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Pride Sample

One thing that i'm proud of is playing football for Merced High for 4 years .The fact that

i got to play football for a school with such rich history .Also got to compete against some great

athletes on others schools.But the thing im most proud of is how me and my teammates worked

together to go from 0-10 to go 10-0 our senior year .

For me playing on the football team for 4 years is a big accomplishment.It's a big

accomplishment because by the end of our senior year there were very few players from the

freshmen football team .

Also how much history this school has had with football .Even how i got to play for great

coaches throughout out those 4 years .In how older teams played greats teams and won state

titles .Just this coaches have coached up some great players throughout the years that they have

been at Merced High .For me to say that i got to meet and play for th

ose coaches is a honor

But how i went from not knowing much about a sport and playing because his friends

were going to play.To being able to tell you about anything bout the sport.But i can tell you how

about anyplayer or understand a sport so well .But just how much i was into the game .

Then how many memories we made as a team. At games at practice or when we would

go do community serves.But for us to go from 0-10 to 10-0 as a team was one of the best
feelings i have had ,It all did come to an end against another team River Valley .But yea this is

the thing im most proud of at this age.

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