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Arreola 1

GIlbert Arreola

Mrs. Mua

Public Health Honors

Period 2

April 5, 2019

Thank You, Mom

Someone that has influenced my life drastically in a positive way is my mom. If I did not

have my mom in my life I would have been a completely different. I am able to understand all

the sacrifices that my mother has made for me and I fully appreciate this. She was able to show

me that you have to make sacrifices to go for what you love and this has helped me in life so far.

My mom has done a lot for me and some of these things are things, such as putting a lot

of effort to give me the best she can. She had to endure tough times meanwhile putting double

the amount of effort of parenting. After she got home really tired from work she would cook to

make sure I am for she worked long hours. She would also help me with my homework even if

she was tired. She would tell me she wasn’t tired even though she was exhausted and would take

the time to play with me when I was younger. I really appreciate my mom because she taught me

compassion and nurturing since she would always put me first. No matter how tired, frustrated,

or overworked she was, she always made sure to spend time with me.

If my mother wasn’t in my life today I would probably be a mess. Since I had her by my

side, I learned how to be responsible since a young age. Having to go to school by myself, start

cooking at a young age, having to do my homework without anybody telling me to, and being

alone in the house waiting for my mom to return from while most kids were outside playing and
Arreola 1

having fun really taught me how to be responsible to this day. I believe responsibility was one of

the many valuable lessons that my mom has taught me.

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