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Shoulder pain: Diagnosis and management in primary care

Article  in  BMJ (online) · December 2005

DOI: 10.1136/bmj.331.7525.1124 · Source: PubMed


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Caroline Mitchell Andrew Carr

The University of Sheffield University of Oxford


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Clinical review

Shoulder pain: diagnosis and management in primary

Caroline Mitchell, Ade Adebajo, Elaine Hay, Andrew Carr

Institute of General Compromised shoulder movement due to pain,

Practice and
Primary Care,
stiffness, or weakness can cause substantial disability Summary points
School of Health and affect a person’s ability to carry out daily activities
and Related (eating, dressing, personal hygiene) and work.w1 Self
Research Mixed shoulder disorders are common, and
(ScHARR), reported prevalence of shoulder pain is estimated to be
overdifferentiation of diagnostic categories does
University of between 16% and 26%; it is the third most common
Sheffield, Northern not alter largely conservative management in
cause of musculoskeletal consultation in primary care,
General Hospital, primary care
Sheffield S5 7AU and approximately 1% of adults consult a general
Caroline Mitchell practitioner with new shoulder pain annually.1 Occu- Self help advice, including relative rest and
senior clinical lecturer pations as diverse as construction work and hairdress- attention to occupational, sporting, or other
Academic ing are associated with a higher risk of shoulder physical contributory factors, should be offered
Group, Division of
disorders. Physical factors such as lifting heavy loads, as well as analgesics
Genomic Medicine, repetitive movements in awkward positions, and vibra-
University of tions influence the level of symptoms and disability,
Sheffield Medical
The evidence for common interventions such as
School, Sheffield and psychosocial factors are also important.w1 Recent steroids and physiotherapy is relatively weak
S10 2RX studies suggest that chronicity and recurrence are
Ade Adebajo common.2 3 Physiotherapy may reduce repeat primary care
honorary senior
Common shoulder disorders exhibit similar clini- consultations for rotator cuff disorders, and
cal features, and the lack of consensus on diagnostic steroid injections have a marginal short term
Primary Care
Sciences Research criteria and concordance in clinical assessment effect on pain
Centre, Keele complicates treatment choices.3 w2-w5 This review pro-
University, Keele poses an evidence based approach using a simplified Poorer prognosis is associated with increasing
classification of shoulder problems, incorporating age, female sex, severe or recurrent symptoms at
Elaine Hay
professor of diagnostic techniques applicable to a primary care presentation, and associated neck pain
community consultation and a “red flag” system to identify poten-
rheumatology Surgery should be considered when conservative
tially serious disease.
Nuffield measures fail
Department of
Surgery, University
of Oxford, Oxford Sources and selection criteria
OX3 7LD Assessment of the painful shoulder
Andrew Carr We incorporated the latest consensus from systematic
Nuffield professor of reviews and publications identified by a literature Diagnosis should be pragmatic and based on a clinical
orthopaedic surgery
search through Medline, CINAHL, AMED, the assessment (box 1) that groups patients according to
Correspondence to: Cochrane Library (Central, CDSR, HTA, DARE), Clini- the most common presentations in primary care
C Mitchell
cal Evidence, Best Evidence, Embase, British Nursing (figure). An overcomplicated approach to diagnosis is
c.mitchell@ Index, PEDro,w6 Web of Science (social science and sci- unlikely to alter early conservative management in pri-
ence citation indexes), and The search mary care.12
BMJ 2005;331:1124–8 strategy included the terms “shoulder pain”, “rotator The four most common causes of shoulder pain
cuff disorder”, “rotator cuff tear”, “frozen shoulder”, and disability in primary care are rotator cuff disorders,
and “primary care”. glenohumeral disorders, acromioclavicular joint dis-
We found six published systematic reviews of inter- ease, and referred neck pain (box 2).
ventions for shoulder disorders and one health One primary care study that used standardised
technology assessment systematic review of diagnostic clinical tests for shoulder disorders found rotator cuff
tests for the assessment of shoulder pain.4–10 A topic tendinopathy in 85% of patients, but in 77% of patients
search within Clinical Evidence identified the section a clinical diagnosis of more than one shoulder
“Shoulder pain.”11 We identified and critically problem was made—for example, tendinosis and
appraised other key publications in peer reviewed
journals that were relevant to primary care or Extra references w1-12 are on
published since the latest systematic reviews.w7

