the
guardians the ability to be able to do. However, there is a major reason why
Guardians are made aside from this as this wouldn't make them very useful in
Eradem's case in quite the same way otherwise. A guardian can help spread the
influence of the celestials in order to make them more stable; this has the effect
of giving the celestials more power which in turn allows the guardians to keep
theirs although generally, they won't ever lose theirs unless the celestial in
question withdraws it from them to recover more power to try and bring about more
influence. This only happens for appointed guardians however, as created guardians
can never lose their power or else this may nullify their existence or destroy them
as their very purpose of existence would be removed. Although, a created guardian
can only be destroyed this way if the celestial who originally created them decided
to withdraw them; at which point their soul will just go back to the afterlife and
likely get reborn as a normal person, or minor magic person depending on what the
celestial wants; or stay there if they so wish. An appointed guardian likely won't
see much of a change other than no longer being above everyone else who is not a
guardian if they lost their power although clearly it is rather foolish to withdraw
power from them unless they no longer fit the role; as otherwise this would
counter-act the point of them giving influence to the celestials.

Levels of influence are very important to celestials as they are what allow them to
appear to people and create acts such as cast powerful spells and in general exist
in the universe other than being suspended from it. Interestingly, celestials can
contact each other very easily across universes and can use this to try and get
others guardians to share enough influence in order to make the celestials able to
appear. Due to Celestials' power to be able to contact very easily; they have the
power of immortal mind filtering, which means they filter out all the bits that are
unnecessary to know and pass over the bits to other celestials who need to know
automatically. The excess details that none of the celestials need go into the void
where they can be accessed later by the celestials if necessary. It is however,
worth noting that some celestials create private store void rooms so to speak for
certain information; which Eradem is known for doing as the information they share,
they do so deliberately. Although it is unclear whether or not Eradem actually
needs to do this to the celestials; as it is entirely possible he may not need to
store the information in the first place in these locations.

Guardians come in two categories primarily: created guardian and appointed

guardian; secondarily there is the dark guardians but they are always under a sub-
division of one of the two primary categories as they must be either a created or
appointed guardian. A dark guardian is where a guardian turns evil and turns from
protection to pain and misery or protection of those who cause pain and misery;
often attributed to siding to a dark celestial such as Baphomet. However, as
Baphomet is no longer around due to being exiled from the New Haven universe
permanently by the actions of Eradem and Kalista. Becoming a dark guardian in terms
of siding with a dark celestial is no longer possible in this universe because of
this; even so any that Baphomet would have had if they even made any, would've been
exiled too if not destroyed.

An appointed guardian goes through a very strict process and require a major power
of their own already; this isn't to say they can't find their major power later and
then start the process. A non-guardian to become an appointed guardian in New
Haven's universe requires a lot of scrutiny and watching from Eradem to verify if
they are worth teaching and in addition; they need to be able to fit with what a
guardian is meant to do and have good relations with Eradem himself. Even then the
possibility of ever becoming an appointed guardian is astronomically low or even
lower than that. This is however, generally how it works among other celestials
also as they usually have someone who handles the appointments procedure and are
usually tough on who gets appointed for fear of accidentally creating a dark
appointed guardian or a useless one that will not spread the influence as required
or needed. Spreading the influence does not need to be obvious; just having the
guardian talk to people and get well known is enough to accomplish this plus
protecting and helping others across many different areas in the universe also
contributes. Each good deed a guardian makes helps give influence to that of the
celestials; although it is made much easier if someone knows the celestial in
question which can help celestials by calling upon favours or giving favours back
to the celestial or celestials which bolsters influence levels. There are many
varying ways to ultimately accomplish this but it is worth noting a dark guardian
does not give influence to a celestial but rather to a dark celestial if there is
one; if there is not or the dark celestial in question is permanently exiled then
it may possibly give what is known as negative influence to celestials or
potentially influence for themselves if they've gone rogue.

Negative influence is the idea that the influence the celestial recieves is more
dark which giving the wrong connotation to the celestial if they're not a dark
celestial actually makes the celestial lose influence; which if the dark guardian
hasn't already left the celestials to stop this happening in an attempt to wield
power themselves. A celestial would be very quick to remove any power from the dark
guardian to negate the bad effects they are having; although this can lead to Rift
Duels in some worst case scenarios between guardians in order to accomplish this
which is often the case when the dark guardian leave the celestials and need
dealing with; although at that stage they aren't causing negative influence to the
celestials unless everyone knows of them as one of their guardians; in which case,
it is important the issue is rectified quickly or everyone who knows them figures
out the truth in regards to them being evil and no longer tied to them.

A created guardian and appointed guardian in terms of power levels is interesting

for they gain a +50 magic bonus higher than the total of any non-guardian they
face. A created guardian however, immediately get a very high power level with the
additional +50 an appointed guardian would have over non-guardians; except a
created guardian is also stronger than an appointed guardian. A created guardian
also takes a lot of energy from a celestial for a while on initial creation; which
usually makes the other celestial in the same universe to temporarily take over for
them in the meantime. In the case of Ki however, it was more-so the fact that no
celestial was available in that universe at the time and so Ki had to be made. A
created guardian often has some form of hidden power to accompany them although it
is often unclear for a very long time exactly what this power is. Only the created
guardian themselves and that of the celestials of the universe they were made from
know of what the power is without being told.

All guardians get the powers to be able to deal with evil and possession and the
powers of protection in general. They can form what is known as a guardian shield
which can protect said individual from any harm provided the power of the guardian
isn't exceeded by the attack; as for then it would shatter and vanish unless re-
applied again after the guardian recovers from the loss of energy; and the guardian
shield starts working again which can take a few minutes. (This paragraph is yet to
be finished)

Celestials also have certain powers that are typically always given to guardians
who are either created or appointed; although the celestials will always retain the
original powers in question that they give out a copy of to the guardians. For
Eradem, this includes time-related abilities; such as the power to be able to slow
down and speed up time and potentially with Eradem's permission; have some form of
time travel. There is also the ability to stop time around an area; but this is
severely limited as time often needs to always keep going and so will start itself
back up again after about a minute; which will render the ability useless for a
while before it can be used again which could range anywhere from 30 minutes to an
hour or more depending on circumstances. The ability to slow down and speed up time
is also limited in its own way; as it can't be excessively used but can indeed be
used effectively so long as it is not abused; by abused it means using it for no
reason or making up reasons to justify using it when it doesn't really need to be
used; although that doesn't lead to any specific punishment or temporary suspension
of ability as much as using it to the point that people are powerless but still can
lead to this.

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