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Complex Engineering Problems

Artificial Intelligence – CS 370

FALL - 2018
AI - Assignment - Due date December 21st

1. Identify and discuss an example where BFS can generally find optimal path. (3)
2. Analyze BFS and IDS algorithms to show the similarity in their workings to find a goal
state. (4)
3. Compare BFS and DFS against IDS and state conditions which show IDS a
comparatively better option. (3) (CLO=3)

OHT -II Question:


function SIMULATED-ANNEALING(problem, schedule) returns a solution state-space

inputs: problem, a problem
schedule, a mapping from time to “temperature”
current ← MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE)
for t = 1 to ∞ do
T ← schedule(t)
if T = 0 then return current
next ← a randomly selected successor of current
ΔE ← next.VALUE – current.VALUEE ← next.VALUE – current.VALUE
if ΔE ← next.VALUE – current.VALUEE > 0 then current ← next
else current ← next only with probability e ΔE ← next.VALUE – current.VALUEE/T

Simulated Annealing algorithm is shown above with definition of the input “schedule”.
Now consider a situation where instead of “schedule”, you are only provided with the initial value
of T.
a) Analyze the modifications/ additions required in the original SA algorithm (make changes in the
pseudo code above) to keep the original behavior of the SA algorithm?
b) Analyze the space complexities of the new variant of the SA implementation that you have
formulated in part (a). Does the above mention changes have any affect on the computation needed?

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