1124 BMJ VOLUME 331 12 NOVEMBER 2005

Clinical review

impingement (57%); tendinosis, impingement,

acromioclavicular disease, and adhesive capsulitis Neck pain, shoulder pain, or pain arising from elsewhere
Symptoms/signs localised to neck or shoulder? Red flag symptoms and signs?
(6%).13 Blood tests and radiography are indicated only
if there are “red flag” indicators such as symptoms and
Elsewhere Neck Shoulder Yes
signs of systemic disease (weight loss, generalised joint Not reproduced Common, ≥35 years Symptoms indicating Instability
pains, fever, lymphadenopathy, new respiratory symp- on assessment instability?
toms); history of cancer; or concerning local features No
such as a mass lesion or bony tenderness or swelling
Pain localised to acromioclavicular joint? Yes Acromioclavicular joint disease
(box 3).
Swelling may be present Teens-50 years
Rotator cuff disorders (age 35-75) No
Rotator cuff tendinopathy is the most common cause Global pain and restriction of all active and
Yes Glenohumeral joint disorder
of shoulder pain. An occupational history may reveal passive movements?
Frozen shoulder: 40-60 years
Passive external rotation <50% compared
heavy lifting or repetitive movements, especially above Arthritis (uncommon): ≥60 years
with unaffected side?
shoulder level.w1 Although related to activity, it often
occurs in the non-dominant arm and in non-manual
Pain on abduction with thumb down, worse Yes Rotator cuff disorders
workers. Evidence suggests genetic susceptibility in against resistance?
Common, 35-75 years
some families.w8 Wasting may be present on examina- Painful arc (70-120˚ active abduction)?
tion; active and resisted movements are painful and
may be partially restricted, whereas passive movements
Diagnosis of shoulder problems. Adapted with permission from shoulder pain algorithm:
are full, albeit painful. Although a painful arc is neither
specific nor sensitive as a clinical sign, its presence
reinforces the diagnosis of a rotator cuff disorder.14 to differentiate from rotator cuff tendinopathy on
A rotator cuff tear is usually strongly indicated by examination; weakness in resisted movement may
the history: traumatic in young people and atraumatic occur in either condition. Several studies have
in elderly people (related to attrition from bony spurs suggested that no correlation exists between symptoms
on the undersurface of the acromion or intrinsic and loss of function in the presence of full thickness
degeneration of the cuff). Partial tears may be difficult supraspinatus tears, that tears of the lower rotator cuff
may lead to inability to rotate beyond 20°, and that
partial and full thickness tears are commonly found
Box 1: History and examination of the shoulder during imaging of asymptomatic people.15–17 The “drop
joint arm test” may be used to detect a large or complete tear
History (a high specificity and low sensitivity for this test was
• Onset, characteristics, and functional impact of reported in a secondary care population).14
shoulder pain?
• Dominant/non-dominant hand?
• Is pain at rest, on movement, or both? Box 2: Causes of shoulder pain
• Is pain present at night?
Pain arising from the shoulder
• Does the pain affect sleeping position?
• Rotator cuff disorders: rotator cuff tendinopathy,
• Any neck, thoracic, or other upper limb pain?
impingement, subacromial bursitis, rotator cuff tears
• History of acute trauma, shoulder pain, or instability
• Glenohumeral disorders: capsulitis (“frozen
(joint dislocates or concern that might dislocate during
shoulder”), arthritis
certain movements)?
• Acromioclavicular disease
• Occupation and sporting activities?
• Infection (rare)
• Other joints affected?
• Traumatic dislocation
• Systemic symptoms of illness (fever, weight loss,
rash, respiratory symptoms)? Pain arising from elsewhere
• Significant comorbidity (diabetes; stroke; cancer; • Referred pain: neck pain, myocardial ischaemia,
respiratory, gastrointestinal, or renal disease; ischaemic referred diaphragmatic pain
heart disease; psoriasis)? • Polymyalgia rheumatica
• Current drug treatment and adverse drug reactions? • Malignancy: apical lung cancers, metastases
• Examine neck, axilla, and chest wall
• Assess range of movement of cervical spine
• Inspect shoulders for swelling, wasting, and Box 3: Red flag indicators
deformity • History of cancer; symptoms and signs of cancer;
• Palpate sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and unexplained deformity, mass, or swelling: ? tumour
glenohumeral joints for tenderness, swelling, warmth, • Red skin, fever, systemically unwell: ? infection
and crepitus
• Trauma, epileptic fit, electric shock; loss of rotation
• Compare power, stability, and range of movement and normal shape: ? unreduced dislocation
(active, passive, resisted) of both shoulders
• Trauma, acute disabling pain and significant
• Look for painful arc (70-120° active abduction) weakness, positive drop arm test: ? acute rotator cuff
• Test passive external rotation tear
• “Drop arm test”: patient lowers abducted arm slowly • Unexplained significant sensory or motor deficit: ?
to waist neurological lesion

