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Chawnacee Teschera

Mrs. Mua

Public Health Honors Period. 3


Appreciation Essay

Over the past four years I have had a lot of people come in and out of my life and

they all gave me different expiernces. Throughout my life Ive had to learn many things and go

through a lot of changes. The one person that has been to see me change into the young women I

am becoming today is my mother. I feel that my mom has made an influence on who I am

becoming today because I want to make sure I can do everything I acomplish everything she has

wanted to do. My mom was a teen mother and she decided to give up everything to raise me on

her own. I want to make sure that in the future I do everything I absoutely can to be successful.

She has showed me how hard life can be and helped me realize what traits can benfit me in life.

My mom is a very tough love type of person. She has her good traits and bad traits like any other

parent. She has helped me realize a lot of things about the world and what to do in certian

situations. I believe that she has given me a bigger outlook on life from her expierences from

when she was around my age and even now till this day. We have our ups and downs as a mother

daughter relationship but I know that I will always have someone by my side. She will always

give me a different outlook on life. Shes there to show me exactly how hard life can be but that I

can do anything I want to as long as I put my mind to it. If my mom did not go through any of

the problems in her life or learn the things she has today then she wouldnt have been able to pass

them along to me. Without knowing the things I do today I feel that I would be a different person
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