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SLE Reflection

I chose this SLE simply by thinking of an easy way to aware students and teachers of

how curriculum really affects the student after high school and that we should focus on better,

important subjects. This type of SLE is convent and easy for people to get more involved since

we live in a very technological era. I had to overcome a few obstacles like speaking in front of

people and giving accurate detail about my topic that supports what I believe about the school

system. I also overcame procrastination because I am a huge procrastinator which this pushed to

actually organize an appropriate enough SLE to present. I’ve learn how to take action in

something that I believe in even if it doesn’t benefit anybody at the moment it will eventually

help students in the future. The next time I have to conduct a SLE, I will take more control

physically setting up meetings instead of just getting students aware of the topic, push the even

further in getting it into action.

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