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Computer Programming a tech. voc. program for students to learn to design, develop
and write program codes using computer. To be able to overcome difficulties in
learning computer programming you should have some of these attitudes:
(1)analytical skills, (2)problem solving skills,(3) pattern and syntax recognition,
(4)basic mathematical skills, (5)ability to follow complex procedures, (6)english
skills, (7)being organized and methodical and (8)patience is essential. In order
for a student to overcome difficulties is to study hard and in advance.

Senior High School is the 2 additional years in high school. LNHS offers 2 tracks
the Academic track and TVL track. ICT Strand is under TVL track wherein here you be
able to learn about computers and some of its softwares. Students will learn to be
proficient in using computers. In college if you choose computer related courses
then it easy for you to understand and learn because you already have basic
intellect since senior high school.

Mobile games are games played on smartphones. Excessive mobile gaming has negative
effects. Here are a few: (1) Not paying attention to your surroundings and
environment. (2) Lacking rest and sleep. (3) Over Spending because some games has
premium offers wherein you can have extras that will give you great advantage in
mobile games. In order to avoid these negative effects we need to limit ourselves
from persistently playing mobile games and give time for fun outdoor activities
such as sports or even logical activities such as board games. And also we need to
concentrate more on important things such as studying.

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