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Carnell 1

David Carnell

Mrs. Mua

Public Health Honors


My 5 year plan is simple. I just want to live the “american dream”. To wake up in a nice

house with a nice car, going to my nice job, and making that nice money. In the next 5 years I

don’t see myself living my “best life”, but I am going to be pretty darn close, and I am going to

explain just how in the next couple of years that I can accomplish any dream that I have or will


Year 1: In the year 2020 I will begin my schooling at San Jose JC in San Jose, CA. I will

be going into my general education courses, taking my maths, englishes, and sciences that are

necessary. While living in San Jose I will then begin to look for work to begin saving up for

things to come in the future. I will not have to pay for the cost of living out in san jose because I

will be living with my Aunt. And throughout the year I will just be working and going to school.

Year 2: In the year 2021 I should still be in college taking my general ed classes,

preparing me more and more for the transfer out to washington state. I don’t know the exact

classes I will be taking, but it will be more advanced math, science, and english than before. By

this time I should have a decent amount of money saved up to put a downpayment on a good car

for myself (2012 Hyundai Accent). And as the year starts to close I will begin looking for places

out in washington to begin the move.

Carnell 2

Year 3: Going into 2022, on my acceptance into washington state, I will transfer my job

from San Jose out there depending on where I am working and if they have whatever place it is

out there. And by doing it that way I will be able to keep my same pay of whatever I get out in

San Jose. With that in mind I will have more than enough money to find a small place to rent out,

and resume my studies, but this time in my major of animal science. To become a vet.

Year 4: By this time, I should have enrolled and started taking the classes necessary to

get the credentials needed, so I can (eventually) open up my own clinic. Some of the classes I

will be taking are, biology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, zoology, microbiology, and animal

science. I will then once again return to my college and work life. And for anything else that

happens this year that I have not accounted for yet, I will face it and find the best solution that

will benefit my goals.

Year 5: What I see myself doing in the fifth year of my 5 year plan, I see myself

continuously going to Washington State in Spokane, WA, still studying animal science as my

major, maybe I’ll start looking for different classes that might interest me just to take up time,

because by then I might have most of my classes out of the way. But then again I might not

because you have to go to school to become a vet for 8 to 10 years so I pretty sure I wouldn’t be

done within my first year. But I will just continue to work and go to school, until I finish.

And I can’t account for everything that is going to happen that I might not plan for and

might not see. Things like relationships, different job opportunities, maybe a changed interest in

study, I won’t know till it comes. All I know is that when it comes I am going to be ready and I

am going to do whatever will most benefit myself.

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