BMJ VOLUME 331 12 NOVEMBER 2005 1125

Clinical review

Glenohumeral disorders (adhesive capsulitis: age re-consult with a general practitioner than were those
40-65, median 50-55; osteoarthritis: ≥60) receiving steroid injections alone.12
Adhesive capsulitis (“frozen shoulder”) and true A single recent study reported that a subacromial
glenohumeral arthritis are often preceded by a history injection of xylocaine was as effective as steroid plus
of non-adhesive capsulitis symptoms, are character- xylocaine in all disease specific outcome measures at
ised by deep joint pain, and restrict activities such as two weeks, with follow-up of participants at six, 12, and
putting on a jacket (impaired external rotation). 24 weeks.w9 Some practitioners recommend larger vol-
Adhesive capsulitis is more common in people with umes of injection of up to 10 ml, as a theoretical ben-
diabetes and may also occur after prolonged immobi- efit of hydrodilatation of the subacromial bursa exists.
lisation. On examination global pain is present, along However, inadequate evidence is available on
with restriction of all movements, both active and evaluating outcomes with variation in volume
passive. injected.19 Therefore, subacromial corticosteroid
injections, up to 10 ml in volume, should be
Acromioclavicular disease (teenage to 50) considered for short term pain relief and to facilitate
Acromioclavicular disease is usually secondary to rehabilitation. If the initial response is good, the injec-
trauma or osteoarthritis; dramatic joint dislocation can tions should be repeated up to three times, at six
occur after injury (teenage to 30 years). Pain, weekly intervals. No evidence exists to show that ster-
tenderness, and occasionally swelling are localised to oid injections are either harmful or beneficial in the
this joint, and there is restriction of passive, horizontal presence of a rotator cuff tear, so they should be
adduction (flexion) of the shoulder, with the elbow avoided if the drop arm test is positive.5 w10
extended, across the body. Acromioclavicular osteo-
arthritis may also cause subacromial impingement. Glenohumeral disorders
Traditional teaching is that the natural history of a
Referred mechanical neck pain (common)
frozen shoulder is recovery by two years; however,
Typically there is pain and tenderness of the lower neck
symptoms may persist for three years or more in some
and suprascapular area, referred to the shoulder and
cases, particularly in patients with diabetes mellitus.
upper limb area; shoulder movement may be
Corticosteroid injections (intra-articular, anterior
restricted. Movement of the cervical spine and
approach) may be of benefit in reducing pain in the
shoulder may reproduce more generalised upper back,
early phase.10 No evidence exists to show that
neck, and shoulder pain. Upper limb paraesthesia may
occur.18 Treatment is with relative rest and analgesia,
and return to normal activities should be encouraged.
Physiotherapy may be helpful. Additional educational resources
