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NAME: DATE: AGES 1-2 Years ASSESSMENT KEY- PHYSICAL DOMAIN ASSESSMENT Walks, climbs and runs - Climbs onto chair by themselves : Kicks and throws a ball Scribbles with a pencil held in Anecdotal notes Finger feeds efficiently Can drink from a cup Uses hands to feed themselves Begins to use a fork or spoon to feed. EMOTIONAL DOMAIN Seeks comfort when afraid or upset Takes cues from parent or caregiver reguarding emotional regulation. SOCIAL DOMAIN May play alongside other children but without interaction- parallel play. Begins to cooperate when playing with other children and caregivers. COGNITIVE DOMAIN Repeats actions that lead to interesting or predicable results: such as banging spoons on a saucepan. Points to body parts when they are named by an adult. Mimics general household activities-sweeping floor, holding a baby ete. Stacks and knocks over items ‘Spends time exploring items using senses. LANGUAGE DOMAIN ‘Comprehends and follows simple questions and commands. ‘Says their own first name ‘Says many words, mostly naming words. Begins to use simple sentences- one Enjoys rhymes and songs SEEK ADVICE IF: Not Responsive to carers Not babbling or making sounds Is not Not beginning to sit , crawl or pull to stand Is not swapping objects between hands terested in holding toys Is not learning to eat s¢

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