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Over the course of my life there's been two people that I appreciate very much.


being my parents. Although, one of them I appreciate a lot more than the other. This doesn’t

mean I love that one parent more but just that I appreciate them more. This being my father,

now why my father well simply because throughout the years he has worked hard to give me

the best he possibly can.

Especially recently my father has worked so much to give me things such as a car. For

things like this I recognize and appreciate my father. He doesn’t have to give me many things,

but yet he still does just to please my wants. I love him very much and thank him for everything

he has done for me. I truly hope I can one day repay him even though there's no possible way

to do that.

Since I was small my father has always tried to give me the best life in one way or

another. As his last child he is just trying his best to give me the best he can. The best he can

possible do because I am the last child he has. I greatly appreciate it and will thank him forever

for what he has sacrificed to give me many things in life. I can’t think of a day my father put

himself before me. I simply don’t understand why he does but I am sure I will once I have kids of

my own. There isn’t enough words to express to my father on how thankful I am for him. No

money and no words will ever be able to repay for everything he has done for me in the past 17

years of my life.

My father truly cares so much for me. My father doesn’t cry very much but I have seen it

two times. This has been because of me, not because I did something bad. Furthermore, one

was because my mom and were going to leave and he was gonna stay behind to continue

working. To give my mom and I the best life possible. Another was very recent, this was when I

was going to the hospital to heart problems and he was scared and worried for me. I see how
much I mean to my dad and I greatly appreciate my father for everything he has done for me in

the 17 years of life.

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