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The Names of the Chess Pieces Each player (whether playing with the white pieces or the black pieces) starts the game with 16 pieces. You have 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 1 king and 1 queen. Here are symbols we use to show each piece: 2X The white pawn & the black pawn GD The white knight @ The black knight & The white bishop B The black bishop The white rook HL The black rook WY The white queen W the black queen QB The white king @@ The black king Alll the pieces have their own special ways of moving, and capturing other pieces. We will ook at their powers shortly. GEE. RUC The Chessboard hy, We, Ze Y Chess is played on an 8 x 8 board. 4 Mo 2 fy When you play chess, be sure to place ; Z Z the chessboard correctly in front of you y = with a light square on your right-hand lay Ly , 4y side. ‘White on the right’ is the easy way to remember. Perhaps some great chess historian could explain why, but for the moment, that is just the way itis! The Starting Position BLACK YW Y B & YG wy WHITE !wns set up in the starting position. Every gam d with the pieces on these squares. The white pieces are at one end, and the black pieces at the other. Each player takes turns to make one move at a time. White always makes the first move, and Black replies with his move. You win at chess if you trap the enemy king, When the enemy king is attacked, and has no escape, this is called “Checkmate!” Torribly Tough Test Number One Win 1 point for every correct answer. These puzzles will test your skills at naming the pieces and setting up a chessboard correctly. Write down your answers if possible. Solutions: page 108. 1) Name the chess pieces ‘There is one white piece and one black piece on this chessboard. Can you ‘name which pieces they are? 2) Spot the missing pieces The players are ready to start a game but there are four pieces missing! you work out which pieces are mi 3) Count the pawns ‘The pawns are all in their starting positions. How many pawns are on the board at the start of a game of chess? 4) Count the knights All the pieces are in their starting positions, How many knights are there on a chessboard at the start of a game?

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