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1、 双击 setup.

exe 安装升级工具,出现如图界面 点击 Install; (如果已经安

Double click setup.exe, install.

2、 勾选“我已阅读并接受许可条款”,点击安装;
Accept, Install.

5、安装过程,简单说就是一路选择 I Agree,点击 NEXT,知道提示安装完成

(installation complete);
“I agree” all the way until the end, Next, installation complete.
注意:若双击升级工具时出现此界面的,需安装 Microsoft .NET 下载并安装 Framework 4,可以直接度娘搜索和下载
Attention: if this page appears after you double clicked setup.exe, you need to install
Microsoft.NET,and also Framework 4. (in a file called dotNetFx40_Full_x86.rar).
1、 点击“QFIL”打开升级工具;(路径:开始菜单- 所有程序-QPST-QFIL)
Click on “QFIL”, open the upgrade kit;

2、 进入“QFIL”的“Configuratiion”标签页的 “FireHoseConfiguration”,按如下
红框部分进行配置,点击 OK 确认保存。
Enter “Configuratiion” from “QFIL”, choose “FireHoseConfiguration”,set it
up as the picture, then, Press “OK”.

3、 重新返回 QFIL 主界面,选择“Flat Build“。

Go back to home of QFIL. Choose “Flat Build”.
4、 点击“ Browse…”,找到解压后的固件包,在弹出的对话框中选择:
“prog_emmc_firehose_8937_ddr.mbn 文件,再点击”打开“。
Click on “Browse…”. Find the kit, choose
prog_emmc_firehose_8937_ddr.mbn, then click on “open”.
5 、点击“Load XML“,找到解压后的固件包,选择“rawprogram0.xml”文件,
Click on “Load XML”, find the kit, choose “rawprogram0.xml” file, then Open.
Choose “patch0.xml” , then Open.
7、手机关机,同时按住音量上和下键,USB 数据线插入手机,然后手机振动
一下闪现充电标志,然后放开音量键,大概等待 5-8s 左右,QFIL 软件自动识
别到 9008 端口,这个时候才可以点击“Download“, 开始刷写固件。 (请注
意操作方式,如果没有进入 9008 端口,就刷不了机)
Turn off your phone, at the meantime, press on “Volume up”and “Volume down”, plug
USB Cable into your phone, your phone will vibe a bit then “charging” appears on the
screen. Then let go of “Volume up”and “Volume down” buttons, waiat for 5-8 seconds,
QFIL will automatically recognize 9008 end, and ONLY at this time, you press
“Download”, and start rooting. (Attention: if you don’t enter 9008 end, you can’t root your
(注意:如果 QFIL 工具提示 please select an existing port,请点击右上角
select a port,勾选 9008 点击 OK)
(attention: of QFIL reminds you “please select an existing port”, please press “select
a port”, choose 9008, then press OK.
8、升级成功后提示“Download Succeed”。
“Download Succeed” after upgrade successfully.

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