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Muestra 1

Strategies to simplify a text: streamlining a text

• Can identify and mark (e.g. underline, highlight etc.) the essential information in a
straightforward, informational text, in order to pass this information on to someone else.

Your friend Pedro has just joined your Whatsapp group and, as he doesn’t speak or
understand English very well, he has asked you to tell him about the group plans.
Read the Whatsapp message and then fill in the summary below:(10 points)
We’re meeting up at about (1) ____________ to have a (2) _____________ and then we’re
going to watch a (3)_____________ film, because Iggy thinks that Zac Efron’s film is (4)
_______. After the cinema we’ll have something to (5) _____________ and finally we’re
going to dance to (6) ______________, where they play (7) ______________ music. (8)
___________’s suggestions were the best.


Task 1 (1,25 point x 8 answers = 10 points)

1. seven 3. ganster/Japanese 4. awful

5. eat 6. The Island Club 7. dance/techno 8. Iggy

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