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M I L K S E R U M P R O T E I N S . I.



B. C. J O H N S O N AND A. 1~. S W A N S O N
Department of Dairy and Food Industry, University of Wisconsin, Madison

The biuret reaction has been used for m a n y years as a qualitative test for the
presence of proteins in solution. I t depends on the f o r m a t i o n of a violet copper-
protein complex in alkaline C u S Q solution. This reaction first was a d a p t e d as
a q u a n t i t a t i v e test for protein b y A u t e n r i e t h (1, 2), who determined the albumin
a n d globulin in urine, ascitic fluid and blood serum.
A n m n b e r of modifications of the biuret test have been suggested, p r i m a r i l y
to obtain solutions free of t u r b i d i t y and to increase the sensitivity of the test.
Kingsley (7) recommended concentrations of 9 per cent N a O H a n d 0.1 p e r cent
C u S Q in the test solution. He r e p o r t e d t h a t the color complex w a s f u l l y devel-
oped in 30 min. and remained stable until t u r b i d i t y a p p e a r e d in about 1 hr.
Later, Kingsley (8) recommended centrifugation to obtain clear tests. Robinson
a n d H o d g e n (13) altered the reagent to 3 per cent N a O H and 0.5 per cent CuSO4,
a n d centrifuged and filtered to obtain a clear solution. Mehl (9) f o u n d that
0.05 per cent Cu was needed to give an excess for plasma protein concentrations
up to 0.15 per cent.
Weiehselbaum (14) and later Wolfson et al. (]5) used a reagent similar to
F e h l i n g ' s solution a n d did not comment on trouble with turbidity. Trials in
this l a b o r a t o r y have shown t h a t the reagent used by Weichselbaum caused tur-
bidity a n d was not sensitive to low concentrations of milk serum protein.
A q u a n t i t a t i v e biuret test has been r e p o r t e d by Molnar (12) f o r total protein
in milk and in mixtures of milk and egg albumin. I n this test the proteins are
p r e c i p i t a t e d with triehloroacetic acid, centrifuged, the s u p e r n a t a n t decanted and
the proteins p u t into solution with alkali. Color is developed in this solution by
addition of C u S Q . The method is satisfactory for protein concentration f r o m
1 to 15 per cent. Below I per cent the color intensity is v e r y low a n d the values
range much below those obtained by the K.jeldahl method.
Although the biuret method is widely used in serum protein analysis, the
method has not been s t a n d a r d i z e d and difficulty with t u r b i d solution still is ex-
perienced. The purpose of this s t u d y was to develop a simple, sensitive biuret
method for the m e a s u r e m e n t of milk serum proteins during fractionation.


B y milk serum proteins is m e a n t those proteins other t h a n casein in cow's

milk; t h e y sometimes are called whey proteins. The milk serum proteins for
this work were p r e p a r e d f r o m skimmilk. F i r s t the casein was removed by pre-
Received for publication May 12, 1952.
1 Published with the permission of the Director of the Wisconsin A g r i c u l t u r a l Experiment
824 B.c. JOHNSON A N D A. M. S W A N S O N