Professional resources
Treatment • Arthritis Research Campaign. In Practice Series 4.
Hazleman B. Shoulder problems in general practice
A functional holistic approach to shoulder pain, (available by post and at
including adequate analgesia, is important to motivate med_reports/series4/ip/6502/6502.htm)—one of a
patients and encourage rehabilitation. However, the comprehensive series of musculoskeletal educational
evidence for common primary care interventions, leaflets for general practitioners; well written and
including steroid injections, is relatively weak.6 The consistent with patient information
general practitioner should decide whether the pain is • Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford
arising from the shoulder; if it is from elsewhere, the (—has a
clinical algorithm for assessment linked to a
patient should be treated and referred appropriately.
management plan, physiotherapy guidelines for
If the pain is arising from the shoulder, is it due to a perioperative treatment for surgical interventions, and
rotator cuff disorder or a glenohumeral joint problem? information for patients
For both these shoulder disorders, analgesics should • Carr AJ, Hamilton WH, eds. Orthopaedics in primary
be recommended (ideally paracetamol; non-steroidal care. 2nd ed. Butterworth Heinemann, 2005—includes
anti-inflammatory drugs should be used intermittently instructions for, and free downloadable video clips of,
as second line if no contraindications exist), activity shoulder injection techniques and case study diagnosis
should be encouraged, and written information and management; each draft chapter was reviewed
and revised by the authors with a group of general
provided (for example, the Arthritis Research Cam- practitioners
paign’s patient leaflet).
• Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). BMJ Learning
(—an online learning module,
Rotator cuff disorders (including possible minor
including a short test and a certificate to include in a
tears) personal development plan
Rotator cuff disorders should be treated initially with
relative rest of the shoulder. The patient should return Resources for patients
to normal activity or temporarily modified work as • Arthritis Research Campaign. The painful shoulder
soon as possible,w1 within the limits of the disability and (patient leaflet available by post and at—helpful for self management before
pain. Overall, systematic reviews and more recent stud- going to a general practitioner; also mentions neck
ies suggest equivalent short term benefit for physi- pain as a possible cause of shoulder pain
otherapy (incorporating supervised exercise) and • NHS Direct (—most
steroid injections in the management of shoulder informative for “frozen shoulder;” no separate
disorders.6 7 10 In a primary care population with undif- information on rotator cuff disorders or surgical
ferentiated shoulder disorders, participants allocated interventions
to a physiotherapy treatment group were less likely to

