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NAME: DATE: AGES 2-3 Years ASSESSMENT KEY- PHYSICAL DOMAIN _ ASSESSMENT Anecdotal notes Walks, runs, climbs, kicks and jumps easily. time. ‘Walks up and down one step at a Squats to play and rises without using their hands. Uses a pencil/ crayon to draw or scribbles in circles lines. Self feeds using utensils and a cup. Moves about to music. Turns a page with fingers with one page ata time. ‘Able to catch a ball that is rolled to ‘him/her. EMOTIONAL DOMAIN ‘Shows a strong attachment toa main caregiver. Begins to show guilt or withdrawal for misdeeds. Displays some skills in self- regulating emotions. Crying, | frustration, getting to sleep etc. SOCIAL DOMAIN Plays with other children Engages in simple make believe play with other children, COGNITIVE DOMAIN Builds a tower with 5-7 objects Lines up objects in ‘train’ fashion. Uses symbolic play- eg: using a block as phone. Begins to start counting with numbers- 1-2, Can follow two or more directions. Engages in make believe and pretend play. LANGUAGE DOMAIN | Uses two or three words together- go toilet, | want milk ete Refers to self by name and often says mine. Asks a lot of questions Repeats and sings along to nurseries. - Continuous usage of new vocabulary. SEEK ADVICE IF: Not interested in playing Finds it difficult to use small objects Is not understanding simple instructions Is not using many words Is not joining words in meaningful phrases Is not interested in others,

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