cipitation with N HC1 at p H 4.6 and 2 ° C. The resulting whey was filtered, con-
densed by freezing out a portion of the water, dialyzed exhaustively and then
The laetalbumin, fl-lactoglobulin and globulin-proteose fractions used in this
s t u d y were p r e p a r e d b y the method of K e m p (6). The casein was p r e p a r e d
f r o m skimmilk. I t was p r e c i p i t a t e d with N I-IC1 at p H 4.6 and 2 ° C., washed
with w a t e r and alcohol and air dried.
P r o t e i n solutions were p r e p a r e d in 0.15N NaC1, using a few drops of 5N
N a O H to aid solution. The solutions then were filtered to remove a n y undis-
persed protein.
The semi-micro K j e l d a h l method of Menefee et al. (11) was used for total
nitrogen determinations. The factor 6.35 multiplied b y per cent nitrogen gave
per cent protein.
F o r the biuret reagent, 50 g. of sodium citrate ( d i h y d r a t e ) , 30 g. of Na2CO3
( a n h y d r o u s ) and 5 g. of CuS04 • 5H20 were dissolved in distilled w a t e r and made
to 1 1. F o r use, the above solution was mixed with an equal volume of 0.2N
N a O t I . The mixed reagent is stable for at least 2 wk. and is free of turbidity.
The procedure adopted for the biuret test was as follows: The protein solu-
tion was diluted with 0.15N NaC1 and mixed with an equal volume of biuret re-
a g e n t to give a final concentration of 0.5 to 1.25 rag. of protein per milliliter.
The color was allowed to develop for 30 rain. at room t e m p e r a t u r e a n d then eom-
p a r e d with t h a t of a reagent b l a n k using an E v e l y n photoelectric eolorimeter
with a 540 m~ filter. The Cu-protein complex f o r m e d u n d e r these conditions
was stable for at least 24 hr. The Cu concentration in the test solution is 0.03
per cent. This is somewhat lower than recommended by Mehl (9), but higher
eoncentrations were f o u n d to decrease the sensitivity of the test.
The 540 m~ filter was chosen by t r a n s m i t t a n c e determinations of the Cu-pro-
tein complex, with milk serum protein, and using a Beckman speetrophotometer,
model DU. The chosen wavelength agreed with t h a t reeommended for m a x i m u m
absorption by several investigators (8, 9, 10).
The s t a n d a r d curve (fig. 1) was established b y biuret analyses of milk serum
protein solutions p r e p a r e d f r o m several lots of milk. The g a l v a n o m e t e r read-
ings obtained were plotted against protein content, as determined by the Kjel-
dahl method.


Applicability of the standard curve. Lactalbumin, fl-lactoglobulin and globu-

]in-proteose fractions were made up in 0.15N NaC1 solutions. The total nitrogen
in these solutions was determined by the K j e l d a h l method. Various dilutions of
these solutions with 0.15N NaC1 then were analyzed colorimetrically. All gave
biuret tests free of turbidity.
F i g u r e 2 shows the galvanometric readings plotted against concentration of
protein, with the s t a n d a r d curve f o r milk serum protein d r a w n in for compari-
son. The values f o r the various fractions all fall along the s t a n d a r d curve.
Thus, the s t a n d a r d curve is applicable to a n y mixtures of these proteins and can
I00 I I I I
z 6O
"' 50
Lu 4 0
o .30

0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
FIG. ]-. S t a n d a r d Curve f o r ]~iuret A n a l y s i s o f M i l k Serum P r o t e i n s .

be used in studies of milk serum protein fraetionation where such mixtures are
Casein solutions also were analyzed by the biuret test. The plotted values
for casein do not fall on the standard curve; therefore, a separate curve is neces-
sary to analyze this protein. I t follows that mixtures of casein and milk serum
protein, such as in milk, cannot be analyzed accurately by the biuret test.
Several investigators have studied the response of various proteins to the
biuret reagent. Baudet and Giddey (3) f o u n d that low values are given by
proteins containing an appreciable proportion of non-peptide nitrogen. On the
other hand, H a w k et al. (5) stated that the biuret reaction was given by all

lOOp,, I i I I I /
90 } - ~ .
eoF %
$ 70?
6 0 L-

"~ 5 0 -
°'~ •

hi 40-

Z 30 0 - Loctulbumin ~'~o •
°- Globulin-proteose
<~ A - p-Loctoglobulin ~ e & ~
•- Cgsein
2O -- ~-Standord Curve
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
FIG. 2. Response of Various Milk P r o t e i n s to the B i u r e t Test, as Compared to tile S t a n d a r d
Curve f o r Milk S e r u m Proteins.
826 B.C. JOHNSON A N D A. lV[. S W A N S O N