1126 BMJ VOLUME 331 12 NOVEMBER 2005

Clinical review

physiotherapy alone is of benefit for adhesive capsuli-

tis; when the joint is very painful, movement is distress- Patient’s perspective
ing and may well be counterproductive.7 Intra-articular
corticosteroid injections and physiotherapy, starting My (right) shoulder problem started about six months
ago; I think it was after I had been in a really awkward
one week after the injection, may be of short term ben-
position while helping to care for my father. It became
efit.20 However, in this study, intra-articular injection gradually more painful and was affecting my sleep;
was done as a guided technique using fluoroscopy, lim- then I could not lift my arm up, nor could I put it
iting the generalisability of these findings to primary behind my back. I could wear only clothes with front
care. fastenings, and not if I had to use pressure, as it was
painful to turn my arm inwards. When I needed to go
Acromioclavicular disorders to the toilet, I could not unfasten my trousers or pull
clothes down quickly.
Acromioclavicular disorders usually resolve with rest
and simple analgesia, unless significant traumatic I am right handed, and everyday activities such as
brushing my teeth or eating are still difficult and
dislocation is present. If symptoms persist, a local ster-
painful and take longer. When I am driving, it is
oid injection may help. painful to look over my right shoulder and to put the
seat belt on. I was wary of going out if the paths were
icy, because if I slipped I automatically put my right
Biopsychosocial and complementary hand out, which was excruciating. Work is affected
interventions because I use computers; using the mouse becomes
uncomfortable and makes my hand ache. I had had
Individual psychosocial factors such as a passive a frozen shoulder before, three years ago (the other
coping style, fear of movement, and general arm); it was less painful and righted itself in about
psychological distress influence the risk of chronicity 18 months. This time I decided to go to a physiotherapist.
of symptoms in low back and neck pain. Therefore, I have been four times now; he has used acupuncture
targeted interventions to alter these and any and lots of soft tissue and joint mobilising techniques,
occupational factors have also been suggested for and I have exercises to do. The pain around my
shoulder has gradually lessened, and although the
shoulder disorders.w1 A systematic review, however,
movement is unchanged, I am confident it will come
concluded from the little evidence available that no back.
evidence showed that multidisciplinary biopsychoso-
F, a 50 year old woman with shoulder pain
cial rehabilitation is better than “usual care” in the
management of shoulder problems in adults of
working age.9
The only complementary therapy widely reported movements?”) or acute, severe post-traumatic
on is acupuncture. The studies identified by systematic acromioclavicular pain
review were small and methodologically diverse and x Diagnostic uncertainty or red flag criteria summa-
provided little evidence to either support or refute the rised in box 3.
use of acupuncture for shoulder disorders.5 8 The
authors concluded that acupuncture may improve
Future developments and surgical
pain and function in the short term (two to four
Surgery has a place in the management of emergen-
cies such as unreduced dislocation, infection, and trau-
Further investigation matic acute rotator cuff tear. Its role is less clear in
Ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance frozen shoulder, for which some surgeons advocate
imaging have been reported as useful diagnostic tools manipulation under anaesthesia and arthroscopic
in secondary care and may increase the specificity of release.23 A recent study found equivalent results for
diagnosis.3 21 22 w2 However, early access to these investi- graduated supervised physiotherapy programmes and
gations is unlikely to improve management of a arthroscopic decompression for patients with rotator
heterogeneous group of shoulder disorders that cuff disease.24 For significant persistent disability
should usually be managed conservatively and for associated with impingement and rotator cuff tear, sur-
which surgical intervention (informed by sophisticated gery may be effective at relieving pain and restoring
imaging techniques) is rarely indicated. Structural function in patients who have failed conservative treat-
abnormalities may be present in asymptomatic ment. However, published studies typically involve
patients,15 and thus early investigation may paradoxi- small numbers of participants with limited long term
cally increase referral rates to specialists.w11 follow-up.5 Controversy exists regarding the manage-
ment of mildly symptomatic small rotator cuff tears.
Arguably, small tears should be repaired to relieve
Referral criteria symptoms and to prevent progression to larger tears,
The patient should be referred to an orthopaedic spe- which are associated with high levels of disability, but
cialist if there is little evidence exists to support this view. For resistant
x Pain and significant disability lasting more than six acromioclavicular joint pain, an arthroscopic excision
months, despite attention to occupation or sporting of the distal clavicle is an effective low risk procedure.
factors and, if indicated, physiotherapy and steroid Surgery remains the mainstay of management for
injections most cases of recurrent shoulder instability; those cases
x History of instability (“Has your shoulder ever that do not need surgery will need specialist
partly or completely come out of joint?” “Are you wor- physiotherapy and can be difficult and resistant
ried that your shoulder might slip on certain problems. The management of osteoarthritis and

