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Arab 1

Motaz Arab

Mrs. Whiting

Period 1

May 1, 2019

Written Report

1. What I actually did for my action project was plan out what I would say and

edit in my video. I took multiple re-run videos as rough drafts, and then made one

good scene to be as smooth as possible. I decided a theme, color, and what type

of clips and pictures would be in the video. I had to download, extract, then

review the video. Once that’s all done I would post it on my youtube channel so

that anyone can see it. I made the title of the video, description, and tags to

attract as many viewers as I can. Here is the link to my video to see​ . I was able to complete this

project as proposed and planned.

2. I did well with presenting the necessary information in a timely manner. I could

have done better with the rendering quality of the video, if it was filmed in better

lighting conditions.

3. From the process of everything I learned that quality content takes quality work. I

wasn’t able to just do this in 5 minutes because there were alot of steps in

making everything run smoothly.

4. What I learned about this process is that I find that content creating is very fun,

and it’s something I will consider for a future career and possibly take college

classes for.

5. What I learned about my actual topic is that there are alot more drone incidents

then I thought. From countless youtube videos and articles, drones are becoming

more ​common​.

6. My capstone action project may make the difference by informing the public. The

more people aware, the more likely the right decisions can be made once they

need to be voted on.

7. What I would do differently is film in better light conditions and render the video in

1080p instead of 720p (the recommended setting). This is so because 720p

didn’t look clear enough to be top of the line.

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