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April Castro




Appreciation paper

Sister Sister

As i was thinking about who i appreciate it was harder to think of someone. I was

thinking of people who i truly admired and trusted. Nothing popped up in my head for

about 10 minutes. Then i realized that my sister is someone who i truly appreciated. As i

grew up my sister and I became extremely close with her especially throughout my

junior and senior year. I never knew how much i appreciate her before this paper. She is

the one who i admire and who gets my struggles in life. She is the only one who makes

me feel better about certain situations. Always there when i need things.

Growing up, my mom was extremely strict and i felt like i could never truly talk to

her about problems. My mom grew up in Mexico and had a different ethic than myself.

My sister was the only one who knew how i felt and was like another mother to me. She

made up for what my mom lacked. I tell her everything more than i would tell a best

friends. She is literally the only other person who grew up how i did and understood

what i went through. We would stay up watching movies and talk about everything and

anything. Thinking about it, I would feel isolated without her, the only other person who

gets me and genuinely helps me out.

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