substances which contained two amino groups in their molecules, when these were
joined either directly or through a single atom of nitrogen or carbon. Histi-
dine and arginine are of this type. In addition, such groups as -CSNH2
- C ( N H ) N H 2 and -CH2NH2 respond to the test. The latter group is found in
lysine. However, the arginine, histidine and lysine contents of casein, fl-lacto-
globulin and lactalbumin are not widely different (4). Therefore, other factors
may account for this variation in color development.
Applicability of the biuret test to whey. The data in figure 3 illustrate a
typical trial in which whey and dialyzed whey diluted to various concentrations
of protein with 0.15 N NaC1 were analyzed by the biuret test. The whey was
dialyzed overnight in 0.5-in. diameter Visking casing, against running tap water.
Total nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen were determined by the Kjehlahl
I00 _"o,, I I J I I
80 _ :
70 -- 0 0 --
6o _

~: 50

3o _

o - Whey
•- Diolyzed W h e y
20 ~- Stondord Curve •~.
I I I [
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
:FIG. 3. Response to the Biuret Test of Whey, Before and After Dialysis.

These curves show that the response of the dialyzed whey agreed closely with
that for purified milk serum protein, as ill the standard curve, whereas the curve
for untreated whey deviated widely from the standard curve. Accurate analysis
of untreated whey was impossible because lactose reduced the cupric reagent
and because the test solutions became turbid when Ca and Cu phosphates pre~
cipitated. Cu reduction and clarity of solution were found to depend upon in-
cubation time prior to reading the tests and upon the whey concentration. How-
ever, shortening the incubation time did not allow full development of the color
complex, whereas diluting the whey sufficiently to eliminate reduction and tur-
bidity also diluted the protein too much for accurate determination.
No interference was noted in any of the trials with dialyzed whey. In addi-
tion, the dialysis removed non-protein nitrogenous compounds, thereby obviating
correction for this nitrogen fraction.
Applicability to protein fractionation studies. The biuret test cannot be used

in the presence of (NH~)2S04; however NaC1, NaeS04 and ethanol, in concen-

trations as used in protein fraetionation, interfered with the test only slightly.
S t a n d a r d curves were developed for milk serum protein solutions containing
known concentrations of these protein preeipitants. As an example, a series of
curves is shown in figure 4 for N a 2 S Q - p r o t e i n solutions.


The biuret reaction was applied to a quantitative colorimetric test for milk
serum protein solutions.
The method is simple and rapid, the solutions are free of t u r b i d i t y and the
response is nearly linear. Full development of the Cu-protein color requires
about 30 rain., after which the color is stable at least 24 hr.

I00 I I I I I

z 70
¢: 50:

l,IJ 40
0 ~ -

Z ~0-- o -CL2 Saturated

= -0.4 Saturated
(.0 ,, - 0 . 6 Saturated
20 • -O.S,Setura ted

0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
l~Ie. 4. Response to the Biuret Test of Milk Serum Protein Solutions Containing Various
Concentrations of NaeSO4. Salt concentrations shown are before addition of biuret reagent.

Lactose and calcium phosphate were f o u n d to interfere in diredt application

of the test to whey. Dialysis of the whey was necessary to obtain normal va]ues.
Concentrations of NaC1, Na~_SQ or ethanol as used in protein fractionation
interfered with the test. S t a n d a r d curves were prepared for protein solutions
containing known concentrations of these reagents.
The color response of casein is different than that for milk serum protein;
therefore, mixtures of these proteins cannot be analyzed by the biuret test.

This paper reports research undertaken in cooperation with the Quarter-

master Food and Container Institute for the A r m e d Forces, and has been as-
signed number 386 in the series of papers approved for publication. The views
or conclusions contained in this report are those of the authors. They are not
to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views or indorsement of the Depart-
ment of Defense.

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