BMJ VOLUME 331 12 NOVEMBER 2005 1127

Clinical review

rheumatoid arthritis has improved considerably in 7 Green S, Buchbinder R, Hetrick S. Physiotherapy interventions for
shoulder pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;(2):CD004258.
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9 Karjalainen K, Malmivaara A, van Tulder M, Roine R, Jauhiainen M,
Hurri H, et al. Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation for neck
and shoulder pain amongst working age adults. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev 2001(3):CD002193.
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Conclusions 11
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Shoulder pain is a common and important musculo-
domised controlled trial of local corticosteroid injection and physio-
skeletal problem. Management should be multi- therapy for the treatment of new episodes of unilateral shoulder pain in
disciplinary and include self help advice, analgesics, primary care. Ann Rheum Dis 2003;62:394-9.
13 Ostor AJ, Richards CA, Prevost AT, Speed CA, Hazleman BL. Diagnosis
relative rest, and access to physiotherapy. Steroid injec- and relation to general health of shoulder disorders presenting to
tions have a marginal short term effect on pain. primary care. Rheumatology 2005;44:800-5.
14 Calis M, Akgun K, Birtane M, Karacan I, Calis H, Tuzun F. Diagnostic
Poorer prognosis is associated with increasing age, values of clinical diagnostic tests in subacromial impingement syndrome.
female sex, severe or recurrent symptoms at presenta- Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59:44-7.
tion, and associated neck pain. Mild trauma or overuse 15 Sher JS, Uribe JW, Posada A, Murphy BJ, Zlatkin MB. Abnormal findings
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onset have a more favourable prognosis. 3 25 w12 No evi- 16 Miniaci A, Mascia AT, Salonen DC, Becker EJ. Magnetic resonance imag-
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dence exists to show that early orthopaedic interven- Med 2002;30:66-73.
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Contributors: CM, AA, and EH conceived the idea for the 19 Green S, Buchbinder R, Glazier R, Forbes A. Systematic review of
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Competing interests: None declared. articular corticosteroids, supervised physiotherapy, or a combination of
the two in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: a placebo-
controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum 2003;48:829-38.
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A memorable patient
Dukes’s patient

The computerised patient record is now accepted as a more “Referred to Harley Street, London.” It must have been hard for
efficient way of recording and recalling general practice activity her to leave rural Gloucestershire and travel to war-torn London
than a mass of notes crammed into a Lloyd George packet. But and face a major operation.
even the most sophisticated archiving and retrieval system could She underwent a procto-sigmoidectomy with formation of a
not generate the thrill of discovering a historic document in a colostomy, which she then proceeded to learn to empty when she
patient’s notes. was ready to deal with the outcome—but, as a precaution, she
In the late 1970s one of my elderly woman patients, whom I strapped a bundle of cotton wool over the stoma. She had coped
was visiting, casually asked if I could prescribe a roll of cotton with this for 30 years without colostomy bags, specialist clinics, or
wool for her. She had never made such a request before, and nursing advice.
from my memory of her medical record I could think of no There was a letter from the surgeon informing her general
reason why she should need cotton wool. She then remarked that practitioner that this operation had been performed, and that the
she had not mentioned it to me before, but she needed it to cover specimen had been sent to the laboratory of Dr Dukes in
her colostomy. This was the first I had heard about her colostomy, Wimpole Street. To my delight, there was also a letter from Dr
or even about major abdominal surgery, so I unpacked her notes Dukes stating in his own handwriting that in his opinion this was
and letters as she told the story. indeed a carcinoma of the rectum “which I would define under
She had lived all her life in the same rural market town, and in
my class C classification.”
1944 my predecessor had diagnosed a rectal carcinoma. In those
The patient died without any suggestion of a recurrence in her
days, the county hospitals had one general surgeon and a few GP
early 90s.
surgeons helping out and would have been unable to cope with
such a tumour. Her general practitioner had written in the notes Andrew Crowther general practitioner, Tewkesbury

1128 BMJ VOLUME 331 12 NOVEMBER 2005

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