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and Good Morning every body

The honorable teacher of english
The honorable all of audience
And my lovely brothers and sisters

First of all, let’s say thanks to the God Allah SWT. who has given us blessing and
mercies so we can gather here on this event. Shalawat and salam always be given to our
prophet Muhammad SAW. The only prophet that bring us from darkness to the brightness.

My lovely brothers and sisters

Thank you very much for the chance that has given to me to deliver my speech. And I
will talk about INDONESIAN CULTURE.

My lovely brothers and sisters

Learn about Indonesian culture, what do you think? I think all Indonesian people or
maybe world know that our country is a big country. It consist of thousand island, tribes,
language, and tradition. Each area has its own language and tradition which make us rich of
culture. So i think Indonesian is amazing country. Why I say like that my lovely brothers and
sisters?Why? because you can see our country has many many culture. Right?

But don’t you know Today many teenagers love Korean culture more and more than
our culture right? They prefer choose break-dance and K-pop dance than Indonesian
traditional dance right? You feel proud if you eat western food than Indonesian food, that’s
what we call degradation culture. We should prefer our own culture than other culture

My lovely brothers and sisters

As Indonesian people, we should be proud. Because not many countries in the world
have the same thing. But only proud, is not enough. We should keep our culture as our
heritage. So, another country can not take and claim our culture.

We also have to be proud to use our culture. For example, we wear batik or other
local product,so other country will recognize as our heritage.

My lovely brothers and sisters

The last thing is we have to keep our culture for long lasting, to be witnessed byte
generation after us and Indonesian people will not lose their identity in the world.
My lovely brothers and sisters.

I think that’s all my speech today, I wish my words can open up our eyes and rise our
spirits on to begin loving own cultures. Okey, thank you very much for your attention and
Wabillahi taufik walhidayah, Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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