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PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM. Questions Answers (Drama) Written by Anonymous > COUNT’S REVENGE Qi: Ans: Q2: Ans: Q3: Ans: Q.4: Ans: Ans: Q.6: Ans: PracricatCenrre, What is a ‘Melodrama’? In its modern meaning ‘Melodrama’ can be defined as a sensational play withya plot characterized by starting situations appealing the human emotions but with a. happy ending. Originally it was dramatic composition with songs intermixed. What was the maiden name of the Countess of Morcerf? ‘The maiden name of the countess of Morcerf was ‘Mercedes’. How do you Count Beauchamp’s role in the “Counts Revenge”? In “Counts Revenge” Beauchamp plays the role of a journalist. He is also a friend of Albert. He proves to be the best and most sincere friend OF Albert, He helps Albert in tracing out the person who brought disgrace articles againsbhis father and later furnishing evidences against him. Even, he does not hesitate‘to become second to Albert in duel between Albert and Monte Cristo. For how many years was Edmond Dantes in an underground dungeon and why? ‘The Count of Monte Cristo, earlier Edmmond Dantes, was a young sailor, of Marseilles. He was engaged to a beautifubgitl, Mercedes, whom a young fisherman Fernand Mondego later Count of Morcerf also wanted to marry. Mondego hatched a plot against Dantes, which through fals@ evidence’caused him to be convicted to imprisonment for life in an underground jailThe unfortunate Edmond remained a prisoner for fourteen years before succeeding toescaped Why was the duel arranged between Albert and the Count of Monte Cristo? Albért Warited to take revenge upon Monte Cristo for causing disgrace for his father and Family, $0 as a convention, he challenged the count to fight a duel. ‘What was a duel and how was it fought? Duelling was a mode of combat governed by strict conventions. A duel was normally originated on an insult or injury, real or fancied, to a gentleman's honour or reputation. ‘The aggrieved person would then issue a challenge to the gentleman he accused of wronging him. The person challenged might apologize and the apology, if accepted, would end the matter, otherwise a duel would be arranged. The person challenged had the right to chaose the weapons to be used and attack first. The custom of duelling persisted Qi: Ans: Qs: Ans: Q9: Ans: Q.10: Ans: Quai: Ans: a2: Ans: PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT. COM. among the aristocracy. The entire matter was kept secret because duelling was against the law and killing a person in duel was considered a murder. What is “The Counts Revenge”? “The Counts Revenge” is a one-act play written by J.H. Walsh. It is a melodrama based on “The Count of Monte Cristo” a novel written by Alexander Dumas, a French writer. Why did the duel not take place between Albert and Monte Cristo? Day before duel, Countess of Morcerf went to the house of Monte Cristo and begged mercy for her son. She also informed him that she had recognized him.Monte Cristo disclosed the conspiracy of her husband. When Albert camesto know the fact, he apologized to Monte Cristo and begged pardon. So the duel,did)notitake place between them. What was Count of Morcerf’s treachery? ‘About twenty years ago, Count of Morcerf watited|to marry a girl named Mercedes wha was already engaged with Monte Cristo. Morcerf removed Mante Cristo from his way by hatching a plot against him. He produced false evidences against him and proved him ta be a spy of the enemy, Monte Cristo was awarded life imprisonment and Morcerf married Mercedes. What were the charges against\Morcerf? The charges against Morcerf were that, in the year 1823. When he was a captain in the French Army, he received bribes from the enemy and surrendered them the fortress of Yanina. Where and when was the duel going to be fought between Albert and Monte Cristo? The duel between Albert and Monte Cristo was going to be fought in Bois De Vincennes, a forest injtHe outskirt of Paris early in the morning at 8 0’ clock. ‘Whatis a second’? Explain. ‘The duel fighters used to appoint a man or two whose business was to look after the entire affair of duelling like agreeing upon the condition of the duel, arranging the time and place of the meeting, a doctor and a ready carriage, examining the weapons and keeping the entire matters a secret because it was considered a murder to kill a man in duel according to law. Q.13: Ans: Qa: Ans: Qs: Ans: Q.16: Ans: Qa7: Ans: Qs: Ans: PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.cOM. Who helped Albert to find out the man who brought disgrace to his father? Itwas Beauchamp, the editor of the Paris newspaper, who made it possible to find out the person who caused disgrace to Albert's father and the family. ‘What Arab custom did the Countess of Morcerf mention in the ‘Counts Revenge’? Countess of Morcerf mentioned an Arab custom in the Counts Revenge. According\to it the Arabs never used to eat or dnnk in the house of their deadly enemy, even in case of acute need or compulsion. What did Beauchamp discover after his inquiries? Beauchamp discovered after his inquiries that it was the Count of Monte Cristo who brought disgrace upon Albert's family by getting the, stores of his father’s villainy published in the newspapers and sending evidencesto the chamber of deputies with irrefutable proofs. ‘What were the charges against the Count of Morcerf? The Count of Morcerl was condemned for betraying his country, when he was serving in the French Army as a Captain, he tookibribe from the enemy and surrendered the fortress of Yanina which enjoyed a strategicimportance from military point of view. Was the Count of Monte Cristo justified in taking revenge from the Count of Morcerf? The Count of MonterGristo was/fully justified in taking revenge because the Count of Morcerl had treated him very wrongly in past. About twenty years ago, when Monte Cristo formerly Edmond Dantes was going to marry a beautiful Catalan girl Mercedes, he was proved the guilty of spying for the Bonaparte and was sent to prison for life. This devilish plot was hatched by Count of Morcerf, formerly Fernand Mondego. The Count of Monte Cristo escaped from the prison after fourteen years, made his position in the societ¥/and)kept on planning to take revenge from the man who had once done a deadly wrong toHim and was a traitor of his country. How is the ending of conflict in the “Counts Revenge” violent and fatal? Love of mother for her son compels the Countess of Morcerf to beg mercy for her son and she does so the day before duel and in the name of old love succeeds to save the life of her son. Count of Monte Cristo unveils the conspiracy of her husband which resulted into the life imprisonment of Monte Cristo. The count being moved by the request of his old beloved promises to spare the life of her son. When Albert comes to know the truth, he apologizes to Monte Cristo and begs pardon on the day of duel. They all become friends again but Count of Morcerf wants to fight himself. He tries to shoot at Monte Cristo, but Albert grapples with his father to prevent shooting of Monte Cristo. In this grappling,

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